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CM who finds KF's are fine looking,
Well, first of all don't you think you should get the KF first (which I doubt) and then argue this to her dad?. I'm sure eveyone will find it amusing.
I'm not saying that KF's don't dig CM's, because some do, but I doubt any girl (of any race) will dig a guy who comes with this generalistic non-sense.
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 23:34:38 (PDT)
To An Observation:
Yes, he's Dutch, only took over less than two years ago. So foreign coaches don't have a long tradition of developing Corean soccer program, if that's what you're getting at. China's nation coach is a Serbian with a great record developing good teams wherever he goes.
China has vastly improved their team while Corean team has stagnated. Currently Japan is doing better in recent years than any East Asian soccer. But they also have a losing record against Corea, haha.
Actually China has beaten Corea two times while losing 22 times to Corea.
KA: My little "byung shin" brother hahaha
You are right this is not the forum for this, just wanted to correct this C3 dude. My last post on this.
I'm surprised with the largest Asian American population in NYC, there aren't any Chinese clubs. I think Corean club scene is ok, I hate the corny music but its easier to approach girls with the host actually bring the girls to your table. If they're not interested they'll leave. It can be quite expensive though.
What I've noticed here is this, I thought most Chinese Americans are of southern extraction but you guys seem to admire Northern Chinese and Northern Asian women,for example, praising the beauty of Shanghi girls. What gives?
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 19:53:23 (PDT)
A Korean father should consider himself lucky should his daughter get married to a Chinese-American professional. He may rest assured that his daughter and his grandchildren would have strong family values, live in a safe and secure neighborhood, and a good outlook. Isnāt this what any good parent would want for his daughter? This sure beats having a daughter tied to a liquor store or being dated by hip-hoppers. There is an article in the Los Angeles Times about the plight of Korean-Americans ten years after the Riot.
The Korean-American community has suffered so much injustice that they have become a tragic psychological and emotional mess.
CM who finds KF's are fine looking   
Monday, April 29, 2002 at 08:24:27 (PDT)
Isn't the coach of the Korean soccer team Dutch?
Anyhow, not all Chinese guys are lusting after Korean girls. There are some, but not the majority.
An Observation   
Saturday, April 27, 2002 at 12:25:00 (PDT)
to Yahoo! and C3:
Good points on the comparison between Korean and China soccer teams...
to Yahoo!
yes, you are right that Korea historically has outperformed China on the soccer field... its really viewed as a national embarassment in China. and I have to give credit to Korea for excellence in many other areas also (inc. beautiful Korean ladies:)).
But C3's point is well-taken also, Korean superiority on the soccer field proves very little. And don't overestimate Korean ladies either... there are probably more beautiful ladies in China than the rest of the world combined already, so most Chinese are not that impressed about Korean beauty.
ABC who knows China and sth about Korea   
Friday, April 26, 2002 at 01:21:20 (PDT)
From my own personal experience, (at least the Koreans I know), they respect people from other Asian culture. Is it just this site where there is more animosity? Of course, there are xenophobic Koreans, xenophobic Chinese, xenophoic Japanese who are opposed to inter-Asian relations. But in my circle, I've seen happy Chinese-Korean couples, Korean-Japanese couples, Chinese-Japanese couples, etc. I know in Asian culture- (especially with marriage- it's the joining not just of two individuals, but two families). If people are happy together-who is to say that can't be together?
Y B Xenophobic?   
Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 22:26:09 (PDT)