

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants?
Yes | 34%
No | 64%
I'm not sure | 2%

Assuming you are an Asian American man, are you circumcised?
Yes | 47%
No | 53%

Assuming you are an Asian American woman, would you prefer the males of your family and/or sexual partners to be circumcised?
Yes | 33%
No | 59%
I don't care either way | 8%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Mizkreant, just a correction: It's mainstream AMERICAN culture that thinks circumcision looks better. Europeans don't do it, and Canada and Australia don't do anymore after their national health plans stopped covering it. Finally, even in America, circumcision is on the decline, at least on the West coast, which makes sense, because if the American Academy of Pediatrics says there is no signifcant medical benefit, why would anyone subject their kids to a painful and medically unnecessary surgical procure?

I'm glad you're not cutting your kids, and I have no problem with people wanting to get cut for whatever reason they have (just like if they want to pierce their bodies). But what upsets me are the IGNORANT people (asian circumcised man, for example) who think that everyone should be cut, that it somehow makes sex better despite the fact that most people in the WORLD DON'T do it or the fact that during Victorian times it was done to PREVENT masturbation, or that there is something barbaric about being intact. To me, that last reason just seems so ironic, because to the rest of the WESTERN world, we are the ones who are barbaric, by cutting baby penises because it "looks good." Ignorant!
Taiwanese Guy    Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 14:23:04 (PDT)
I want to clear up some misconceptions about my position. If I have a son, I most likely will not have him circumcised. However, since I personally am already circumcised, I find it to be more streamlined and less unwieldly. But if you aren't already circumcised, I don't think it's worth it to have an operation and everything that entails.

As for the conformity issue, I never argued that one should be circumcised to conform to society, only that the dominant opinion in Western culture is that it looks better. Also, as "asian circumcised man" argues, if leaving our bodies alone were always considered the moral option, no one would have piercings or wear makeup, clothes, etc.

Mizkreant    Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 01:09:24 (PDT)
As an asian woman i did think it matterd but after having both. I WANT MY MAN CIRCUMCISEd
Asian    Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 18:26:49 (PDT)
All those of you who think circumcision is a good thing are pretty pathetic.

Not only has the West brainwashed you with their religious, aesthetic and cultural pecululiarities even to the point where most of you dodos think "White" is better and best, they've also convinced you to believe that adopting the barbaric semitic tradition of circumcision is also a good thing.

As an Asian, I must say that you pro-circumcision folks are truly embarrassing.

If the reason for male circumcision is hygiene, then perhaps you should be reminded that the female genitalia is 10x more bacteria infested than the male's -- and it is quite possible to cut out all the offending parts of a woman if that were really a concern. But alas we do not.

The underlying source and reason for circumcision is religious. Asians should be embarrassed that they have adopted this barbaric desert people's practice of genital mutilation. It is pathetic that this practice has travalled the world from the MidEast, to Europe, to the America's, and to the shores of E. Asia and beyond, and we have adopted this practice with little thought.

If you're Middle Eastern, go ahead -- circumcise your children. It is *your* people's traditions. But as for me and my children, it is not our tradition, and we're staying all naturale, as it should be. I am neither Jewish, semitic, a desert person nor do I believe God has commanded my male children to be cut, so I'll keep my and my chidren's foreskin intact. And I advise you folks to do the same, unless you want to prove what a brainless dolt you are.

po    Monday, April 22, 2002 at 21:17:12 (PDT)
As a woman I really couldn't care less whether a guy is circumcised or not. When I go on a date with a guy it's not on my checklist of traits to look for!
I'm much more concerned with his appearance, personality, whether we get along well. That is the furthest thing from my mind! I agree that it's a cruel and unneccessary thing to do to an infant, and I would never do that to a child if I had one. I think men are far too obsessed with this issue, when most girls probably couldn't care less.
girl    Monday, April 22, 2002 at 12:03:21 (PDT)