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I think we are just made for each other. She became muti-orgasmic through me and I love coming with her. We just fit so well physically and spiritually.
love and lust   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 12:17:53 (PDT)
Umm...I'm not quite sure what gave you the impression that I believed that rape was not a serious crime (from a previous post of mine). In stating that the incidence of rape in Korea is high, I was trying to address the seriousness of rape and that something must be done to significantly reduce those numbers. To think that I dismiss rape as a trivial matter is totally wrong--my own mother was raped, and I being a girl, I take it very seriously. Perhaps, you misunderstood me?
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 21:41:49 (PDT)
A message to So_it_goes-
On one thought, your opinion seems right. However, it doesnt seem so when you think about it from another angle.
Your point of view gives a clear impression of an idea that rape shouldnt be such a serious crime, which is totally wrong. This isnt about reporting rape figures but it is about how we should approch this problem to reduce the chance of our love ones get rape.
Promoting this idea that rape isnt such a serious crime and got raped isnt such a bad experience is totally unacceptable.
pls_punish_rapist_severely viwato@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 00:19:28 (PDT)
That's cool i did not know that there are alot of Koreans that are catholics. My korean friends name is Cheng No and his catholic name is Pedro, but I just call him Peter.
Fil Guy 20   
Sunday, July 14, 2002 at 10:47:11 (PDT)
I wouldn't read too much into these posts. People can lie, actually be someone other than who they claim to be, and the people who actually post and read these web sites might include more angry, socially maladjusted than the general population.
I've heard the "wife-beater" stuff in college and in some discussions. From my own experience with Koreans, mainly Family and Church, the males and females are usually much more humane and affectionate to other persons than any sort of "cold" or "hierarchical" social interaction. I don't know about you, but white men and black men are not exactly angels...men in general are wolves and our own, American society, seems to be creating more and more of brutal, angry, selfish, almost nihlistic young men. Like someone said before, rapes/date rape/sexual abuse/the abuse of young women/the general dating scene is not exactly perfect in America. Feminists and conservatives alike all decry the brutality of male treatment towards females and the general decline of civility and humanity in male/female and just person to person relations in America. When I was in Korea, at least within the group, things seemed totally different and better.
To blame things on "conservatism" as opposed to what--"liberalism" is to use jargon and simplistic abstraction and neo-colonialist imagery to simplify reality. I don't know if it's "conservatism"--certainly Korean society has changed dramatically--but liberal individualistic societies are not all peaceful, wonderful places for women. It's just they are in power and supply the better images for themselves. I think younger, Korean men might actually be worse than their older counterparts...mainly because they are more "liberal"--if you've read some feminists--"liberal" and "free" is often just ideology allowing male dominance to thrive.
Saturday, June 29, 2002 at 23:55:38 (PDT)
Many Korean girls go to church. However, they hardly behave as if it matters once they're outside of church. I don't think they give a hoot what your creed is.
Correct Observation?   
Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 09:27:06 (PDT)
Hi everyone,
I have noticed that many Koreans are Catholics. I consider myself as a spiritual person, but I do not go to temple/church to worship any particular religion.
I am a Korean American man and I prefer to have a relationship with a Korean American woman.
How do Korean American women feel about dating a Korean American man who is not a part of Catholic?
I look forward to hearing from you all.
spirit escapedaweb@yahoo.com   
Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 11:03:18 (PDT)
Thanks one feminist woman,
Glad to know that there is someone else out there that thinks this guy is being disgusting. I'm sure not all Korean men are like him (God I hope not).
Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 12:02:56 (PDT)
korean men are really sexy!!!!!
just an asian girl   
Monday, May 27, 2002 at 04:26:58 (PDT)
Go me!!! I agree and support you. Most Korean guys are not like that though. I like Korean guys a lot. A lot of people say that Korean guys are "wife beaters", I wonder where that comes from because most Korean guys I have encountered are awesome.
One Feminist Woman   
Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 00:32:48 (PDT)
love and lust,
Big bad wolf, pleaazzze. You have committed adultery, which is just plain wrong. I don't care how you try to justify it. And here you are like a typical man boasting of your sexual exploits. Well you are just making AM look bad. As for her being an "innocent" fawn, she is just as guilty as you, she has also committed adultery. I'm no bible freak, far from it. But I do believe that when you get married, you treat the other person with love and respect. Are you proud that you have ruined two families? All I can gather from the posts here are that Korean men are just sexist sexist chauvnistic losers.
Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 13:23:26 (PDT)