

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants?
Yes | 34%
No | 64%
I'm not sure | 2%

Assuming you are an Asian American man, are you circumcised?
Yes | 47%
No | 53%

Assuming you are an Asian American woman, would you prefer the males of your family and/or sexual partners to be circumcised?
Yes | 33%
No | 59%
I don't care either way | 8%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
AC Dropout:

Are you being sarcastic? Sorry I can't tell...the "HAHAHA" wasn't enough to clue me in.
Taiwanese Guy    Monday, April 01, 2002 at 17:05:48 (PST)

Only if asian males make more of these sacrifices can we get better skin cream, foundations, any tropically applied cosmetic product for our asian sisters.

Not to mention removing the "Ghost Population" status in skin research. Novel solutions to psorisis and various derm carcinoma could also be discovered.

Well at least this surgical procedure could have medical benefits. What does piercing an earlode do for anybody else besides that individual.

It's just an interesting spin to a tired subject.
AC Dropout    Monday, April 01, 2002 at 10:50:55 (PST)
Taiwanese Guy,

Excellent posts. Most of the recent posts in here such as yours have been more well thought out and reasoned. And in general, most of the posts against circumcision are better argued than the ones favoring circumcision.

All i've heard from the pro-circ crowd is that it's "cleaner," "better looking," "more prefered by women" and all these other nonsensical items. No discussion of the studies that have been done or showing why circumcision is beneficial, just a bunch of opinions from the supporters.

But the facts are clear. There is very little if any medical justification for routine infant circumcision. It's purely a cultural/religious phenomenon and has little to do with cleanliness and health in today's modern world. Infants are entitled to their own freedom of choice even if they are not mature enough to make those decisions just yet.
TC    Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 20:06:00 (PST)
to AC Dropout

What a disgusting subject!!!...but since we're on it, I kinda think that we Asians should be thankful that there are so many folks out there giving away their babies' foreskins so that we can get rid of psoriasis and improve our skin creams! I just hope that enough people do it so our AMs don't have to. I'd prefer not to put all our male babies through such pain just to benefit the dermatologically challenged.
MLK    Friday, March 29, 2002 at 15:20:19 (PST)
Taiwanese Guy,

Having worked in derm research in my past life. Where do you think medical doctors get derm cells to grow cultures for medical experiments.

A vast majority comes from foreskins. You can thank the foreskin for advance research in cosmetic skin cream to psorisis.

This ties into the next issue of Asian being the "Ghost Population" in medical research. Meaning there is alway stats data on White, Black, Jew in medicine but not to much on Asian.

Hence, ensure that asian not be left out of the future of advance dermatology research. We may need to sacrafice a very little part of ourselves to the neariest derm lab.

And not to make asian women feel left out. The next time you get a face lift, specify the excess be donated as research also.

Only by giving away a little part of ourselves will we be able to remove the "Ghost Population" status.

AC Dropout    Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 11:03:55 (PST)