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Dang, man!
Just for reference, I'm Chinese.
Why's everyone so obsessed about this
Chinese/Korean stuff? Chinese people that say stuff like Koreans are Chinese have serious pride problems. Who cares? I personally don't give a crap. Koreans are cool. I've always gotten along with Koreans
I think Chinese and Koreans share a similar values. You know what I love about our cultures? We care about our friends. We have similar values in that respect. We are taught loyalty, love, and respect to our friends. We value our friends and family as much as ourselves. It's hard to find people in the US of any descent who aren't buying into the entire self-centered, me-first, individualistic way of thinking that causes people to be distant from each other. I think I'm closer to some of my friends than some white people are close to their own families and relatives. I for one, am glad that I've been able to grow up among so many Koreans and Chinese who care about their friends. It's quite a contrast from American culture.
One of my best friends (also Chinese) is going to Berkeley summer school right now. His roomate and a lot of his floormates and dorm mates are from Seoul, Korea. This is the first time for most of them in the US. I go up there to hang out with them all the time. They are really nice, caring people. We talk about the similarities and differences between our language and culture sometimes and we share things among us too.
I don't understand what all this Chinese/Korean arguing is about. Who cares? Korean women are hecka fine. Korean guys are loyal friends. Koreans should be proud of their World Cup team.
Chinese and Koreans should learn to get along. We have too much in common to let stupid spats like this get in the way of great relationships.
ABC OPP H to the IZZO   
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 21:37:25 (PDT)
I am white. I am czech.I am tired of white men. I love China. I like The Chinese. Chinese men are the most beautiful men in the world!!!!! In the Czech rep. live only 3185 The Chinese and for this reason , I am sad
Jana sinofil@centrum.cz   
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 05:57:22 (PDT)
korean man,
We must understand that not everyone gets to have love in any society.
I know many guys who lacked the "looks department" to win the approval of females in their own nations. They had money but no looks, and many women only go for looks and height.
So, they ended up going to South America to find brides. One went to Pakistan.
None of them are divorced despite them being from different cultures, language and races.
There is always a magical part of love that cannot be explained through language.
Whatever floats your boat. I am all for it. Everyone deserves love. You are lucky if you have it.
give everyone a chance!   
Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 23:56:02 (PDT)
To foreign brides of South Korean men;
Yes but why do you ask?
It is getting much easier to find Russian women in Seoul, especially in amusement areas.
but Don't think of mail order brides.
Women are not objects. They are humans.
It is very funny to pick bride like looking on a shopping list.
I can't understand.
and Most of the mail order bride cases end up in failure.
korean man   
Monday, June 17, 2002 at 17:19:09 (PDT)
Are Russian and Soviet women married to Korean men in increasing numbers these days?
foreign brides of South Korean men   
Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 21:28:11 (PDT)
experience in korea,
That's kinda funny because I went thru the same experience as you, except that I'm korean, and the lady at the restaurant was chinese. She asked me if I was chinese or japanes, and when I said; "korean", she said that she didn't think Iwas korean cuz: "most koreans dont really look so good".
So I guess superficial people not only exist in korea, right?.
Friday, June 14, 2002 at 14:34:49 (PDT)