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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Without trying to generalize about the different ethnicities.I'm a Korean female married to a Chinese man. Other than his stunning looks which inspired me to ask him out, these are the reasons I married my husband. I think Chinese men are more sensitive than other men and are not threatened by a strong women.Most of the Chinese male friends I've met, through my husband,"Walk quietly, but carry a big stick", they don't need to be overtly abrupt. Three of my own girlfriends have married Chinese men. One is Taiwanese,one is ABC and the other is Hong Kong Chinese, but all three have the same inclination of " We're a couple and no rules or tradition bind us, except common sense".
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 10:03:01 (PDT)
To Soju,
You may possibly be correct. But these Chinese men are ethnically Korean mostly from the region of Yanbian.
To Shilla,
Though I don't agree with this view--and I repeat I don't agree--the Chinese generally look down upon Koreans. Here's a rough laundry list (though not comprehensive) as to why.
[Long irrelevant discussion omitted. Let's not try to sneak in any more historical arguments. --Ed]
The Other Side   
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 20:48:49 (PDT)
Ha, isn't it funny, because from kc's story, it would seem that the feelings between Koreans and Chinese are mutual.
It goes both ways   
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 17:21:34 (PDT)
Chinese don`t look up to Koreans either. There are many who also look down on Koreans. When I say Chinese, I`m talking about a broad area (including Northern & Southern Chinese). It`s a fact that Chinese think they are the best (I don`t agree with that nor agree with any other Asian group claiming they are the best)
There Are Chinese Who Look Down On Koreans   
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 18:08:25 (PDT)
I read somewhere there is an epidemic of illegal Chinese men entering Corea then prgenating Corean women so they can stay in Corea. Anyone else heard something on this?
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 19:42:43 (PDT)
Experience in Korea,
Koreans don't look up to the japanese. They just generally look down on the chinese. The girl commenting on your looks probably thought you were chinese because you look somewhat ok but she could definately tell you weren't Korean. Just be happy she didn't call you chinese. That would be a grave insult.
Friday, July 26, 2002 at 08:47:58 (PDT)
This was a long time ago (late '80's). I don't remember what my cousin was talking about specifically. Guy-girl stuff I guess. I was more interested in his Army experience over there, but all he said he'd do was listen to Armed Force Radio.
As for my cousin's love life, he's had a series of serious girlfriends. I don't really know what the deal is. Last I heard, he moved to Hawaii.
Well, anyways, I was never really attracted to Korean girls in the past. Beauty is only skin deep, you know. But now I've met one who digs me, for some odd reason.
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 10:03:45 (PDT)
Did your cousin mention what they would squable about? Was he talking about fighting amongst themselves or gender wars? A friend of mine who used to go out with a Korean was always henpecked about the way he dressed. While he didn't dress too badly, he didn't exactly wear the kind of designer clothes you would find her wearing.
Anyway, wish your cousin well in finding a mate. 40?! Damn, it must be tough on him.
Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 04:28:24 (PDT)
hey luv playing with fire,
Can't you say that most females fall into #1 and #2? Especially #1?
<<2. she's crazy
1. her uncontrolled,
Off on a tangent, my cousin had the unique opportunity working in Korea in the late 80's. (Well, actually, he was sent there by Uncle Sam.) Anyways, one thing I remember him telling me is that Korean women like to fight. Of course, that might explain why he's unmarried and almost 40.
I love playing with fire too!
Friday, July 12, 2002 at 10:04:58 (PDT)
list of what I luv about my kroean gf:
5. her korean accent when she speaks english
4. her gentleness
3. her loyalty to her family and the people she cares about
2. she's crazy
1. her uncontrolled,
luv playing with fire   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 18:15:36 (PDT)
I think you got the wrong post forum. It's http://goldsea.com/Poll/AMCF/amcf.html the one that you want.
Proud 2 b Azn   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 14:18:59 (PDT)