

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants?
Yes | 34%
No | 64%
I'm not sure | 2%

Assuming you are an Asian American man, are you circumcised?
Yes | 47%
No | 53%

Assuming you are an Asian American woman, would you prefer the males of your family and/or sexual partners to be circumcised?
Yes | 33%
No | 59%
I don't care either way | 8%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
The College Student:

"Heterosexual sex is a much better way to understand the subject; gay men are not as picky in choosing their mate."

Another reason why it is so very important for gay men of color to use condoms and be very careful about your mates is let's face it - men of color tend to compromise who they have sex with. White gay guys get to pick and choose whoever they want, because everyone wants them. This leaves black, Asian and Hispanic men getting leftover guys who may be of questionable health or HIV positive.

Whether you are an open-mined heterosexual guy or a homophobic guy, you have to admit that it's very important for men of color to use every precaution available to engage in safe sex and be careful not to pick up a guy who is on the prowl for vulnerable gay men of color.

Race does play an important role in the contraction of STD's and HIV.

Be careful, be safe and don't act as though you're willing to pick up the first trick who comes onto you.

This goes for gay and straight men and women of color.
Geoff DB    Monday, September 09, 2002 at 22:10:43 (PDT)    []
I was circumcised as an adult and think it is so much better now. I wouldnt ever go back to having my foreskin again given the choice.

I'm not sure about doing it to children and babies, but i think its great to be able to decide to get circumcised as an adult
Circumcised as adult    Monday, September 09, 2002 at 05:37:12 (PDT)    []

College Student:

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make, and if you ask me, you are awfully incoherent for someone who identifies himself as "college-educated," although I suppose one can argue that a college education is not necessarily a good proxy for intelligence.

Russians do not circumcise. I am not following your line of reasoning of here:

"Look at Russia, a country known for its sexually active women. There are cases of diseases of course, but it is unlike Africa where the majority of men are uncircumcised."

This implies that Russia has a lower level of STD transmission (despite the number of "sexually active women") than Africa because Russians practice circumcision, but like I said, circumcision is not practiced in that country.
I think the point people are trying to make to you is that if circumcision cannot PREVENT the spread of AIDs, wouldn't it make much more sense to put funding into the dissemination of condoms and sex education rather than fund a surgery that merely has the possibility of lowering the probability of AIDs transmission?

Think about it this way, so you go ahead and circumcise an African boy so that when he goes out and has UNPROTECTED sex with 10 other African girls, his chances of getting AIDs is reduced somewhat. Do you see how stupid that sounds?
On top of that, you're going to have a moral hazard problem in that a percentage of African men will get the notion that circumcision somehow makes them immune from disease, which might make them even more reckless with regards to sex.
The answer to the AIDs problem in Africa is not circumcision. That's a quick fix that people who are too lazy to really look into fixing the severe social, political and economic problems in Africa advocate so that they won't have to do anything that will bring about real change in that region. The fact is, Africa needs a complete overhaul of the entire continent. Cutting a piece of skin off everyone's penis is not going to change those realities.

You need to think through your arguments and the consequences of what you are advocating. The fact is, most of the Western world and Japan do not practice circumcision, and their levels of AIDs, STDs, penile cancer, cervical cancer in women, and all those other problems that circumcision advocates say that cicumcision can somehow alleviate, are NOT higher in those countries than in America. If that is not 100% undisputable evidence that circumcision has no significant medical benefit, I don't know what is. How can you possibly argue with this statistical fact?!

I have one simple question for you. You say to ask any urologist, and they will tell you that "uncircumcised males are at more risk for disease." But Europe and Japan don't circumcise, and they don't have higher levels of AIDs or other STDs than Americans. Explain how this could be!
Taiwanese Guy    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 23:22:56 (PDT)    []

Gay men have sex anally which is more hazardous than vaginal sex because condoms can easily rip from the rough surface of the anal. The penis was not created to penetrate through such rough surfaces. Anal sex is more risky because the penis can be cut easily when one is not careful.

Heterosexual sex is a much better way to understand the subject; gay men are not as picky in choosing their mate. Most of them meet in gay bars and other places in which they could meet without being harassed by the heterosexual public.

Thanks for the response, TC.

Circumcised or not, one must use a condom. There's no other way of putting it.

So you guys, Condom is a must. There is no question.

Look at a third world country like the Philippines where circumcision is a must. Look at Russia, a country known for its sexually active women. There are cases of diseases of course, but it is unlike Africa where the majority of men are uncircumcised. And to add to the danger, they surely could not afford a condom. Not using a condom is another thing.
The College Student    Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 17:23:39 (PDT)    []
AC Dropout Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 16:21:10 (PDT),

WTF, I go away for a week and this is the garbage you post. Geez what is the world coming to.
AC Dropout...the real deal.    Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 12:41:55 (PDT)    []
It has been proven that that there is a part of the penis head under the foreskin or the foreskin itself that the Aides virus can entre the body . Why tribe in Africa that don't do circumcision are sending there young to other tribes to be cicumcised. Then return to them. As for Amercan men who got aids who is to say how they got the flouded. Perhaps they took it up the bum.
megastar white male    Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 09:20:22 (PDT)    []
of course it'll be dirty if you don't clean it. dirt bags will be dirt bags, foreskin or no foreskin.
God has nothing to do with nothing.
joe naka    Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 21:31:05 (PDT)    []