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comments from reading some of your thought about Japanese vs. Korean girls or Japanese American vs. Korean American. I'm now 31, Korean ancestry, but I have been living in the US for the past 18 yrs. During my college days, I noticed I was more attractive to Japanese girls rather than my own ancestry. I have dated about five Japanese girls over time but no Korean girls. I'm not really sure why that is, but all I can say is that I would really love to go out with a Korean girl someday soon and I live on Maui.
Mark Myung Jin Kim Alikakim@juno.com   
Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 02:04:03 (PST)
KA Male in Japan,
As another Korean man, that's precisely what I don't like about Japanese women. They look like little girls! It's hard to draw the line where fantasy becomes pedophilia, and it creeps the hell out of me. I want a woman with a nubile, feminine face, but also a presense about her that is distinctly mature and womanly. A girly-girl is a no for me. This is one area in which Korean women win... they are more "grown-up" in their mannerisms.
Korean Souljah   
Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 19:47:36 (PST)
To my misfortune, I have never dated a Korean or Japanese American woman so my experiences are limited to Korean and Japanese women. Japanese women tend to be polite, cute, passive, fashionable and sexy while Korean women seem to be sophisticated, sexy and straightforward and intelligent. This is not to say that Japanese women are not sophisticated or that Korean women are not polite. At the end of the day though, I would have to tip the scale to Japanese women because I find them to be more feminine in their manners and child-like in their appearance. Having said that, I find both to be at the top of any list of nationalities.
KA male in Japan   
Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 07:55:49 (PST)
I also think that Japanese dress very well too. It's too bad that a lot of Korean-American guys talk and dress like gansters/rap artists which may be a big turnoff to Japanese girls.
KA man living in Tokyo
Uhhhhh...correct me if I'm wrong but Hip Hop is more popular in Japan than in Korea? I've never seen Korean guys with afros but I've seen many Japanese guys and gals with it.
I believe dressing "gangster/rap" look is a fad among the young that they grow out of. Kids of all color do it. I don't have any Korean American friends who dress like that, we are all in out late twenties and early thirties that's why. We're considered "oldheads."
Anyway, I find Japanese girls in general to be cute rather than beautiful or sexy. Japanese American girls I've met have been very openminded and outgoing, there just arn't too many here on the east coast though.
New Yorker   
Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 18:27:42 (PST)
Japanese girls here in Japan are physically the most attractive among Asian women! I'm from the L.A. area and have spent years in both Korea and Japan. I think the girls in Japan are the best looking and have the best bodies. Unfortunately I haven't dated any Japanese-American girls but would like to. I also think that Japanese dress very well too. It's too bad that a lot of Korean-American guys talk and dress like gansters/rap artists which may be a big turnoff to Japanese girls.
KA man living in Tokyo   
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 06:09:35 (PST)
I've got lots of asian female friends, and I must admit that Japanese girls are beautiful on the inside rather than the outside. What I mean is that they're generally nice, cheerful and understanding, which makes people wanna befriend them.
When it comes to physical beauty, I think Chinese girls are the prettiest. I'd like to have a girlfriend who is a combination of Chinese and Japanese.
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 14:16:39 (PDT)
Facially, Japanese women are second to none (well, at least the hot ones). Body-wise, they are a little on the short side. I lot of Japanese women aren't even 5'3" (160cm).
J-women...cute but short   
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 20:17:47 (PDT)
I find Japanese women to have more class and elegance than Korean girls. They tend to be more easy going and sincere. This is based on dating both Korean and Japanese women. My current girlfriend is Japanese.
Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 22:38:16 (PDT)
I find Japanese women from Japan to be much more attractive than Japanese American women. They have porcelain skin and dress impeccably, most of the time. However, their Fob-by ways are a bit of a turn off. I dig Japanese American women in the sense that they are Asian, but also distinctively American (best of both worlds). However, they aren't generally as attractive as Japanese women, or they are self-hating women with no pride in themselves. Oh well, there's always a trade-off, huh?
Korean Guy, 21   
Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 19:22:36 (PDT)
What can i say japanese women are delicious and by far the cutest and sexiest!
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 11:00:04 (PDT)
There's TWO kinds of japanese females. They either HATE themselves (hate their asianess) or they want nothing to do with gaijins (americans) and LOVE to hang out with koreans. In our campus, JF and KM couples are fairly common. From my personal observations, korean guys are more manly (attitude, personality), we're also bigger built, whereas japanese guys are seeing as whimps by other japanese females. Kinda feel sorry for japanese kids.
Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 14:52:56 (PDT)
I'm not sure but I think Japanese girls are much more quiet and shy in general. I like that but they are kinda shorter than most korean girls i know and Korean girls definatley have better hair style and dress sense. Still i really like their personality.
Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 07:55:31 (PDT)