Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants?
Yes |
No |
I'm not sure |
Assuming you are an Asian American man, are you circumcised?
Yes |
No |
Assuming you are an Asian American woman, would you prefer the males of your family and/or sexual partners to be circumcised?
Yes |
No |
I don't care either way |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Well, if you wanna be fair, then I guess women should be circumcised as well. The privates of women are far more "unclean" than a man's. Or have you forgotten that?
There's nothing to be "meticulous" about cleaning the penis. It's not a jet engine with confusing moving parts. It's like washing your hands -- it's pretty simple and uncomplicated.
Why must a man's penis always look erect? Why must a child's penis look erect? You don't think there's perhaps something sordid about this fetish? A constantly erect penis.. how ridiculous and inane.
Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 08:22:04 (PDT)
CIRCed plz,
Pop a wintergreen breath mint in your mouth next time you give a bareback BJ to un-circumized man. Reduced the taste and double the pleasure for the guy.
Also prior to the oral. Make sure the guy scrub washes throughly prior to the act. Washing while pulling the foreskin all the way and lather fully. It will decrease the flavor, by washing away the secretion naturally produced by the gland.
AC Dropout   
Friday, May 03, 2002 at 13:49:39 (PDT)
It appears Asian men are not circumsised? Hold everything! From a woman's perscpective that is so key to cleanliness. If a guy was not cut as a child not much can be done, but men in my experience are not the cleanist of humans. I have had the un-cut experience and don't ever need to re-visit it. You have to be meticulous with cleaning that little flap of skin or say bye bye to anything oral. If I had a male child I would not even hesitate. Plus the cut kind always look erect. I am for cutting, unless the guy is REALLY REALLY CLEAN.
Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 18:18:06 (PDT)
i would prefer a circumcised penis. But i wouldnt say no to sex with an uncut person. But i don't know about oral sex. I ve tried it once i gurgled a complete bottle of scope to get that nasty taste out of my mouth last time.
CIRCed plz   
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 18:10:39 (PDT)
Se Asian Man:
Hey dude, I think you know a little bit too much about people's sex lives than you should...And if you think you somehow "proved" that circumcised men are better lovers and have better sex, then you need to reread your post, cuz I don't see it. I've never heard of European women being particurlarly interested in Arab and Jewish men because they are circumcised. If you have evidence of some sort of study, please present it, but if you're just going to shoot the sh*t, so what? I can pull stuff out of my a$$ too.
Taiwanese Guy   
Saturday, April 27, 2002 at 12:59:59 (PDT)
Taiwanese Guy,
Most people in the world don't do circumcison because they do not know much about it.
Do you know, although in Europe circumcision are rare (maybe only 10 % of European men were circ), there are many European ladies interest to Jews or Arab men. Why ??
Prince William and Harry of United Kingdom were not circ because their mother (princess Diana) was anti circ.
But why all of Princess Diana's lover are circumcised (Prince Charles, Pakistani Doctor, Doddy Al Fayed) ??
There is only one reason .... that circumcised men are good lover and have a better sex.
se asian man   
Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 20:27:43 (PDT)