Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants?
Yes |
No |
I'm not sure |
Assuming you are an Asian American man, are you circumcised?
Yes |
No |
Assuming you are an Asian American woman, would you prefer the males of your family and/or sexual partners to be circumcised?
Yes |
No |
I don't care either way |
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The College Student,
That is a lie.
AC Dropout   
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 11:03:34 (PDT)
The College Student,
Your theory about circumcision being good for guys is wrong. Do some more research College guy....in Africa... religious circumcision is practiced widely and does not stop the spread of AIDS. You data is flawed. All circumcision does is makes your penis dry, damaged and cuts away skin with millions of nerve receptors for pleasurable feelings. If God wanted us to be without a foreskin he wouldn't have given us one in the first place.
You have probably more risk contracting AIDS or some other STD if you are circumcised. Circumcision creates scaring of tissue that can become dry and irritated leaving small cuts and openings for viruses to get through. So for all you lucky bastards with foreskins....keep them.... I wish I was one of you guys....don't listen to these guys who want everyone to be cut.
Hate being circumcised   
Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 22:25:01 (PDT)
i don't mean to be disgusting, but i would think that the vagina, with all it's complexities and excretions, would stink more. my experienced nose says it's true.
Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 20:38:06 (PDT)
i support the procedure - its good hygeine.
Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 19:30:27 (PDT)
To Model;
You say a man's uncircumsised penis stink faster. Does that mean it stink faster than a woman's uncircumsised private part ??
Objective Female Model   
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 16:40:18 (PDT)
If you are uncircumcised, you are more likely to contract HIV and other diseases.
The leading cause of HIV in Africa is from uncircumcised males. Uncircumcised males are more likely to contract Aids in general.
Being uncircumcised only plays to your disadvantage; the foreskin absorbs the liquid from you and your partner and lays dorment for a long period of time; therefore it has a high chance of getting in your system. That includes those people with the foreskin exposed, but not circumcised as well. Trying to clean the uncircumcised penis is not effective and still will not take most of the liquid that you contracted.
Being uncircumcised does not play any role in making love. It's the technique that one uses that makes them good lovers. Men in general were not created to outlast women in bed so you have to learn how to be a good lover. It is mother nature's way of insuring its survival.
Those who find it hard to get comfortable wearing underwear will just have to wear looser underwear like a boxer or a short in the pants.
Circumcision will be a benefit if you want to make love to your girlfriend; you and her will be in lesser risk. Risks are even lesser when one uses a condom. Even when the uncircumcised male has sex and uses a condom, he still has a greater risk than the circumcised male wearing a condom.
I hope this will encourage men to be happy with their circumcision and encourage those who aren't to get circumcised.
The College Student   
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 10:32:32 (PDT)
I find uncircumcized penis dirty. They stink faster than the circumcized ones. And for me.. just my opinion, it looks hideous looking at an uncircumcized penis. it reminds me of a baby. gross!
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 11:44:12 (PDT)
Hate being Circumcised,
i have the same problem, but im uncircumcised. during puberty, my penis 'outgrew' the foreskin, so the head is always exposed. i have very little skin left, so its almost like im circumcised, but im fortunate enough to have the sensitivity of an uncut penis. sex is (tony the tiger) grrrrrreat!
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 21:44:05 (PDT)
I will ask this question again,
Should a person who cannot pull his foreskin behind the head of his penis be circumcised? My thing is too big for the foreskin.
Saturday, August 10, 2002 at 05:34:10 (PDT)
Circumcision sucks,
By the way, how old are you? I'm 30 born in Sacramento, California. Man, I wish I was born in China so I wouldn't have been circumcised. Yeah, I know what you mean about walking around being irritated and stimulated at the wrong moments. The worse is when you are walking down the street and getting a hard on at some of the worse moments. For those of you who are not circumcised.... do you guys have this problem or is it a problem with us Circ guys? Man, I hate being circumcised.
Hate being Circumcised   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 23:06:18 (PDT)
Hate being Circumcised,
I'm a Vietnamese American, who was born in a Presbyterian hospital in Los Angeles, California. Because certain Protestant sects of Christianity require circumcision, all the males born in my hospital were apparently circumcised.
Except for my immediate nuclear family, the rest of my family is Buddhist. My dad for some reason or another converted to Christianity (Presbyterian) and as such, I was circumcised against my will. I don't mean to offend any Asian Christians out there, but it really pisses me off that my dad would forsake the religion of my ancestors to convert to the religion of the jews and the white man. I have nothing against jews or white people, but let their religion be THEIR religion.
Being circumcised absolutely sucks; it's just so uncomfortable to walk around with the head of your penis exposed and rubbing against your underwear. It's like a constant state of unpleasantness. And for what? To please Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews? Why the hell did he give us a damn foreskin if he wants us to remove it? To quote Homer Simpson, "Lousy God!"
Circumcision sucks   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 15:33:10 (PDT)