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I tend to agree with you. Japanese men, on the whold tend to be more docile than Korean men. But then again, there are some Japanese men who resemble Korean men in personality and behavior. Afterall, Japan is the home of the Samurai mentality... ferocious warriors and barbaric conquerors. That's probably why they had so much success during WW2. Actually, Korean men are probably even more warrior-like than Japanese men, but their problem was that they kept arguing amongst themselves (the curse of the argumentative nature of Koreans)... thats why Korea got their asses kicked by Japan many times, because of internal disputes. If Koreans could be more cohesive, they would proabably have been able to hold off the Japanese. But getting back to the point, I think that Koreans and Japanese are the most closely related groups in Asia, despite the beef between the two peoples. Some Japanese do possess the 'hard' mentality of Koreans.
Another dude in Asia   
Thursday, October 18, 2001 at 00:07:16 (PDT)
"I'm more manly than you!"
"Are not!"
"Am too!"
"Are not! Are not! Are not!"
"Am too times infinity!"
Just to let you see what that conversation sounds like on the most basic level. All big words and cursing aside of course.
Who cares about "manliness"? I feel like I just stepped into the 40's or something.
Killer Bee   
Monday, October 15, 2001 at 19:10:14 (PDT)
In chinese history, Northern barbarian people(horse riding people) were always strong, manly and rude. On the other hand, southern people (rice breeding people in Yangtze river) were always delicate character. Well, I don't know about Korean male very much, but I think Korean people are more closer to northern horse riding people than Japanese, and Japanese are more closer to southern rice breeding people in Yangtzen river than Korean. I think this is the reason why Korean male looks manly and they proud of it.
Tuesday, October 02, 2001 at 07:40:54 (PDT)
Korean girls are not that great as u guys commented on the above, They are mostly rude and will stab you in the back in a heartbeat.
They always think of their world.
They tend to spend a lot of bucks and kick the men's ass if the men broke out. Trust me.
They gonna be just busy with snatching
husbands purse and plus they won't show any sign of sharing men's hardship.
They just judge all men with their wealthy and ability.
Sunday, September 23, 2001 at 22:55:34 (PDT)
God of Asia,
But they are! Hahaha.... get your shit outta here, bi-etch. FYI, I'm not Korean.
Korean men ARE manly... I know   
Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 15:07:31 (PDT)
"Korean guys are much more manly"
what a korean krok o shiet.
manly by whose atandards? by whitey's?
although i hate imperial japan, just dont forget how those effeminate 'japs' subjugated those 'manly' koreans, you fool.
ever watch professional martial arts. i'll bet not, it would be too painful to see rumina, mach, and all their other homies breaking korean ass. that would shatter your fragile korean ego.
yes, korean guys are much more abrasive and rude but that doesnt make them manly, just unsophisticated.
everybody knows that korean guys have the most fragile of egos built on their little phony machismo chauvinism.
hahaha, you aint convincing anyone here with that crap.
God of Asia
Poi, some of what you are saying is true but let me tell you from first hand experience...Some of those hostess girls put out some DAMN GOOD SEX!!!
I was once seeing a very pretty Korean lady that worked in a hostess bar. I didn't know it at the time because I had met her dancing at a nightclub. Well, once I found out what kind of job she had, (She told me) I knew I had to let her go. It was hard at first because of the sex and all...I kind of wanted it to end like the "Pretty Woman movie" but realized that a movie and reality were two different things!!
Anyway, I ended up marrying my beautiful wife, (5 years later) that I had met when she was a manager at the Fairmont Hotel, (Yes she also is korean)...End of story
Asian male in S.F.
I've noticed a lot of Korean female and Japanese male relationships. These tend to be the gold digger kind koreans though that work in Korean hostess bars that marry rich japanese guys for money. Terrible.
I don't think Coreans have any ill feelings toward Japanese Americans especially since you or your family had nothing to do with the actrocities. Just knowing the history and respecting our culture,you should be fine.
Go for it , life is too short.
Silla girl
I'm a Japanese-American 3rd generation guy. I never thought much about Korean or any other Asian gals in the past. I dated whomever I wanted to. But, there is just this natural attraction with members of your own race. At my university, there is this Korean girl who constantly gives me the looks, albeit in a very subtle manner. The discussion class is small so we see eye to eye and I know it. The only thing I am afraid of is that I know my people have bad blood with the Koreans for hundreds of years of our history. I am afraid of eventually having to meet her family and community. How will they accept me? How will they accept us? I have been friendly to Koreans all my life, but have never been intimate with one. I know one Korean guy who once said something quite racist. He told me to not worry about dating Korean girls, because they view Japanese as being essentially the same race as Koreans. He said he would only allow his sister to intermarry with either Japanese or Mongol men and nothing else. So, do I have a chance then?
You've been dating all the Korean geek-boys. What in the hell are you talking about? I think most Japanese guys are EXTRA-effeminate, with the exception of some Chinese guys. Korean guys are much more manly. Case Closed.