

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are a male of Chinese ancestry, which of the following most attracts you to females of Vietnamese ancestry?
Their facial features | 72%
Their physique | 12%
Their attitude and personality | 13%
Their education and cultural values | 3%

Assuming you are a male of Chinese ancestry, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with females of Vietnamese ancestry?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 13%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 68%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family. | 18%
Assuming you are a female of Vietnamese ancestry, which of the following most attracts you to males of Chinese ancestry?
Their facial features | 63%
Their physique | 8%
Their attitude and personality | 15%
Their education & cultural values | 14%

Assuming you are a female of Vietnamese ancestry, which of the following most dissuades you from relations with males of Chinese ancestry?
I don't find them physically attractive. | 1%
I don't find their personalities and attitudes appealing. | 10%
I don't think they would find me attractive. | 71%
I'd rather not deal with the disapproval of family and friends. | 18%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Yeah, why is that, In my opinion, Chinese and Vietnamese people look similar to eachother, not alot of difference. I've encountered such situation as shock sad and confused. Some people would ask me my ethnicity and I'll tell them I'm vietnamese and they'll get this look. I don't understand this either, I wish we all could just get past our diference and like eachother.
Same here    Friday, August 16, 2002 at 18:41:30 (PDT)
Shocked, Sad and Confused, it is unfortunately true that Chinese people think that they are better than Vietnamese people. They have this false misconception that Chinese are better than Viets. I personally think that Chinese movies get to their head and make them think that they are better cuz they make good movies. Let's all face it that Chinese people in real life are nothing like in the movies.

I am the Viet female who is dating a Chinese bf, and let me tell you what his mom told him once she found out that his gf is Vietnamese (this is, before she even met me too). She was like, a little dissapointed because she wouldnt' be able to communicate with me well, but worst of all, she said that aaah, Vietnamese ha? Vietnamese people like Chinese and they want to be like Chinese cuz Chinese are more successful and better looking. And she kept on repeating that over and over again, and I got really pissed.

I decided not to hold it against her. When we met she really adored me, she even hung up my picture in her bedroom. She also thinks that I am very pretty as well.

Most Chinese who think they are better than Vietnamese people just don't know any better. By the way, my bf's mom is not educated nor does she work. My bf's family is really poor and unsuccessful at their business.
Loan Chau    Friday, August 16, 2002 at 18:19:26 (PDT)
Slider, Chinese American male, 24:

It's nice to know that open-minded individuals like you still exist.

I have given a lot of though as to why "people" have that tendency to be ignorant.

What I realize is ignorance is part of being human, it is the epiphany of humanity. Therefore, it really is up to the "individual" to foster & harbor the ignorance; or to wisen up & reject it.

Even Chinese people look down at each other (Ex- Mandarins are this and that, Taiwanese are so...etc). You'll even find this amongst Europeans as well. It is basically part of being human.

It takes a stronger man to look past at it & move on.

Viet Lover:

You are right. Those who remain ignorant, take it from their parents. That medievil, backwards thinking is just a waste of time.

I find that those who aren't confident feel confident by putting others down.
Once, this Mexican stole my purse w/my credit card, everything, & took off. This happened during finals.

Come to think about it, despite my stressful situation with finals & this jacka** stealing my purse, not once did him being hispanic cross my mind. In my mind, he was just an unfortunate, sleezeball, struggling to survive in the lowest possible way, ripping others off. (Can you imagine how disgraceful that is, constantly living a life of crime?)

Anyhow, in some of my friends' eyes, he was a Mexican, who were "all like that", implying that they are all low.

I thought, "How sad that my friends think that way!"

So after a lot of thinking, I realized that ignorance comes with a lack of self-confidence.

After that day, I started looking at my friends who said that in a different light. I felt sorry for them, and moved on.
Shocked, but Self-Confident    Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 22:09:28 (PDT)
To all you chinese people:

I really must agree with Shocked, Sad & Confused.

I hear stuff like that to. "Chinese sniggereing that they better than viets".

Look at yourselves first. Have you guys ever been to CHINA, HK, or any other places with a high chinese populations.

Chinese are also more FOBISH or as equal as viets in those places. I dont understand why they would say shit like that about viets when they are the same or even worse.

Look at Taiwan or HK, its a gangster ridden society but in the US they say "oh all the viets are gangsters and violent' Look at urself first u hypocrites' Who invented the TONG and the TRIADS.

Is it because u guys have a low self esteem or something so u have to pick on another race.

To Shocked, Sad & Confused, go find some friends that are not lke that girl, there are those that respect u for who u are and there are those with an inferor complex that have to hide it by putting other people down.
viet lover    Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 04:37:12 (PDT)
Loan Chau:

Ehtnicity has nothing to do with the way that family is. I have seen quite a few Asian families like that. Most likely the sons were raised to compete with each other and their parents have fueled such hatred among them that they no longer get along. Their parents probably expected each sons loyalty to be devoted entirely to them but instead have made the sons bitter.

I was raised in a similar fashion but was fortunate enough that my sisters and I realized what our parents were doing. We banded together but have remained bitter against our parents.

I hope things work out with you and your bf.
Slider, Chinese American male, 24    Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 20:43:22 (PDT)
Shocked, Sad, and Confused:

I am sorry to hear that the Chinese you have encountered in Irvine have treated you poorly for being Vietnamese. I come from Orange County and I have noticed some friction between the two ethnicities. However, most of it seems to be between people from my parents' generation. Those of us born in the States have largely been able to leave behind those racial frictions/stereotypes and learn to get to know people as people and not ethnicities. If they think there is something wrong with being Vietnamese they are not worth your time. It is their loss for being so ignorant. There are plenty of Chinese out there who will not treat you like you are inferior for being Vietnamese. Hang in there.
Slider, Chinese American male, 24    Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 20:34:56 (PDT)
Sounds like big brother Chinese was questioning by his little Vietnamese sisters.
Big trouble in little Saigon    Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 18:55:25 (PDT)