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To Have no fear:
U said " The Chinese in the USA have such misconceptions of the Vietnamese because of crime and gangs. This is especially true for the Cantonese from HK."
In my 2 previous posts i mentioned that HK society EXPECIALLY consists of a higher level of crime and gangs which is also extremely apparent in Taiwan and prolly any other chinese city.
My Chinese girlfriends father told me "Where there are Chinese, u will also find either some kind of Secret Society or Triads"
Now i have been to HK and Taiwan and the triads and the tong are 10 times worse than any viet gang i have ever heard of. The brutality and barbaric acts they perform in these crime syndicates is astonishing.
Why do HONKYS/Chinese still say 'viets are violent gang ridden people" when their own society is dominated by these elements...please explain the hypocricy?????
To Intresting aye:
U are right, my apologies. Not all intelligent people are NOT IGNORANT.
viet lover   
Sunday, August 25, 2002 at 18:40:40 (PDT)
Viet lover:
You quoted:
"How u are brought up and ur sphere of influence. And how intellectual u are."
Oh boy are you wrong on that, but I do give you some credit on the part where the you mentioned about he upbringing & sphere of influence.
Half of what you said is correct. Let me tell you something, I used to think like you, until recently.
Based on my experiences, even if a person were to be intellectual, it does not mean that they are NOT ignorant.
I dated this doctor, he once told me that he thinks that race has a lot to do with how intellectual a person is. I was shocked to hear this, especially, coming from a person who was quite educated.
He told me that he thought that Blacks & Hispanics were ALL uneducated, because they were "inherently" dumber. He was so confident that it had to do with DNA & the race factor.
I thought, wow, this doctor is saying something completely & utterly ignorant.
He also went off on how fat people are fat because it's all pscychological & has nothing to do with genetics.
I argued on my point of view that it's both. Not all people are genetically blessed with high metabolism & slim physique.
Anyhow, he started rambling on about how dumb fat people were, this and that, whatever.
He even told me that during med-school he had a couple of teachers who were bigots & brought to the attention of the dean.
So, based on my experience, having an educational background does not always mean that a person is going to be educated.
By the way, that doctor was fat too!
Interesting Aye?!   
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 19:09:20 (PDT)
Loan Chau,
The Chinese in the USA have such misconceptions of the Vietnamese because of crime and gangs. This is especially true for the Cantonese from HK. They had a big Vietnamese refugee problem in the past (I don't know if they still have any?).
Generally speaking, the prejudice is not as keen as you imagine it to be. You find many Vietnamese people eating, shopping and working in the Chinese communities.
Chinese are a bit condescending (like everyone else), and they have opinions of every Asian group, not just Vietnamese.
Take it easy...
have no fear   
Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 18:38:27 (PDT)
To Same Here:
I think its similiar with the Koreans and Japanese.
Japanese and Koreans are culturally related but they both cant get along due to some beef they had during the 1800s, WW1, WW2 till now. The parents of the current generations still go on about it to their kids.
It all boils down on cultural upbringing. How u are brought up and ur sphere of influence. And how intellectual u are. Whether u are a narrow minded person or more open minded. I have meet some chinese/asian people that have been very nice and some that are a complete 'Waste of space'.
Eg. Met this Hong Kong fellow at a birthday party. Because he was from HK, he had this misconception that the whole asian community in the world wants to be like HK. He went up on stage and started saying. "I want thank Miss 21, Miss 15 and Miss 18 for organising this event for me". Me being confused went up to him and ask who Miss 21, 15 and Miss 18 are. He sniggered. "Oh they are the nos of girlfriends i had, miss 21 was my 21st, Miss 18th my 18th gf..." I felt like smashing his face in to a pulb..
Therefore having said that it all comes down to the individual. So look for more the individual rather than the nationality
viet lover   
Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 18:32:55 (PDT)