

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants?
Yes | 34%
No | 64%
I'm not sure | 2%

Assuming you are an Asian American man, are you circumcised?
Yes | 47%
No | 53%

Assuming you are an Asian American woman, would you prefer the males of your family and/or sexual partners to be circumcised?
Yes | 33%
No | 59%
I don't care either way | 8%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm Chinese and was born in the U.S. in the early 70's. My parents were typical immigrants thinking that anything American must be right. I was circumcised as an infant and can tell you that it has effected me my entire life. If I could go back and change one thing in my life it would be to be non circumcised or intact. But I didn't have the choice. I know what you mean about relying more and more on your imagination to achieve climax. Another strange twist is that you can be over stimulated sometimes being circumcised from clothes rubbing against you all day. I'm sure alot of circumcised guys can attest to getting erections at the most embarassing times like walking down the street. Instead of having a foreskin to protect the glans from being rubbed against while walking, being circumcised forces the glans to be constantly irritated. I wish I could have at least known what it was like to have a foreskin.

American Born Chinese Guy.
American Born Chinese    Wednesday, September 05, 2001 at 00:00:43 (PDT)
there are always a sad few who jump on their bandwagen and scream and yell contrary to medical fact. bollocks (no pun intended) to them because the benefits far outweigh anything else. it can prevent alot of things that would have caused lots of problems and maybe damage some kids self esteem or worse. also if u want to natter about your damm surveys, statistics show most woman to prefer a circumcised penis which is why dildos are modelled on them.
this is a positive thing.
someone who gives a damm    Tuesday, September 04, 2001 at 11:56:25 (PDT)
"Infants Don't feel pain."

are you a complete idiot?
Saul    Tuesday, September 04, 2001 at 07:18:37 (PDT)
American Born Chinese Guy -- i'm also Chinese, but i was circumcised at 23. At the time, my foreskin was really tight and i sought the help of a urologist. He recommended circumcision and i was hesitant at first, thought about it for a few days, but finally relented. Looking back now, i should have done more research, made a more well informed decision, perhaps sought a second opinion better yet. Only recently have i really looked into this by reading as much literature and online material that i could find on the subject. If there is anyone who is qualified to talk about the effects of circumcision, it would be someone like myself who consciously knows and remembers what it is like before and after. And i can tell you unequivocally that i have lost a whole lot of sensation since my circ. Sex is sometimes frustrating because it takes me so much longer to climax and some guys may come in here bragging that that's a good thing, but believe me, it is not. I can only imagine that the physical aspects of sex will gradually disappear as i get older and i'll have to rely more and more on imagination and fantisizing to achieve climax. I realize i may have made a mistake, but at least it was my mistake to make -- as an adult. And that's the difference. Let people make their own choices. When you are circed as a day old infant you don't have choices and that is just wrong. The argument of infants not remembering pain is plain stupid because as someone like myself can attest, circumcision does have long lasting effects way beyond the initial pain.
TC    Monday, September 03, 2001 at 21:51:02 (PDT)

What's the chances of your wife developing cervical cancer from you not being circumcised? Since there is no concrete facts as you stated. I think I would rather not have part of my penis chopped off just for the slim chance that my wife could develop cervical cancer. Hey think about this. Why don't we just surgically remove all women's breast so that they don't have a chance of developing breast cancer. Since there is no proven link between cervical cancer and uncircumcised men then there is no good reason for being circumcised. Plus, I haven't heard about the soaring rate of cervical cancer rate in China. Practically all men in China are uncircumcised.
American Born Chinese Guy    Monday, September 03, 2001 at 11:50:37 (PDT)
TGIC Thank God Im Circumcised,

Infants don't feel pain? What the hell are you thinking? Have you ever seen a circumcision performed on an infant? Just imagine one moment you're in the womb and its nice and comfortable and the next you're being skinned alived by some freaking American doctor. I suggest you watch a circumcision being performed on an infant before you make such an ignorant comment. What were you smoking when you wrote that?

American Born Chinese Guy
American Born Chinese    Monday, September 03, 2001 at 11:40:24 (PDT)
I'll tell you all one good reason to be circumsized.

This was a study done recently and I've read it somewhere I can't remember, but the study practically showed that wives of uncircumsized men had higher # of cases of cervical cancer than the wives of circumsized men.

There MIGHT be a link between circumsition and cervical cancer but it has not yet been PROVEN. The data just SHOWS that there MIGHT be a possible link.

But maybe the hypothesis is correct. You wouldn't want your wife to develop cervical cancer just because you were uncircumsized would you?
jjk    Saturday, September 01, 2001 at 20:39:22 (PDT)

How do you know so much about the effects of circumcision? Are you an American born asian too? Are you male or female? If male, are you circumcised?
American Born Chinese Guy    Saturday, September 01, 2001 at 17:03:19 (PDT)
To American Born Chinese Guy:

Last Time I Checked , Infants Don't feel pain. From your perspective you might as well argue about banning cutting ambilicle cords.
TGIC THANK GOD IM CIRCUMSISED    Saturday, September 01, 2001 at 16:07:36 (PDT)
American Born Chinese Guy -- you've made some excellent points. Another result of circumcision is a wider variety of sexual practices (anal/oral sex) and desire for more frequency in sexual activity. It's a fact that American men engage in intercourse with more frequency than men in other countries. It's also true that American men have sex more frequently as they grow older also. One proposed hypothesis is just exactly what you have asserted again and again. Decreased sensitivity of the glans over time, constantly rubbing against clothes and being exposed to air. This has caused men to become somewhat unsatisfied with their sex life and to seek sex more frequently. Sexual climax is mostly brought about on a mental level. If the mental aspect of arousal is not present, then the physical aspect can also help one to achieve orgasm. But circumcised men have lost so much sensation that many have to engage in other practices (anal sex because of more friction) in order to achieve gratification. This seems completely plausible.
TC    Thursday, August 30, 2001 at 17:53:53 (PDT)
Spearhead said...

((As far as decreasing sensitivity is concerned American men have a notoriously long sex life doing it well into thier 70's. ))

Where they hell did you hear that from?
Notoriously into their 70's?? Thats the biggest exageration that I've heard of. Did you forget that Americans are also are the biggest consumers of Viagra. Did you ever think that maybe the reason why they need Viagra is because circumcision made their penis numb and non sensitive? The foreskin a breeding ground for bacteria? Come on, maybe if you're living in a humid jungle and can't shower for weeks. I think i would rather take two showers a day instead of having part of my penis chopped off.

Think about it? I guess you're happy because you don't know what you really lost because you've never had one when it counted. Plus, the chronic pain you talk about is just some sort of generalization. There are billions of men all over the world who aren't circumcised and have normal sex and don't feel pain. Where are you getting your information from? American doctors?
American Born Chinese Guy- Circumcised not by choice.    Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 19:51:11 (PDT)
I'm not proclaiming that circumcision is the most awful abuse of humans rights on the face of the earth. I'm not saying that it should be banned from ever being practiced. I understand that it is a part of some major world religions, namely Judaism and Islam. Nonetheless, i still assert that it is barbaric when you impose such a painful and unnecessary surgical procedure on a young and unsuspecting infant. If it's so great then let them make the choice when they are able to make a choice! That's all i'm saying. As for the pro and cons of circumcision, the medical literature has revealed that there is a small benefit to being circumcised -- cleanliness as many have mentionned. But don't blow this small finding out of proportion. Does this warrant carrying out this procedure when there is little real medical justification? You must be really lazy if you have a foreskin and can't even wash down there. So let's spare you the trouble and cut off that piece of skin. Pretty absurd reasoning. Spearhead, you do not know what you are missing if you have been circed as an infant. Only men who have been circed as adults can truly state what it feels like being circed vs. intact and the majority of these men have stated that they have lost a lot of sensation. You claim that many American men are able to remain sexually active into their old age. This is a true statement. However, there are also some studies being done right now which may attempt to link circumcision with impotence (decreased sensation over time). There are also more impotent men in America than other countries too. Don't forget that.
TC    Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 17:53:37 (PDT)
To : American Born Chinese Guy

"Truth is There is No reason for

That's a Good one pal! Go study more about male genetalia and circumcision.
1TYME    Tuesday, August 28, 2001 at 22:42:58 (PDT)