

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants?
Yes | 34%
No | 64%
I'm not sure | 2%

Assuming you are an Asian American man, are you circumcised?
Yes | 47%
No | 53%

Assuming you are an Asian American woman, would you prefer the males of your family and/or sexual partners to be circumcised?
Yes | 33%
No | 59%
I don't care either way | 8%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Taiwanesese Guy:
You sound a little insecure, something you should discuss with your therapist.
I don't make comments for more credibility, simply to point out my area of expertise, like others are proficient in his or her field.
When you start to babble you're more than likely finished saying anyting worthwhile.
medical researcher    Monday, September 16, 2002 at 08:47:02 (PDT)    []
There's this very profound book written by Kristen O'Hara called "Sex As Nature Intended It: The Most Important Thing You Need to Know about Making Love, but No One Could Tell You Until Now" (long title). The author surveys over 130 women that have had sexual relations with both intact and unintact men and gives unequivocal evidence that the overall experience is considerably preferable with an uncut man. Some of the seemingly preposterous conclusions of the study:(1) Women overwhelmingly preferred sex with the natural penis by a margin of 9 to 1; and (2) women were almost 5 times likelier to achieve vaginal orgasm when the man had a natural penis.

Unbelievable? Come to think of it, surely that porno style sex of thrust, thrust and hard friction couldn't be the way nature intended. The foreskin provides a unique gliding mechanism - a sheathe within a sheathe - for optimum comfort and pleasure during intercourse. Usually shorter strokes are used, so the man's pubic bone remains constantly close to the woman's clitoris for increased stimulation and the reduction of abrasive friction requires less additional lubricant (if any) even after extensive periods of intercourse. Also the man retains high sensitivity, so he is less likely to fantasize or be distanced from his partner or work as hard and selfishly for his own orgasm.
Anyway,you can check out the website: This site is NOT pornographic although it does heavily promote the book (of course) and to some degree foreskin restoration. That can get somewhat annoying; however, the book is definitely worth checking out!
dirk diggler    Monday, September 16, 2002 at 02:47:14 (PDT)    []

Geoff DB:

"Young white men and women tend to be the most selective with their sex partners."

Geoff, you're wrong, white people are so much more promiscuous than Asians. wtf are you talking about??? Honestly, most white people I know are whores, the guys and the girls. What are talking about "most selective?" That's the biggest piece of horse crap I've ever heard.


"I have no idea about cutting baby's foreskin..."

That's right buddy, even though you have a circumcistion fetish, you know it's wrong to cut babies...

Medical Researcher:

"These are the medical facts."

I love it when people say this. Like somehow it makes you so much more credible. It was a medical "fact" 100 years ago that circumcision prevented masturbation.
Taiwanese Guy    Friday, September 13, 2002 at 20:24:28 (PDT)    []
Geoff DB:
I am only responding to that bizarre theory of yours about people of color !
I'm a chemist and PhD, I've got plenty of education on aids and related topics, thank you very much.
thanks for the advice    Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 13:18:36 (PDT)    []
We don't circumsize the labia of a girl do we?
Genital mutilation    Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 03:51:15 (PDT)    []
"I guess that's should be it for your dumbazz theory about people of color, sex, and disease"

It is not a dumbazz theory. You appear to be ignorant of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV contraction. Learn more about this topic and spread the word.

These diseases are transmitted due to not practicing safe sex - no use or not enough use of condoms. There are very good looking men and women of color who can attract white, black, Asian, Hispanic and Native American partners with no problem. These are confident, healthy, intelligent individuals who command their own destiny and who do not feel obliged to simply give in to the first trick who wants to fool around with them.

Young white men and women tend to be the most selective with their sex partners. They get HIV, too, but not at as high a rate as men and women of color. They ask questions and engage people before taking as many risks as people of color.
In the US, people of color are more vulnerable and tend to feel less beautiful and, thereby, inferior. This is not always the case. That's the difference between exceptions and generalizations.

Men and women of color, especially in the gay community, tend to believe they have to give things up in order to have sex with people. Sometimes this compromise includes having unsafe sex. Unfortunately, many times this results in sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection.

Again, talk to an AIDS or health counselor and/or read more about it.
Geoff DB    Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 19:17:00 (PDT)    []
Geoff DB:
I a "man of color" and have had a lifetime of picking whatever woman I choose. I've made love to Black, White, Asian, Hispanic and others too numerous to mention. So.. I guess that's should be it for your dumbazz theory about people of color, sex, and disease.
All of the aforementioned women were at least great looking, intelligent and had self respect.
There's only one race, human    Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 09:07:33 (PDT)    []
Although peoples have done since thousands years ago, circumcision is a modern and futuristic procedure.
Primitive Homo Sapiens needed foreskin to protect their sexual equipment, because they didn't wear clothes. It's different for modern man.
I’d done my circumcision when I was 25 years old.
I have no idea about cutting baby's foreskin, but I confess that even I’ve lost some foreskin’s nerve, my new circumcised penis present me a higher of pleasure that I can’t get from my former intact organ. My penis is healthier, cleaner and less odour, too.
Fortunatelly I have circumcised by high-moderate-tight-circumcision technique.
All of men who get something unpleasant (experience loss of sensitivity, harder to reach orgasm or unsatisfied) are circumcised by WRONG CIRCUMCISION TECHNIQUES.
I’m sure there are hundreds million of circumcised men in the whole world (not only in USA) who are satisfied and proud with their status.
michael    Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 04:41:56 (PDT)    []
Aids is not "a" desease per se, it is a combination of immune deficencies that sort of make up the desease as a whole.
The fact of the matter is that aids as it is known in Africa is different than the set of malnormalities that we accept as aids. Example, the overriding contributing factor to aids in most of Africa has to do with the weakening of the immune system caused by malnutrition or hunger. It is not being caused by means of sexual rampancy as some of us might imagine. The fastest rate of aids transmission in the more traditional sense occurs in China in fact. I should know as a clinical doctor who studied the intravenous garlic solution as a possible cure for the ailment. These are the medical facts.
medical researcher by profession    Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 14:26:21 (PDT)    []