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Why? Because rich Koreans are simply successful liquor store owners or nail shop owners. Money from these enterprises are looked down upon by the Chinese.
That Much Harsher From the Flip Side Monday, August 05, 2002 at 11:27:54 (PDT)
Looked down upon by corner take out owners? PLEEEEZZZ. And I guess serving dirty greasey food while sweating your balls off is better? Makes some sense, loser. I rather be a liquor store owner any time than own a hole in the wall take out. As you know the restaurant
business is an insanitary business.
And think about it most of these Corean store owners are first generation.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 07:51:40 (PDT)
I have no problem with Korean girls dating Chinese guys. Most of the Chinese that I know are nice. In fact, they seem to be very interested in Koreans and seem to even look up to us in many ways. I appreciate that, and feel flattered. They can date our women any day (I dont mean that in a sexist way). As long as they don't take the prettiest ones. ;) J/k. I am a Korean guy who's dating a Chinese girl from Shanghai. She's gorgeous and I enjoy her, I only think it's fair that Chinese guys see Korean girls.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 03:34:52 (PDT)
Chinese, Viet and Flip guys are cool and nice looking. not all but many of them are INDEED.
My g/f's brother is very gentle and nice.(from Taiwan).
and he is also very nice to me-we keep in touch via email at least once in a week.
One things that I have to check on this discussion board-well people always envy what they don't have.
Personally I feel much more comforatble when I associate with Taiwanese female friends rather than Korean female friends. I can't deny maybe that's from my problem..but I have something to say negatively.
I think that's because the respect and the politeness for partner are from the carefulness.
Since we tend to be more curious and more careful for the others whom we are not familiar with completely.
I dated a few Korean women before and all the conversations from them are the same - they mostly like to ask about men's background (i.e men's academic clique,wealth,family and outward looking.)
That's not because of their fault but the society and their family cultivate them.
I heard that trend is the same for when Chinese guy date with Chinese woman?? but not sure....sorry if that's not true.
Therefore I personally feel more comfortable with going out with Taiwanese women even though my Chinese is not great.
We like talking about entertainment issues and lifestyle,no more headache talking .
The respect and politeness get better since we don't have the same cultural background and language. very interesting ,but thats true at least for us.
and I guess that's the same reason why many of Chinese male and Korean female like going out for date and more for love. and wish all my best luck for them!! Many of them are very well-matched.
and please ignore some of the jerk Korean males who insist southern chinese are bad ones.
At least all of the southern Chinese males are much better than them.(jerk Korean males).
Well that reminds me the case when Korean guys who have a Japanese g/f's are rejected from the parents simply because they are Koreans.
It is necessary to look at it from a different angle if we get on the same situations.
I haven't been on this board for a while..and something bad happened.
This board is not for the hatred or displeaure.
ONLY encouragement permitted.
You should aware!
P.S (the ones who didn't realize that chinese women are not attractive, I recommend you to visit HK,Taiwan and Shanghai in mainland.
You'll see they are also very much attractive and intelligient ladies there.I am positive.)
korean man   
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 00:02:57 (PDT)
man . . we've got some egotistical bastards on the forum don't we . . peoples need to get over themselves and stop thinking they are God's gift to women, wrapped in a wifebeater . . I mean, i do notice a lot of Chinese male/Korean female couples . . and also a lot of Korean male/ Chinese Female couples . . i just think its refreshing having something just a little bit different . . like shin ramyun instead of lo mein . . or gong chow ngow haw instead of [insert similar korean dish here] . . so to all you korean hunnies out there, my AIM is assxhopperx, drop a line and i'll holla back . .::wink wink:: . .adios
asshopper ravingxlunatic@aol.com   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 13:09:06 (PDT)