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Another Perspective
I am a Viet guy and honestly I don’t have any hatred towards Chinese. Being growing up in Saigon, Southern Vietnam, I saw many Chinese living side by side with the Vietnamese. Most of the time I could not distinguish Chinese or Viet only when they spoke. More than one million of ethnic Chinese (majority are Cantonese, Fujians) are living in Saigon, the biggest Chinatown in Southeast Asia. They are intermarrying well.
After the fall of Saigon, like millions of other unfortunate Vietnamese, my family and I fled to Malaysia by boat and after a five days horrible trip that claimed three lives, a man and two little girls, we landed in Malaysian coast. We found that Malaysians are completely different from us in both physical appearance and religions. They are Muslim and their skins are much darker than we are. Only we saw the ethnic Chinese in Malaysia are the people who look like us. We also noticed that they, the Malaysian locals, do not use chopsticks when they eat. We were transferred to a transit camp. We met a family of Chinese Vietnamese on the way to settle in Australia. As my sisters said we were very hungry, they gave all their food, drinks to us. When my sisters and I were waiting for a bus to Kuala Lumpur airport for settlement in the U.S, a black Mercedes Benz stopped in front of us and then a nice looking Chinese lady came out and handed my sisters a dozen of brand new clothes. We would have said “Thank you for your kindness” in Chinese but we could not.
I was sick to my stomach when I found out that hundred thousand of Vietnamese boat people were raped, murdered by Thai pirates. Many girls were as young as 12 years old. The journeys to freedom of the Vietnamese in the late 70s and 80s recorded that no Vietnamese was ever raped or killed by Chinese sailors from these countries: China, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong. Thanks to Chinese civilization.
A war story told by my uncle who was an Airborne Captain in South Vietnamese Army. In an operation, his unit discovered an enemy large ammunition depot. All weapons were made in China. One of his soldiers was up set and said he would go to Saigon and burned up Cholon, Chinatown of Saigon. My uncle responded to him that he would be dead meat if he dared to do that. In war, a captain can kill his soldier if he found guilty of wrongdoing. My uncle insisted that ethnic Chinese in Vietnam are innocent like other ordinary Vietnamese. They have nothing to do with war and politics. So, that is what I am proud of my Vietnamese heritage.
After the war, my uncle was sent to communist prison and has not heard since. His five beautiful daughters (my cousins) escaped to sea. Two went down south to Gulf of Thailand and were raped, killed by Thai pirates. The other three later tried to head north for Hongkong and were saved by China Navy on time while their boat was about to sink. They were safe and arrived in Hongkong. One of them married a Chinese in Hongkong and stayed there.
The fact is no ethnic Chinese were ever killed or raped by South Vietnamese soldiers although China supported the North in the war against the South during the Vietnam War. Imagine China supported the Indonesian communist guerillas, it could have been disaster for ethnic Chinese living there. I also noticed that in the 60s, thousands of ethnic Chinese in Malaysia was slaughtered as well.
When I was FOB (Fresh Off the Boat) to America at the age of 18, I faced prejudices by many including other Asians. First, I was “welcome” by the KKK in Sacramento, capital of California. The apartment where hundreds of Vietnamese FOBs was posted with many slogans like: “All Vietnamese go home now!” and undersigned KKK.
Several years ago, I was sick to my stomach when the genocide of ethnic Chinese occurred in Indonesia because it recalled me the genocide of ethnic Vietnamese in Cambodia and the massacres of Vietnamese boat people at sea.
I would marry Chinese no matter where she comes from: China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hongkong, Singapore or Malaysia if my marriage has not been a happy one. I think Chinese and Vietnamese women are beautiful in the meaning of their HEARTS: loving and caring.
In my knowledge, Chinese and Vietnamese are closest brothers, sisters in blood among other Asians. I think we have enough killings, hatred, prejudices in life. So please just get along and show your LOVE not hatred.
A Viet guy in Cali   
Friday, May 17, 2002 at 10:32:31 (PDT)
If you seem like a nice or friendly person towards them, then guys would like you. Not alot of Vietnamese people hate Chinese, especially if you were to live in the U.S., most people here doesn't really care about that. In fact, I think some of the vietnamese guys like Chinese actress in Hong Kong movie, have you ever been with a viet guy before?
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 21:59:43 (PDT)
To Sick of all the Viet ego maniac:
I think you got it wrong, most of the people here who complimented the pink skin and other stuff are not written by Viet, If you were to read it some of them are written by different people and some by Chinese too.
Sheesh, so you're trying to say that Chinese women would never be jealous of Vietnamese because Vietnamese women are undesirable and are thought of as a prostitute? I don't know where you get that from, or you are just racist against the vietnamese people? Most vietnamese families are really strict, a vietnamese lady doesn't hold hand or kiss her boyfriend or husband in front of the elderly or other vietnamese people because they're afraid to get a bad reputation, and some of them are not allow to have boyfriend until they reach college or later, and the parent are usually strict on religion and stuff. And beside, vietnamese women are attrative, at least to me anyway.
You're trying to say that vietnamese doesn't have anything compare to Chinese and that's why you're saying that Chinese would no way be jealous or envious of Vietnamese people. Anyway, I don't think anyone here was saying that Chinese are envious of vietnamese, and why are you trying to make it as though that only Vietnamese people are saying all those thing or posting in here? It seem to me that most of the one who post in here are not vietnamese.
It seem to me, that maybe you're a Chinese woman who's angry at these people for complimenting the pink hue in Vietnamese people. But there are many decent and pretty cute vietnamese girl, so you can stop putting them down by linking them to prostitution or whatever else.
People here are just stating their opinion, and if they happen to compliment viet girls, it doesn't mean that they are viet themselve or that they're lying or fooling themselve. No one is saying that Chinese women are ugly or "morally corrupt" as you say about vietnamese women. I've seen Chinese Beauty pageant, most of the women are really skinny, the chinse beauty standard for women is to be skinny as I've seen from seeing Chinese models and celebrities, so why are you saying that you're so sick of seeing anorexic skinny vietnamese girls?, I'm pretty sure that the Vietnamese standard of beauty for women is not as skinny as the Chinese's Expectation. So stop saying that you're so sick of seeing skinny Viet girls, when Chinese people in generally like girls to be thin too. Maybe you are the one who should stop fooling yourself.
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 21:54:00 (PDT)
sick of all the stupid viet ego :
Calm down dude....
Beijing A.   
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 21:23:16 (PDT)
As a VF, honestly i would rather date WM, or filippino, thai men than chinese, korean men. At least they don't have the superirity complex mentality chinese men have. Sure there are nice guys but i wouldn't want to date or marry them cos they tend to look down on other asians, esp. viets, malay, cambodian... That's what makes them so unatractive and ugly to me.
Vietnamese female   
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 19:13:55 (PDT)
To, sick of all the stupid viet ego maniacs;
Nope, in no way has anyone ever said that the chinese are inferior. But someone said something about chinese people trash talking about the viet, and making it seem that they are jealous or have a vulnerablitiy towards the viets. You seem to be one of them. From one persons point of view you judge ALL of us, saying that we are all stupid and have huge egos.
In an essence the pink cast is true, i've only been to hanoi and have seen this around as a lot, but i haven't been to the other cities so it might not be as accurate.
And no, i have never heard that most viet men prefer chinese women. Sorry, but that's not the truth, since when did you know most of the vietnamese men on earth? Ignorance is present in that phrase of yours. You can't get to know one or two viets then just say, "oh they're all cheaters", pure ignorance. And yes it is true that the vietnamese do restrict themselves from marrying chinese people. If the vietnamese want to marry so much then why do most of the vietnamese families who have a child marry a chinese get disowned? Even if the chinese is rich or poor they still get disowned, it's a matter of honor and face. Sorry but vietnam has the LOWEST (YES, lowest) prostitute rate in ASIA. There may be a few kidnapped girls in cambodia who are prosititutes or there have been stories about the VN war. For a fact in vietnam there has been over half a million prostitutes during the war, but about 400 thousand of them were from thailand (gov't deal with the thai gov't was made to get their prostitutes over for the american soldiers, thailand's sex trade was jump started by the war, another atrocity left behind by the war). And the vietnamese women only had about 10-20k prositutes as an estimate in the entire war. That is still significantly SMALLER in ratio and percentage AND in shear number then the USA has on the streets today. At that time china had more chinese prositutes in number.
You say,"You sound like a bunch of egotistical insecure idiots hiding behind history books." I say right back to you, "You sound like a bunch of egotistical insecure idiots hiding behind LIES!"
Lol, this is getting a bit out of hand   
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 17:57:28 (PDT)
To: Sick of all the....
OKie, you don't know what the heck you're talking about, I don't see anyone here saying that the Chinese are envious of the Viet. And Chinese people think of viet as prostitute and thief? hello!!!, this makes me so mad, The Chinese people ever since the beginning has been trying to take over vietnam, and making vietnamese people slaves and stuff, now most of vietnam are stolen by the Chinese Communist. Who's the thief here, sheesh, just because The Chinese are more populated and powerful than the Viet doesn't mean that you are better, you don't have to right to call viet people thief and other names, when you are the thief yourself. and I know that alot of Chinese kipnapped vietnamese girls or bought them to make them slaves or prostitute, by tricking them and telling them that someone is going to marry them. Vietnamese people in my opinion, I feel very sad about the country, cause we've been through so much hell all these people put us through, first the war for no reason just because of the political thing going on with the U.S and the Communist, I know for sure the freakin U.S don't care about Vietnam, they're just joining the war the scare off the communist, and since the signed the treaties with the Communist, they just got out of vietnam as quick as possible, even though they are so capable of winning the north Communist vietnam, I mean, why don't everyone all just leave Vietnam alone then. I can't believe that you have the guts to say that stuff about Vietnamese people, you Chinese Communist started the War in vietnam and ruin our country and break us apart, and now that you've have control of Vietnam and made us people slave and stolen our country away, so who's the thief here? Isn't it hypocritical? you all calling vietnamese people as savages and stuff, so you're not the savage yourself, of course your the savage hidden behind weapon, people, and power. And I hate these shit about how these Chinese people are saying to stop the hate to vietnamese people, sheesh, the Chinese are the one hating, is all I could say.
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 15:44:29 (PDT)
*Question, why do you guys insist that the Chinese are envious of Vietnamese?*
(posted by;sick of all the stupid viet ego maniacs)
I believe that it was just one guy. You make it seem that we all are saying that, to be quit frank i don't give a damn who the chinese people envy. All i know is that the vietnamese don't envy them, not becuase we think we're better, but because we think there are good and bad looking people of all races, placing one over the other is rediculous. Even though there are some pretty chinese people (like Zhang ZiYi, not all of the chinese look like that, if all chinese people look like her then she would be acting would she? She would just be another girl) there are ugly ones.
Ok, i don't lie or hide behind history. I would only use history to back up my points. Ok, i am a bit dark, but it is true that most people who are dark come from south vietnam. I AM from south vietnam, my ancestors ARE from south vietnam. I've been to vietnam, the vietnamese in the north and central have lighter skins and brighter skins then the southern ones do. Most even have that pink cast, and i mean most as in the majority or in the most common through the population. It's a normal thing, it's all in preference. I don't find it very attractive, but it's there and i can't deny it. My people do look a bit pink, very slight pink.
It's there and i can't deny it, sometimes it's an asset, sometimes it's a curse. It sometimes make you look like you put on too much make-up, other times it makes you look like you a million bucks and always happy. It's just another property passed on by the genes.
Yeah and to, sick of all the stupid viet ego maniacs, your really making the viets sound like fools. NOT, we didn't even say anything! That guy who said it didn't even state what he was! He said something about being chinese, but who knows! Most viets don't like chinese people, and that is the truth. It is racism, but it IS fading away now. Marrying a chinese person IS considered as marrying something lower then you, and YES we do refer to the chinese as stupid prosititutes (because there were more chinese prostitutes in the VN war then there were vietnamese prostitutes because they didn't have money to get out, and that was there way to try to get out). Even though most of the prostitutes during the VN war were thai, a signicant number was chinese. Even today, the prostitution problem is alot bigger in china then vietnam. Even though you hear about vietnamese girls being kidnapped and tricked to go to cambodia to be prositutes that number is still WAY less then the numbers of thailand, and china.
You feel insecure and i don't blame you to be so. Being patriotic is what a nation needs, but lying and making things up is too much.
You say most vietnamese people prefer chinese, but in fact we don't. We prefer vietnamese people, but we still look at other people with the same attitude. It's pathetic how your representing your people. Chinese people aren't stupid, but in NO way have you shown me that, lucky i have friends who are chinese so i don't get blinde like you.
The problem is that you've NEVER BEEN to vietnam. GO there and tell me your experiences, chances are that you'll see the same as me. Darker in the south and lighter in the north. The north being VERY anti-chinese still. They would DISOWN their child if they marry chinese people (hatred stays fresh when the people you hate is right next door), in the south it's cooled down already.
You spread lies through insecurities. But that's ok, i know that you don't represent the chinese. You refer to the vietnamese people as a whole, you only know a few vietnamese but you say that MOST vietnamese prefer chinese, now that's ignorant, from a few you judge a larger group.
Ignorance and arrogance is present in some of these posts   
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 15:26:37 (PDT)
To, sick of all the stupid viet ego maniacs;
I'm chinese and i have NEVER heard the chinese people refer in general to the vietnamese as thiefs and prostitutes. Even during the vietnam war vietnam was famous for having prosititues, but you know what the ethnicity of these prostitues were? They were thai, from thailand (of course). Actually vietnam had about 450k thai prostitutes (that's A LOT! That might even outnumber the soldiers) because the soldiers demanded so much and it was extremely profitable. The vietnamese being extremely traditional (confusious like) didn't become prosititutes as much, numbering at a very low margin(something like 15k).
The vietnamese do have alot of words that downsize the chinese (brought through hatred or something, not very sure). Can't remember any, tried to get some friends to teach me a few words but forgot it pretty fast.
Even though, to my preference, the chinese (my beautiful people) are the MOST beautiful people of them all, are well beautiful. The vietnamese DON'T prefer chinese people over their own (I should know, i have a lot of vietnamese friends, and am very close to them, go to their homes every week).
And cool down, your VERY insecure aren't you? No one EVER stated that the chinese are inferior.
I've been to vietnam also and did notice that pink hue that they have, it's just a slight cast. I went there on my way to thailand, we stayed for a few days, and i walked around Hanoi, it did seem that the pink hue was very normal (Lol, i just remembered the instant when i tried to order food, hahaha, it took me a while to figure out what the stuff on the menu was). They do seem to be light in the north (never been to the south, southeast or central), but if it is true that they are light like that in the central and southeast then they are lighter and brighter.
BUT that isn't beautiful in MY preference. C'mon, i like a tan, a bit of a darker look. If i had muscles and a six-pack, would i look better tanned or with pale white skin? Like someone said most of the people who are viet in america came from the south, which COULD have had more influece or mixing with the malay, or cambodian or something. I don't know much about the history (don't care, China is what i love, but that's what i've seen personally from when i went there).
sick of all the stupid viet ego maniacs, you make it seem that you know more about what the vietnamese prefer then themselves do. Your truly insecure, i know your just sticking up for our people, but they didn't really offend us in anyway.
And the ones holding the money in vietnam are actually the vietnamese now. The chinese only control district 3, which isn't very powerful anymore, all the rich boys moved back to Hong Kong. The president of vietnam kind of kicked out alot of our people when the chinese surprise attacked them in 1979. Stripping them of their money as well.
Just to say, your not a very good representative of our people. Your too insecure and say unrevelent things. Boy, your pretty ignorant. Oh well. Just another patriotic person, that's ok.
Disappointed at the stupidity of the complaint   
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 14:52:37 (PDT)
Viet people are saying how they feel and you think they are insecure and egoistic. Everybody are entitle to their opions. It does not agree with yours doesn't make it wrong.
You say Viet men prefer to date Chinese women because they are beautiful, better educated, and not morally corrupt. From what I see, there are not that many Viet men think Chinese women are more beautiful than Vietnamese women. We prefer to stick to our own women because their beauty are uniquely differently. Vietnamese women are not morally corrupt like you said. They have morals and they live up to it.
Your comment being we are darked skin anorexic looking people make me laugh and show how insecure and racist you are. Take a careful look at Viet people again and you notice they are not dark or totally white, they are in between, with yellow colored skin tone. Plus they are not all skinny, many girls have decent body naturally.
As for your last paragraph, I'm glad you said that. I personally don't want to marry and racially mixed with Chinese. And don't approve of it either. But I want to know why so many Taiwanese men come to Vietnam to pay girls, who are 12 years younger or a generation younger, to marry them. It really bothers me these days, Taiwanese and Chinese still practice polygamy and have more than one wives, most of them from undeveloped countries. They have no compassion for human beings, young girls losing their childhood, knowing that money determine what love and marriage is.
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 14:45:59 (PDT)
to, sick of all the stupid viet ego maniacs;
I'm sorry, but have you BEEN to vietnam? Buddy, GO TO vietnam and you'll see vietnamese people with pink casts. Even as the majority, GO!
Yeah and from YOUR experience? Yeah, that is a thing of preference. Where i am chinese people stick with chinese people.
Yeah, and your just blind, try GOING there, like i've said, the southern ones are darker because of possible malay or khmer influence, but the more northern, central or southeastern are lighter.
Most of what you've said is just through anger. NO ONE would ever say their own people are morally corrupt. In no way has the vietnamese population EVER said that the chinese are envious of the vietnamese, just assuming this from ONE persons post is just stupid. Yeah, and it is close to being illegal to marry chinese people in most vietnamese families. They would even disown their child. As a REAL viet person, instead of making things up.
Viets sounds like egomaniacs? Your the one with the insecurity. Oh, most that most this. Oh my god, YOU suddenly know EVERYTHING about what a vietnamese person wants? Yeah sure, we prefer chiense thats, why we even the word for stupid or silly has reference to the chinese.
And the viets don't speak low of chinese? Oh, that's why everything refering to chinese is almost negative. I don't care how you would refer to a viet, all i know is what the viets refer to the chinese. What I am saying comes STRAIGHT from vietnam. What your saying comes from insecurities. Oh, inferior this, oh inferior that. YOU sound insecure.
Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 14:34:07 (PDT)