

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants?
Yes | 34%
No | 64%
I'm not sure | 2%

Assuming you are an Asian American man, are you circumcised?
Yes | 47%
No | 53%

Assuming you are an Asian American woman, would you prefer the males of your family and/or sexual partners to be circumcised?
Yes | 33%
No | 59%
I don't care either way | 8%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
X says that circumcision reduces his sensitivity and make him feels less pleasure.
But Y says that he becomes more sensitive and feels far more intense pleasure during making love after the operation. Another man tells there is no difference in penis sensivity.
Which one is true ?

B say that he hates circumcision, because it make him hard to reach climax, and he almost frustated.
But C say that he's proud to become a circumcised man, gets a harder penis, higher pleasurability and higher sex performance.
Which one is true ??

Why there are many opinions ?
Yes, because there are many circumcision techniques to produce many results.

Some men have circumcised using low-tight technique, so they loss sensitivity and more harder to reach orgasm.
The high-tight technique cause penis more sensitive and more pleasure, but reach orgasm faster.
Worst of all is low-loose circumcision. I think most of NOCIRC activists unfortunately were cut by this technique.
What is the best ?? I’m sure moderate-tight circumcision present a combination of higher pleasure and last longer.

We are born foreskinned, yes, natural or intact or uncut penis is good, but it is not the BEST.
We are born as a naked man, do you think naturalist/nudism is the best ?
No, for better life we need to modify nature.
And for BETTER SEX we need to modify our penis. Agree with SE ASIAN MAN !!!

asian circumcised man    Monday, April 22, 2002 at 04:27:25 (PDT)
Since we've now moved onto the topic of aesthetics which is not a debatable point, I would now like to ask all the Asian-American women in here (if there are any) which they prefer? Circumcised or Natural?
TC    Monday, April 22, 2002 at 00:03:15 (PDT)
I suggest you visit:
They are mostly about Female genital mutilation, but have several articles involving male genital mutilation as well. I found it very informative.

Also, my fiancee is un-cut, and from my (admittatly limited) experiance, its better that way. There are increased health risks and NO MEDICAL REASON for MGM. When I have my child, if it is a boy, I am NOT planing to subject him genital mutilation.

Another important note that many mothers seem to not know is that the babies are fully awake and aware of when the surgery is taking place. The surgery is NOT painless and cannot be done with ANY kind of drugs in the babies' systems. There is also a higher risk of infection from the surgery than from an uncut penis. The hood is there to protect the penis from the babies' urine and feces.

Why should we harm our children further when we were MADE (evolved, whatever) with them. So there is a genetic reason for us to have them.

It is my absolute opinion that male genital mutilation should definatly stop.

Cailement, 20y white female.    Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 20:52:05 (PDT)

Interesting you should talk about "conformism" given your s/n. But to address that, I feel like for an adult to get a circumcision to be conform (SE Asian Man perhaps, I mean, read his post, he seems a bit obsessed with the whole thing - taping your foreskin back in a variety of positions??!?), it's a sign of some self-esteem issues. I know you don't have a foreskin, but it's not really what American pop culture has made it out to be. It's not dirty, it's not a yard long (unless you are one of those really lucky guys), and it really does bring a lot of pleasure. I'm not saying these things to make you feel bad about yourself, but just so that you might be able to distinguish between truth and myth, and realize your own socialized biases.

Conformism is not necessarily a bad thing, in fact, society needs it to function. But conformism based on irrational biases and bad science is not good for society at all. It leads to millions of unnecessary operations on male infancts every year. I think Americans, at least on the West Coast, are beginning to realize this, and fewer people are opting for the operation for their kids. I know the rest of the country is typically less progressive, but just the same, I hope you'll really do some research rather than rely on your own subjective notions of aethetics before cutting your kids.
Taiwanese Guy    Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 12:05:54 (PDT)
Unfortunately you morons still don't really address the crux of the issue, I guess you guys have nothing to say about it cuz you know I'm right. Like I said, no one has a problem if you are an adult, and you want to get circumcised. You can chop off your whole penis if you want to, if that's what the ladies think looks good, or if you really hate cleaning it. But facts are, civilized people in Europe, Japan, and the rest of the industrialized world do not rountinely circumcize their babies. The AMERICAN Academy of Pediatrics no longer endorses circumcision for infants. So the truth is, there is no medical basis for it. Again, does anyone advocate plastic surgery for infants?

Yes, if you think it looks better, if you don't want to clean your penis (yikes!) go ahead and have someone chop off a healthy part of your penis. But remember, that was your decision. There are thousands of men today who are RESTORING their foreskins. Even though SE Asian thinks circumcision "feels" better, there are thousands of men out there cut as infants who don't. Was it fair to deny them the same choice?

Rain, Miskreant, as for women liking a circumcised penis, if that's what a girl is looking for in a man, she can f*ck off for all I care. I'm not looking for some slut who only cares about cock.
Taiwanese Guy    Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 11:55:15 (PDT)