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To A Viet Man
I did not say there were no good Vietnamese people, I said from my personal dealings with them, I had not met one that was good. If you read my post again, I said that it's a shame that such people exist to ruin the Vietnamese image for the good ones.
You're right, I don't have to be friends with Vietnamese, therefore I don't anymore. Not because of any initial stereotypes that were taught to me but by actual personal experiences. And I don't attract the wrong type of people. I have friends of every race and they all have been good with the exception of the Vietnamese ones. I did not go to the getto and try to befriend the hoodlums, all of my former Vietnamese friends were from "good families", college educated, and had professional jobs. But that did not remove their violent and conning nature. It's easy to blame the victim than face the fact. Can you honestly say that it was my fault that I got attacked versus that they were bad people?
As for rape is not allow in your culture, I don't think any culture encourages rape. But that does not mean the people won't commit it. To say a Vietnamese person won't do it b/c it's against the culture is naive. As for pressing charges against that "friend" of mine (and I spit when I say "friend"), I already has a restraining order as well as a lawsuit for attempted rape. Even with that he broke into my house a few months ago, if my boyfriend wasn't there I don't know what would have happened. I do now have a loaded gun in my room just for him. He still drives around my house and stalks me.
Before I used to say it's just a few rotten eggs in a bunch, but after being screwed over 27 times but the same group of people I will say I've learn from my mistakes. If you happens to be the few good ones, I give you my respect, but don't think I will let my guard down.
To Viet Lover,
yes there are gangs in HK, but there's gangs in every culture and race. That's not the point. The point is I have personally experience the violence of Vietnamese people. I can only judge from my experience. I have tons of Chinese friends, as well as Italian, Jews, Muslim, etc... none of them have had any contact with gang members nor do they have the violent streak that the Vietnamese I've dealt with has. And certainly none of them has ever involve me in the type of drama the Vietnamese ones has. It's a little different to hear about the Triads then to actually has someone try to violate you.
Just telling my story   
Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 13:01:26 (PDT)
Just telling my story,
As a Vietnamese man, I feel offended to your remarks on Vietnamese people. I never defend Vietnamese as the best or the worse. I believe that there are always two sides, good and bad in every culture, people.
I am sorry that you have been through with some rotten Vietnamese. But they do not represent all the Vietnamese people. There are many good Vietnamese out there. For my personal experience, I feel close to Chinese people than others in America since we come from the same (or very close culture), not to mention the same ancestor. If you think the Vietnamese are so bad, you don’t have to make friend with them period. This is simple like that. You have a lot of choices in your life, especially in America. For the guy who attempted to rape you, you should contact an attorney to establish a case against him. Rape is very anti Vietnamese culture. In Vietnam, rape is the same as death sentence. I don’t look at all Chinese people are bad because of some ignorant Chinese. Please do not let some rotten Vietnamese ruin your image on Vietnamese people.
A Viet man   
Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 08:26:00 (PDT)
To DP,
I think you have got it pretty right there.
To Just telling my Story.
You say every vnese person u befriended has either betrayed u or done something bad to u.
Could it be that maybe u are attracting the wrong type of people?
U say " From my dealings with the Vietnamese, (I'm sure there are some decent ones out there somewhere) they leave a bad taste in my mouth. There's nothing but drama, violence, theft, prostitution"
If thats the case please answer this question from my previous post
"Why do honkys/chinese still say 'viets are violent gang ridden people" when their own society is dominated by these elements when the chinese triads and the tong are 10 times worse than any viet gang. the brutality and barbaric acts they perform in these crime syndicates is astonishing. ...someone please explain the hypocricy and answer the question.
noone has actually answered my question yet.
viet lover   
Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 22:07:40 (PDT)