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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To, The Carrot;
I agree with you.
To, people who bash vietnamese;
Go to Vietnam. The Viets there are actually much more friendly. Most Viets in USA are poverty stricken for the fact that they had little time to build wealth with nothing. The Chinese came to USA with nothing but it took them about a hundred years to build up a fortune and those new immigrants usually already have cash. Also most Viets in America still remember the grimness of war, while those in Vietnam take it lightly as to them it's just another war (we had 20 wars with china alone).
Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 00:52:31 (PDT)
Just telling my story:
There ARE decent Vietnamese people out in the world, me being one of them (but then again, I've been called a banana, so maybe I don't count.) I have friends who are also very decent folks, but I also see where you're coming from because not all Vietnamese folks are worthy of your time or mine.
I'm not bashing my own people, but I think many people of my culture tend to want to better themselves in life and in order to do that, they look out for Number one, themselves. I usually take them a grain of salt, but some I just don't allow into my life. I've learned from college that being a nice person and being truly genuine will not always get you far with a Vietnamese "friend."
I'm not talking about just young people here. It's their parents as well. Many Viet parents are petty and can only judge in terms of status. "Oh, you're a doctor? Oh, come eat dinner with us! Marry my daughter" "Oh, you're an engineer? That's nice..." "Oh, you're a teacher...hmmm" I can't count the number of encounters that I've had with groups of parents standing around and gloating over what their kids just bought them or what school their kid just got into. Being proud is one thing, but sticking it into the face of others as a status type thing is not the thing to do.
You kind of need to feel them out first. Please don't banish the entire Vietnamese society from your life. Some are truly worth befriending.
The Carrot   
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 09:20:27 (PDT)
Two cents worth from an Aussie-Asian here:
Gday to all you North Americans from an Aussie here. I'm of Chinese descent (from Hong Kong) but I just love Viet women hehe, maybe it's b/cause generally they are much nicer in personality and not as up themselves as most Hong Kong or Chinese are.
At the current age of 21, dated only twice and both have been Vietnamese girls. Maybe it's because of the fact that I like petite girls (I'm 181cm) and both my gfs were less than 165cm.
Speaking of Australia, there really isn't much of a broad variety of Asians as you guys have. It's mostly Chinese (due to mass emigration from China, HK and Singapore) Vietnamese, Malaysians, Indonesians and to a lesser extent Taiwanese and Koreans. Japanese here are scarce, ditto for Koreans (with the exception of Sydney), anyway, if your going to stick with Asians here, you're bound to have Viet friends.
Comparing the States with us, we don't seem to get as many "same ethnic" group of friends.
ANyway, that's my 2 cents, currently 1 c in $US.
Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 00:51:06 (PDT)
[This page is about Chinese male/Viet female relationships. We're omitting off-topic posts. --Ed]
Just telling my story:
I could relate to you in some ways, although I am Vietnamese myself, but I have to disagree with your generalization.
It seems as though you don't want to fully admit the fact that you are generalizing by saying, "there are SOME decent ones, somewhere out there..."
Well, from my point of view, most of the Vietnamese people who betrayed me were the ones who weren't so financially stable. This one time, I had a stash of $500 hidden in the back of my closet. So, this one day, these Viet friends of mine were in my room, I quickly grabbed my cash and made sure that my closet door was closed while I grabbed my cash. I made sure that they didn't see.
After that night, I went to put the money I had left over from what I took back into where I hid my cash. I was so shocked to find out someone stole all of my money.
I began to suspect it was them. The next week at school, they totally ignored me, and started talking sh*t on me. Then, I knew it was them.
Two years later, they came into the store that I worked at, I said hi to them and acted as if I didn't know they did it. I could tell by the looks on their face that they felt guilty.
Anyway, I'm not saying that just because some Vietnamese people are poor, they are all deceiving. Most of the time, their situation of living in a ghetto life will most likely either mold them to become decent, honest people, or kniving a**holes like the ones I met.
It's all based on a judgement of character. I should've seen it coming when I first befriended them.
So, being a Viet person myself, I don't trust all Viets, but I do give them the benefit of the doubt just as I would with anyone else.
Vietnamese people could be one of the most kind-hearted people, it just depends on who you bump into. So, don't lose hope just from those experiences.
It's funny how you counted off your Viet friends (27 of them?). That's weird. It sounds like you are open-minded, but are doubtful of them based on your experience. That's normal to feel that way, it's part of being human, but don't let it consume you.
So treat all Viet people as "humans", and not a generalized assumption based on race. Good luck to the ones you bump into in the future.
Friday, September 06, 2002 at 16:53:47 (PDT)
To Just telling my story:
Yes there are gangs in all societes but they are most strong in the chinese culture.
And trust me they are 10 times more violent and barbaric than vnese. My point is 'look at ur own culture first before critizing others'
Lastly, let me get this right, so u are saying because u only experience violence from vnese people, that you dont hang around or despise them.
So what that would mean that if you would experience violence from the chinese triads and the tongs you would say the same shit about them.
That is pretty narrow minded.
What nationality are u by the way.
I have esperienced good and bad people from all walks of life, Chinese people, Korean people, Japanese people, white people and black people.
But im smart enough to say that it all depends on individuals and not nationality.
Even my work colleque who is a chinese male was dating a korean and all of her friends were saying to her 'Why u dating a chink for. They are all dirty and multiply like rabbits'. Her friend said 'All 12 chinese people i have met are this are that'. They only own restaurants and live in chinese huts and ghettos, are gang ridden and this and that. '
Man dont u think he would feel hurt and think, those friends of those are pretty narrow minded for saying that.
Any person with half a brain would know better.
viet lover   
Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 21:22:35 (PDT)
To, Just telling my story;
Where do you live? The problem is that sometimes the population of vietnamese is so small that they lose their sense of identity and also lose their sense of moral. This can lead to tendencies to be violent and/or unjust. BUT a large population in a way can also make it seem that the people are bad. For example, in Houston, there are alot of vietnamese gangsters. But this is in fact only an extremely small percentage of the population, but because of the population size the reality is that there should be more bad apples in number.
You want a good viet? I so far have been good; no violent tendencies (or i think not :P), no lack of education (so far i'm on track, no criminal record.
You just had a bad streak, i had a friend who HATES chinese people. Why? When he was in malaysia the chinese people stole his rice, raped his friends, killed his father, shot his mother, kidnapped his brother (still not found) and much much more. To today, he doesn't have very good relations with any chinese, he actually avoids them and lives in one of those areas where the white population is high to avoid the chinese (because they live everywhere asians are i guess).
Go to Edmonton someday, the vietnamese here are good hearted. Hey Edmonton has the worlds largest mall, maybe you can get your boyfriend to pay for your way there so you can go shopping :D...
Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 15:05:22 (PDT)