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Just reading these posts amazes me. You would think that all Chinese guys (especially Southern Chinese guys) are drooling over Korean girls. Got news- that is not the case. Not all Chinese guys are “lusting” after Korean girls or think they are “all that.” There are also many Chinese guys who prefer Chinese girls and don’t find Korean girls attractive. (I personally rather reserve judgment upon getting to know the person, e.g. there are some people who I don’t find attractive at first, but find more attractive as you get to know them).
Another thing, I see is a lot of bashing of Chinese guys as being gangster type (as well as being short, small and dark). I know many Chinese guys (especially Southern Chinese guys) who do not fit that mold at all. Where do people get this b.s. stereotype? It’s as bad as stereotyping Korean girls as being superficial, materialistic, pushy, and all having plastic surgery (which I know these are not all true since I have many Korean friends) or about Korean guys being all having a huge ego and trying to act all tough and macho (which I know many Korean guys don’t fit that mold either).
Let’s just stop spreading all these stereotypes- they do nothing, but spread resentment. Let’s just make judgments on people as individuals rather than stereotypes.
In Defense of Southern Chinese Guys   
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 17:13:25 (PDT)
All u chinese guys that sweat Korean girls, I suggest you take a trip to mainland china, especially Shanghai.
I just got back from a 3 week trip from there and the women are hot as hell. Tall elegant, and naturally pretty, not fake like korean girls. And they speak the cutest mandarin, i love it when chinese chicks speak mandarin. And you think China is poor and underdeveloped? Shanghai is more modern than New York City and the clubs and nightlife there are amazing. Paul Oakenfold was spinning at Club RojaM in Shanghai when we went and it was bumping. Also, they party everynight! Monday thru Sunday. And the chicks? OMG, these aint the greasy cantonese chicks you see here in the USA man. The chinese girls from the mainland are tall, curvacious, pale, and have the sexiest eyes and lips. I suggest any Chinese out there to go visit. Go with your friends. I gauruntee you hook up every night. The girls are friendly and they try to make eye contact with you at the clubs. IT is a DREAMWORLD. And check out these clubs in shanghai, MAYA, ROJAM, REAL LOVE, PARK 87, CALIFORNIA, PEGASUS ETC. ETC.
You will discover a new found love for your chinese women and the power and potential of China in the next 10-20 years. Im telling you, it sure opened my eyes up to our people. IT WILL MAKE YOU PROUD TO BE CHINESE.
btw, i myself thought korean chicks were superior to chinese chicks before i went to China.
Mainland Chinese Girls are amazing   
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 13:50:37 (PDT)
I am not quite sure why you find my story so intriguing. A guy and a girl fell in love, that's all. Also, I think it's a low percentage shot to find the right person looking within an asian subgroup in the US. So, given the opportunities, I explored.
Certainly, not all Chinese girls are into gambling; just like not all Korean girls are high maintenance. Don't read too much into that.
I say, if you are with a person of different culture, try to draw the best out of each other. Chinese & Korean culture is not much of a culture shock compare to others.
Cheers, Proud Terp   
Monday, April 15, 2002 at 12:23:08 (PDT)
Chinese like Korea don't like racism
Oh yeah?, well I've also gotten my share of nationality confusions, and some of them have been pretty offensive. The most significant was a couple of months ago me and my best friend (a white guy) went to a chinese restaurant, the lady that attended there was very friendly to us, and then suddenly asked me if I was chinese or japanese. I told her that I was korean, and in a very naive manner she responded; "But you're too good looking to be korean". My friend looked at her and then looked at me with a very shocked expression. I didn't know whether I should thank her for the compliment, or kick her ass for degrading my ethnicity.
There's been many times where chinese guys or girls have come to me asking me if I'm also chinese. But, I don't mind that at all, what's so bad about that?. What's bad is when one group tries to offend the other.
Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 23:08:07 (PDT)