Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants?
Yes |
No |
I'm not sure |
Assuming you are an Asian American man, are you circumcised?
Yes |
No |
Assuming you are an Asian American woman, would you prefer the males of your family and/or sexual partners to be circumcised?
Yes |
No |
I don't care either way |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
being cut takes care of alot of my complications that i had with my foreskin.
Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 11:50:28 (PST)
one word, hygene! As long as u have a good sense of that, then any woman would be damn satisfied by an uncut man!
Cuz we're the real men, know wut i'm sayin!
Monday, February 25, 2002 at 19:48:45 (PST)
Hey Dummy, If you are uncut, how would you know what mastrubation without foreskin is like (how do you know it's not as easy)?
The Nose   
Monday, February 25, 2002 at 03:21:11 (PST)
having foreskin is cool. i can masturbate so much easier. my wife loves licking it!
Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 21:03:41 (PST)
I am a white male dating a beautiful Asian woman. She has never been with a "uncut" guy before me. She has told me that she likes mine much more then the others. She also said that she will not have her son "cut".
I am glad, because I love my foreskin!!
BTW, good man Black Uncut Dude!
White Uncut Dude   
Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 16:36:00 (PST)
I would say that the guy attached to the penis would be more important then the penis itself. And for those of you who fear rejection, regardless of which side you fall, seek out women and not litttle girls. See, problem solved.
Good Day   
Friday, February 15, 2002 at 17:18:14 (PST)
From my experience women rarely care if a person is circumcized or not. It's how you use it. As a man who's uncircumcised, I haven't had any complains. I am glad that my parents have made the choice to leave me as the way i am. I think everybody should have their own choice and freedom to do what they wish with their body. Circumcising your child is taking away his very first right as a human being. Does being a parent mean having the rights to remove a body part of your child?
Another point i would like to make is people tend to be be afraid of the things they don't have or don't understand. (This explains the issue why minorities are prejudiced against, but there's enough on that on this site) But the same goes for the issue of circumcision. Nature usually don't put things where it doesn't belong, don't remove anything just because you don't understand it.
natural Asian   
Friday, February 08, 2002 at 13:04:33 (PST)
Circumcision is a horrible thing!
William Lee   
Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 09:39:16 (PST)
i want to get circumsized. most of my friends are and I think it looks better. Where can I got to get it done?
asian 13 year old boy dmq540@yahoo.com   
Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 23:34:31 (PST)
I was circumcised a few weeks ago, by my own choice. I feel a circumcised penis is more aeshtetically pleasing and I couldn't stand the stench of my uncircumcised penis, even though I would clean it daily. It was a choice I made myself, being fully informed of both sides by reading a plethora of material online. I'm ambivalent about infant circumcision; while I appreciate the opportunity to make the decision for myself, I always felt strange and left out of the mainstream with a foreskin.
happily circumcised jameschang1@earthlink.net   
Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 13:49:09 (PST)
To: Black Uncut Dude,
Sounds to me like you need a lesson on the subject of female circumcision. For info. on this topic, try this web site "Female Genital Mutilation (a.k.a. female circumcision)"
http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/g2601/0005/ 2601000535/p1/article.jhtml
Casual Dreamer   
Saturday, January 19, 2002 at 20:30:08 (PST)
whatever I like how it looks, I'm glad I'm cut instead of looking like a dead ginger root or something.
Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 23:56:09 (PST)
Great points.
I have had relationships mainly with asian and white girls, and also some black girls. They are mainly American and young. Only one european swedish girl however. They all love it.
My other main point is that if it is cleaner to be circumsised for sanitary reasons. Well what do you say for women ? Should they have to be circumsised for sanitary reasons? Women certainly secrete more stuff, lots more stuff, in there private parts than an uncircumsised men. But that would not make sence for them to be circumcised, would it ? Proper hygene is what is important.
Black Uncut Dude
Black Uncut Dude   
Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 11:41:32 (PST)