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Maybe the reason Chinese people dislike Vietnamese is because of personal dealings between the two cultures?
I admit I have my reservation regarding Vietnamese because of personal experiences. I've been taken advantage of, lied to, stole from, and defamated by my so-call Vietnamese friends. Worse of all I treated them as true friends. I gave all of them a clean slate to begin with and all of them has turn on me the worst possible way. After the last Vietnamese person I befriended with stole my money and jewelry, sabotaged my relationship with my boyfriend, attempted to rape me, and stalked me for months to which I had to take gun lessons, I don't think I can trust another Vietnamese person again. And he was the 27th Vietnamese person I've befriended with.
From my dealings with the Vietnamese, (I'm sure there are some decent ones out there somewhere) they leave a bad taste in my mouth. There's nothing but drama, violence, theft, prostitution. You name it, my "friends" were involve in it. And let me clarify one thing, these are supposedly professionals working white collar jobs, not some hoodlum off the street. The last guy I was friends with his mother is a prostitute and his father threatened her with a gun when she wanted to leave him. My "friend" was a computer programmer with a $80k paying job so education obviously has nothing to do with that attitude. When he wanted to involve me in his family drama and I decided not to participate in their childish games, he turned against me and tried to rape me.
Before I didn't listen to my fellow Chinese people and decided to give Vietnamese a chance by offering them my friendship, now I know better.
What's sad is that there are probably some truly nice Vietnamese people out there who's hurt by this behavior just as I was.
Just telling my story   
Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 15:19:13 (PDT)
Maybe the reason Chinese people dislike Vietnamese is because of personal dealings between the two cultures?
I admit I have my reservation regarding Vietnamese because of personal experiences. I've been taken advantage of, lied to, stole from, and defamated by my so-call Vietnamese friends. Worse of all I treated them as true friends. I gave all of them a clean slate to begin with and all of them has turn on me the worst possible way. After the last Vietnamese person I befriended with stole my money and jewelry, sabotaged my relationship with my boyfriend, attempted to rape me, and stalked me for months to which I had to take gun lessons, I don't think I can trust another Vietnamese person again. And he was the 27th Vietnamese person I've befriended with.
From my dealings with the Vietnamese, (I'm sure there are some decent ones out there somewhere) they leave a bad taste in my mouth. There's nothing but drama, violence, theft, prostitution. You name it, my "friends" were involve in it. And let me clarify one thing, these are supposedly professionals working white collar jobs, not some hoodlum off the street. The last guy I was friends with his mother is a prostitute and his father threatened her with a gun when she wanted to leave him. My "friend" was a computer programmer with a $80k paying job so education obviously has nothing to do with that attitude. When he wanted to involve me in his family drama and I decided not to participate in their childish games, he turned against me and tried to rape me.
Before I didn't listen to my fellow Chinese people and decided to give Vietnamese a chance by offering them my friendship, now I know better.
What's sad is that there are probably some truly nice Vietnamese people out there who's hurt by this behavior just as I was.
Just telling my story   
Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 15:19:07 (PDT)
Just a comment.
Being Vietnamese/Chinese I have the benefit of seeing people for who they are. I have friends who are Indian, Mexican, white, black, Chinese, HK, and other races, backgrounds, and "upbringing & sphere of influence(s)."
What I have learned is people are nice, because they are nice. Vice versa, people are nasty, simply because they wanted to be nasty. I know people from the same family that have completely different personality and outlooks on race relations.
Essentially, we are human, and so we think and have our own oppinions. They are not right and they are not wrong. They are just a reflection of what we have encountered in our short lives. Play with nice people, and you will think that the world if full of nice people. Look at the news too much and you will think that the world is full of chaos.
Finally, I think that beautiful people are people who respects one another, regardless of their looks.
Monday, September 02, 2002 at 23:00:52 (PDT)