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you are a funny guy. I dunno where you get the notion that chinese chicks are in love with korean guys. It's the other way around. It is known that Korean chicks sweat Chinese guys. I have had many korean gfs, my gf now is korean and all her friends have chinese bfs. Korean girls like Taiwanese or mainland chinese guys cuz we are tall, have chiseled features and larger eyes than korean guys. Plus we are good to them and know how to please them in bed.
Also, chinese girls are so diverse. Maybe not the ones in the US, most of them are cantonese and i agree they are nasty. You find a few token cute ones but for the most part, they are butt. The girls from mainland China are the bomb. Northern chinese girls are tall, pale and resemble korean chicks only with prettier eyes, they are the best. I know firsthand from my trip to Shanghai and Beijing.
"Chinese guys with Korean girls? go for the ugly ones you may have a chance."
Let me know if you want to see online photo album, u will see your comments are not only hilarious, but way off.
Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 18:10:07 (PDT)
"Chinese girls love Korean guys cause 'they are soooo good looking'<-quote. But Korean girls will not go for Chinese guys. why? Because korean girls like korean guys but we always fight."
That's an overly board generalization and very, very distorted picture you are painting. Personally, I have not met hordes of Chinese girls loving Korean guys and thinking they are "sooo good looking." Why are people distorting pictures trying to portray that most Chinese guys lust after Korean girls, while most Korean girls have no attraction to Chinese guys. Then, also stating that most Chinese girls are infatuated with Korean guys, why Korean guys don't care for Chinese girls. Personally, I think that's a very big distorted picture and far from reality. Certainly, there are Chinese guys who are infatuated with Korean girls and Chinese girls who are infatuated with Korean guys, but it could also go the other way, as well. Perhaps, my personal observation and experience is wrong, but I just don't see things that way.
Not All Chinese Lust After Koreans   
Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 15:42:12 (PDT)
"Its pretty much understood in my neck of the woods. Chinese girls love Korean guys cause "they are soooo good looking"<-quote. But Korean girls will not go for Chinese guys. why? Because korean girls like korean guys" --Will
I think this is true. Chinese seem to like other ethnicities more than other ethnicities like Chinese. I'm Chinese and I notice this. Or maybe this is true only of Southern Chinese. The truth is that many Cantonese Chinese do not think themselves very good-looking. They think Japanese are better looking, or that Koreans and Northern Chinese, etc are better looking. Even though most Southern Chinese do not consciously think of themselves as lower class than other Asians, they unconsciously think of other Asians, especially Japanese, Koreans, and even Northern Chinese as being higher class or superior to themselves. I know that if you tell some Southern Chinese that they look Northern or that they look Japanese, they would feel it's a compliment. I've heard of Chinese women showing their daughters off to their friends and saying smugly about their daughter "Doesn't she look like a little Japanese girl." When Korean culture becomes more popular to Chinese people, next thing they'll probably say is "Doesn't she look like a little Korean girl." Even around goldsea, on these intra-asian relationships sections, you see Chinese drooling all over the place over "gorgeous" Korean and Japanese guys and women.
What I say naturally applies more to Chinese who are more recently from Asia or those who are like them. I noticed that a characteristic of a lot of Chinese people is that they like to step on their own culture and fellow Chinese and worship other cultures that are currently thought to be superior. So yes, I think generally Chinese people are more attracted to Koreans (and Japanese) than the other way around.
Elisa, who is feeling a little bitter   
Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 14:49:55 (PDT)