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Hello, I put in my two cents worth of info in life in NYC. I am Korean American male.
I would be consider 1.5 generation. Anyway when it comes to dating for asian people
I would say it is pretty hard. If I want a korean girlfriend there are korean international students but, you have to be able to speak korean for these girls to even look at you. Most koreans tend to stick in thier own groups. I dated other asian nationality and find that korean girls tend to be more into money than other girls. Perhaps it is the way they are brought up. Other asian girls like Japanese and filipina tend to date mostly outside their race. They will not give an asian american brother a time a day. Dating in clubs is pretty hard it's like trying to hit a homerun in a base ball game. For most koreans there are alot of korean churches particularly in flushing. But you have to be a believer if you want to date a korean Christen girl. Some of my friends actually decided to move out to california for the dating scene. (I don't know if it is better over there) YOu could try inter-racial relationship(I was never involve in one). But, from my experience it favors asian women more so than asian guys. Most white girls I meet just wants to be friends nothing more. ..
youngjune kwak76@earthlink.net   
Monday, January 07, 2002 at 17:25:57 (PST)
As much as many of these posts focus on the "tempers" of Corean males and females, I'm gonna offer this metaphor which'll either offend or hit the nail on the head: Coreans are sort of the Scots-Irish of the primary Asian cultures. So would the Japanese be the British, and the Chinese the French? Just having some fun wondering.
Bulgogi Boy   
Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 23:11:54 (PST)
what i have exp. with KA men are...
puff himself up (mentally speaking) to look more attractive...tho eventually you know he is puffing himself & not being true to himself & to women.
spend a lotta money, buy gifts, etc to lure women's attention. as soon as he dates/marrys things end
they tend to have lesser core foundation than some other non-koreans. not to say all korean american men but many more are...it seems
above all they try to be so muh-ssi-suh at all times...tho, know thy self is needed.
well the above seem to be negative ones...
Sunday, December 30, 2001 at 16:08:08 (PST)
God, Korean girls can be materialistic and have rotten tempers too. Don't give up though. Many are gorgeous AND have beautiful minds. It's well worth discovering them.
Monday, December 24, 2001 at 00:45:57 (PST)
korean women somehow resolve the whore and virgin paradox well. that is why men (and women) can find in them the most beautiful and also the most vile--a sort of uber eve. i think if you look carefully, you might see that korean women are indeed our mother's daughters and that's why i love them the dearest. unfortunately, at the moment, my heart's been captured by another mother's daughter.
prince in waiting   
Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 17:15:06 (PST)
I've had only negative experiences with Corean girls. The ones I've dated seemed sweet at first, but always ended up being materialistic, bitchy game players. I'm sick of all these head games!
Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 09:48:49 (PST)
Mongolian women are beautiful, and so are Manchus (the unmixed ones). Have you seen models from Mongolia or Russia? Their features are seldom found among Koreans and Japanese nowadays because Korean and Japanese girls get too much eyelid surgery to make themselves look more Western. North Korean women come close to looking Mongol, but there are some of them who look Chinese too.
Tuesday, December 18, 2001 at 18:05:06 (PST)
hhaa, yes, korean girls have very bad temper. and i used to think this was a very big turn off.
but add some years to my life, and i find this very endearing.
I like my korean women, red-hot angry.
I like the directness, pragmatism, and the similiar interests korean gals share with me.
And what the f#@k, we korean guys have bad tempers too, so it would be pretty explosive relationship/
Friday, October 05, 2001 at 14:10:22 (PDT)