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"Chinese/Japanese couple in Asia very rare. very few
on the contrary Japanese/Korean couple exist much much more than Chinese/Japanese ,you'll see if you visit here Asia."
-know the reali-don't bullshit.
To clarify these are the real statistics in Korea of marriage to foreigners:
A breakdown in foreign marriages shows that Chinese women were the most popular among Korean men (7,001), followed by Japanese women (976) and Filipinos (510). On the other hand, Japanese men were most popular with Korean women, with 3,011 marrying them, followed by American men (1,132) and Chinese men (222).
Sunday, June 09, 2002 at 09:41:57 (PDT)
P.I. gave his personal example, not for all Korean families. Maybe this family has not Buddhists, maybe they wanted a son-in-law who will do Business, and maybe they just want to have a Korean son-in-law.
Some dude   
Sunday, June 09, 2002 at 09:30:56 (PDT)
I agree with bs. Even if you are Vietnamese, I don't think it is that big of a strike for Koreans. Some of them actually prefer their daughter be with an Asian rather than black, Hispanic or even whites.
But, if what you are saying is true, it is all up to the girl. She knows what she truly wants and desires in this life.
love is hard sometimes   
Sunday, June 09, 2002 at 01:56:51 (PDT)
Hey BS,
First of all, this is my friend's experience. I just tell as it is. Secondly, I don't know what reality you live in, a lot of (not all) Korean folks do not like or look down on Vietnamese. I am Vietnamese myself and personally have experienced hostility in supermarket and restaurants (in Orange County). I am not bashing Korean people.
Furthermore, I know that there are also a large numbers of Korean Buddhists. I am not putting down Christian or any other religions. It just happened that my friend's girlfriend's Dad was adamant about his daughter to be with another Christian. I don't give a s**t if you are worshiping frogs -- just treat me and my friends with decency. Finally, I agree with you that a degree from UCLA is absolutely great. However, a B.A. in literature is not so greatly appreciated among Korean parents or even Asian-American family.
Friday, June 07, 2002 at 22:08:19 (PDT)
Japanese girls and Cantonese girls (those from Hong Kong) have the same small and tight bodies.
Korean girls and northern Chinese girls (those from Beijing) are more similar. But, Beijing girls eyes are a bit more beautiful and wide like white people. But, Korean girls are more sexually aggressive.
One time, I was going to rent an apartment. The landlord was a Korean lady. She was in her early 30s and divorced. She was living by herself.
I was cooking some Cantonese food one day (clams with chili and black beans over a high fire wok). She smelled it and traced it to my home. She told me that it smelled good. I asked her if she wanted to join me for supper? She came in and had a feast.
We talked and I did not asked her why she divorced. I just told her that in our culture, food is everything. It is not only food, but an art. I said that if Chinese guys didn't like the food that their wife was making, they'd take over the wok and kitchen themselves. She later said that her ex-husband and mother-in-law expected her to cook 3 times a day and often complained of her cooking. She said she'd dream of having a man cook good food for her every night.
I asked her if she liked my food? She nodded and asked when I can cook her some more? I asked her if she was full? She knew what I meant. I said that I love cooking to fill people up, especially beautiful women. She was laughing.
We had a nice night and she left my home feeling "full."
One other week, I had my Chinese homeboys come over for a party. She came over too and then later she called her other friends (Korean girls).
We all had a nice time. New friendships were made.
Chinese men and Corean women are made for each other. We connect real good. We just want to have fun.
they love my cooking   
Saturday, June 08, 2002 at 19:48:17 (PDT)
That's BS!!!, I'm korean and my grandparents from my mom's side are hard core budhist, from my dad's side they're hard core protestant(they go to church at 4 AM), and my parents and me are catholic, not to mention that someof my uncles and aunts don't give a damn about religion. Religious differences aren't a big issue among koreans. Sounds to me like you're just trying to bash koreans.
And a B.A from UCLA????, are u kidding that's a pretty damn good school.
Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 16:14:24 (PDT)
A friend of mine dates a Korean girl. She is gorgeous, educated, and funny. However, as soon as her parents learn that he's Vietnamese, the trouble begins.
At first, her father instigates about his religion, which he is a Buddhist (non-christian). So that's strike one! Secondly, her parents ask him about his education. He graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in Literature. Strike two! Finally, he told them that he's Vietnamese. Her father warned him to leave his princess daughter alone.
I told my friend to get another girlfriend (yellow, white, black, etc....) as long as she and her family appreciate him as a human being.
Can we all Asian Americans get along?
Friday, May 31, 2002 at 23:30:23 (PDT)