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Chinese guys who have an infatuation with Corean and Japanese women, are usually after those Corean and Japanese women with the more typically Mongol and Manchu features. Since many of China's later rulers were of Mongol/Manchu lineage, it would not be surprising to like the people who once ruled over you. It is just like why black men drool over white women?
In Beijing, many of the Mongol and Manchu nationality women in universities are dating or in sexual liasons with Han Chinese men. Their features comes close to most Coreans and many Japanese, so that is why there are some Chinese guys who go crazy for Corean women even in the USA.
Mongol and Manchu blood already tainted northern China. We don't need more of it. Manchu and Mongol women are beautiful, but so can our own Chinese women.
When I visited Changan (now Xian city) in northwestern China, I came upon the tomb of the Tang Emperor Li Shimin and there was a bust of him. He was in armor clad with archery and a large heavy sword at his side. He was depicted as a tall, robust man with full, flowing beard. He must have looked more like his Turkish side (via his mom and grandmother). Even our greatest emperor in history was of mixed heritage. During this times, most Chinese men may have drooled over Turkic and Persian types of women, as their fashions and features were idealized and their cultures were embraced and introduced at the courts.
Our Chinese culture has always embraced the beauty of other races women (Turk, Persian, Mongol, Manchu, Corean, Japanese).
When will we love our own women, whom I think are the most beautiful of all Asians because we got the features of many races (Asian and non-Asian) mixed into one. Chinese women look different and have their own beauty in all four corners of the nation. We got more variety from the northern Asian types (Manchu, Mongol, Coreans) to the southeast Asian types (more like Viets and Thai) to the west Asian types (Persian, Turkic).
Our own Chinese women are beautiful too.
Chinese beauty   
Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 22:52:07 (PDT)
Tell me why all you AAM&F are wasting your time talking about who is more attractive. I'm ABC and my wife of 13 years is ABKorean. Take all your energy and do two things. Number one, get out there and date all the asian studs and babes you can meet ,and you might be pleasantly surprised. Number two, is to stop arguing among our ethnicities, and speak out against AA stereotypes and images. Look what we did to Aber & Fitch.
Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 19:55:10 (PDT)
To north/south Chinese.
Why are you using the word ignorant?
I think your arrogant and cockey Chinese trying to distinguish between
the north and south chinese. Why do
you think Koreans care? We don't.
Who really cares if north chinese are tall
or south chinese are small. I mean in both
ways chinese never won Korean team in soccer. Chinese suck in soccer period.
by Soccer Guy.
Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 18:32:17 (PDT)
Naw dude...
95% of chinese in US are not southern chinese I have no clue where you got that, except maybe from your neighborhood headcount.
Up until the late 1980's there was only the smallest trickle of immigrants from China. After the communists defeated the KMT, many of the nationalists that fled to Taiwan immigrated to the US.
Since a lot of the nationalist southern Chinese were more likely to have contacts in Taiwan, (Shanghai is considered Southern China), the great amount of immigrating Taiwanese chinese were from the North!
Ask any ABC (parents most likely taiwanese immigrants) on the street where their ancestors are from, and much more than 5% will know its one of the northern provinces (i'm guessing 40-50%).
However, I understand that in just the past decade the number of HK immigrants has risen a lot. But not in our age group.
All four of my grandparents are from northern China, but i don't see what you mean about us being the "true" chinese (southern chinese aren't real?). Oh and i have double eyelid, hehe...
TM 20   
Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 17:59:59 (PDT)
"Southern Chinese, 95% of Chinese in america fall into this category. Southern Chinese tend to be shorter, darker and resemble more malayish/viet people."
Southern Chinese may be darker on average than the Northern Chinese, but would not suggest that they look Malay. Many Southern Chinese are lighter than Malays and Viets (although there are many Viets who are fair skinned), as well as taller than the average Malays and Viets. I've also seen many light skinned Southern Chinese. (My family is Taiwanese with a large portion of my ancestry traced to the Southern Chinese province of Fujian- many in my family are actually fair skinned and have several relatives who are 6 feet tall or above).
But, yes, I agree with most of your post- Chinese people is not a single race, they are far from being homogenous. While Koreans, in blood, are more homogenous (keep in mind, Korea is much smaller than China, it's the size of an average province in China).
Anyhow, so when I see posts like "Chinese guys are like this ..." or "Chinese guys look like this..."- I have to say you can't generalize like that.
Chinese Are Not A Single Race   
Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 13:57:05 (PDT)
To all u ignorant koreans, here is a geographical lessons on chinese.
China is a conglomeration of different asiatic people that live on the main land mass called Asia. Remember, they are just political borders, not racial lines. China consists of 29 provinces that stretch from north asia, way above korea, to the south south, right by Southeast asia/Vietnam.
Southern Chinese, 95% of Chinese in america fall into this category. Southern Chinese tend to be shorter, darker and resemble more malayish/viet people.
Northern Chinese are of a different stock. Northern climate is windy, dusty and cold. Northern chinese are tall, stocky, and have mongolian type features, pointy nose, smaller eyes without the double eyelid and broader faces.
Central Chinese people are a mix between the two.
You will rarely see Northern Chinese people in the USA, however, 65% of Chinese are from Northern China and they are the true Chinese. So you koreans who see chinese that look korean, they are most likely from northern china.
northern/southern chinese difference   
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 21:02:12 (PDT)