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cool it my little buddy. I think this sort of "Korea is #1" argument belongs in a different forum.
Let's keep this forum about discussing Chinese male/Korean female relationship.
Don't be a party pooper
From a Korean American male.
Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 08:02:20 (PDT)
Did I write that South Korea can never beat Brazil in a game or 2? No. But, overrall, Brazil has a superior soccer team than South Korea. Stop exaggerating how great their soccer team is. My original point: soccer is not everything.
My point about the Olympics (if you even read it carefully-which you apparently did not): I wrote China wins more medals in the Olympics than South Korea [but, one would argue that China is many times bigger than South Korea]- go back and read my original post and you will see that I wrote that. My original point: just because one country beats another in sports-proves nothing on how "superior" one country is over another, except maybe in that sport. Then, how about the US versus South Korea in basketball-shall I comment on that? Would that really say much?
Chinese dudes chasing after Korean girls- yes there those (there may be many of those), but they are not in the majority. To answer your question about what that says about Chinese girls and the mentality of the Chinese American- it says NOTHING! I know many more Chinese guys who prefer going with Chinese girls. So, stop tauting "Korean superiority." No one is impressed by someone who puts down other cultures- it only shows low self-esteem. I'm not here to bash Koreans and Korean culture- I have many Korean friends. But, just amazed at how some people are blurring reality- making it seem as every Chinese guy is lusting and drooling over Korean girls. There are many who do, but there are many who don't find Korean girls attractive.
Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 14:29:42 (PDT)
I don't know of any Chinese Clubs in NYC. I know of Asian clubs which cater to asians where a lot of Chinese people go.
Only the Korean and Japanese have night clubs in the city that cater only to their respective ethniticities via the language barrier.
I don't know of many Chinese people who venture into Korean clubs without Korean friends. The whole atmosphere is too strange for most non-korean people. Loud music, Plush sofas, yogurt shots, and using the club staff to introduce you to girls at another table. Not really a lounge, and not really a club type deal.
The Japanese night clubs in the city mostly cater to after hours expat Japanese businessmen. So unless you speak fluent Japanese there really no reason to pay $30 hrs to speak to a hostess who pours your drinks.
I have no idea what your last question means. Chinese guys chase Korean girls tail because they are horny. I have no idea how that corrolates to Chinese girl mentality.
AC Dropout
Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 12:08:18 (PDT)
to korean boy:
your classification of chinese genetic types is pretty much accurate... except I would like to point out that the Han nationality originated in northern China, in the Yellow River basin. This group is basically identical to the "northern-stock" Chinese that you mentioned.
in fact, some researchers did a genetic study of mainland Chinese population which proved the close relationship between northern Han Chinese and other northeast Asian peoples inc. Mongolians, Koreans, Manchu and Japanese.
Interestingly, I have also noticed a similarity between Chinese in the Yangtze Delta region(inc. Shanghainese) to Koreans and Japanese... however I have not read any study demonstrating any relationships between them. Historically this region of China was formerly part of the State of Wu (one of the 7 Warring States) before its conquest by Shi Huangdi, who was the king of the State of Qin, located in northwest China.
Inhabitants of this region typically are of slighter build than northern Chinese (more similar to Koreans and Japanese) but they are also physically distinct from Chinese in more southern and western provinces. Incidentally, one of the best-known basketball players in China, Yao Ming, is a native of this area (Shanghai resident).
Does anyone know of any studies that have been done on the genetic types of the Chinese in this region?
Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 00:17:05 (PDT)
What??? Actually South Corea has beaten Brazil in a full international match. China has not! China has not beaten Corea ever, not in 19 matches!!!
And the Olympics? Brazil sucks!
China has like 1.5 BILLION people compared to South Corea's 45 million and they only barely do better than South Corea.
If we put that into medals per capita, China would rank wayyyy below. Only contries China would rank higher per capita would be over India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangledesh, Brazil, Nigeria, Egypt, Malasya,Philipines, etc.
Just wanted to make things clear for you so you're not in any position to speak ill of South Corean athletes, actually we would rank higher per capita than any Asian country!
So whos's business anyway if Chinese dudes chase after Corean girls ( which is true) they seem to like going to Corean clubs but we have no interests in going to theirs. What does that say about Chinese girls and Chinese American mentality??
Monday, April 22, 2002 at 19:43:09 (PDT)