Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants?
Yes |
No |
I'm not sure |
Assuming you are an Asian American man, are you circumcised?
Yes |
No |
Assuming you are an Asian American woman, would you prefer the males of your family and/or sexual partners to be circumcised?
Yes |
No |
I don't care either way |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Check out this link:
Some of the info is dated, but yes, Asians are healthier than white people, and white people are more likely to be circumcised.
Taiwanese Guy   
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 15:00:53 (PDT)
Geoff DB:
The answer to controlling the spread of HIV infection for anyone is to practice safe sex, not circumcision. That's my point. I think we're arguing around the issue, which is why neither of us can understand what the other is talking about. Plus, I never said that I didn't believe you when you said that "people of color" practice riskier sex, you should go back and read my posts more carefully too. I said you were conflating correlation with causation, but you don't seem to follow what I'm saying.
Geoff, you must be circumcised, which is why you think cutting babies is the answer to all the world's medical problems.
Many parts of the third world have terrible problems with HIV and STDs in general. I feel like those who advocate circumcision as some kind of quick fix are really skirting the real issue, and they want to use this surgery to advance their own social agenda, as well as alleviate their own sense of guilt over the plight of the third world. The reality of the matter is not that circumcision is the panacea to the health problems of the third world, the reality is that the third world needs education and modernization, and all that takes money, lots and lots of money.
People who advocate circumcision as a cure to the third world's health problems are simply trying to validate their own biases FOR circumcision, and trying to shirk responsibility for dealing with the true economic and social issues that plague places like Africa.
Rather than make sacrifices themselves in the form of money and time, they would rather cut foreskins and be done with it.
"Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants? Yes, especially for Taiwanese Guy."
Again, you cite all these credible sources, and I'm telling you, show me where it says Asian Americans have high rates of HIV transmission. I've told you, AAs have the lowest rates of EVERYTHING. By using your blanket statmenet "people of color" you are overgeneralizing race, and to me, that's extremely racist and offensive. Just tell the truth ok, leave the spin for shooting the s*** with your buddies.
Taiwanese Guy   
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 14:46:30 (PDT)
[Let's back on topic. --Ed]
Taiwanese Guy:
"Everyone should practice safe sex regardless, why should it matter what your race is?"
That's what I said! All I said was that people of color must be sure to take every extra effort to practice safe sex. The stats don't lie and neither do I.
"Your point is that certain races practice riskier sex, and that riskier sex leads to higher HIV transmission rates, sure, so what?"
The New York Times published a story about this same topic a few years ago and pretty much summed up that persons of color (particularly blacks and Hispanics) tend to engage in riskier sex and that behavior along with lack of proper sex education leads to higher transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. Those are three credible sources of information to buttress my argument: UC sex research, county health officials and the NY Times. You go ahead and believe whatever you want.
Man, you are so freakin' embarassing. I can't believe you got me this worked up. We did a whole round about just because you don't read.
"This is a cirumcision forum. Go feed your ego someplace else unless you have something worthwhile to contribute on THIS topic."
Taiwanese Guy, these are the questions concerning circumcision as stated above:
"Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants?"
Yes, especially for Taiwanese Guy.
"Assuming you are an Asian American man, are you circumcised?"
Taiwenese Guy is, apparently, uncircumcised. That's why he is so keyed up.
Now, Taiwanese Guy, I just answered the questions. Happy Now!
Geoff DB GeoffDB02@aol.com   
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 22:50:32 (PDT)
Taiwanese Guy and Geoff DB,
Guys come on. What is this anger. It didn't take too much for both of you to explode.
"Can't we all just get along" --Rodney King :)
Both of you need to calmn down and start from scratch. You're making some good points but you guys are acting like men typically do.
As far as the part about asian americans being most selective with their sex partners...well, you'll need more than anecdotal evidence to prove that.
Political Observer   
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 15:23:47 (PDT)
Geoff DB:
I know I said my last post was my last one to you, but I can't help it. To sum up our debate, you still never answered the question I asked, so I guess you don't know the answer. You say "physiological, cultural, religious and personal reasons that cause people to engage in certain types of sexual behavior." My point is "so what?" Who really cares? How does that make race a factor in HIV transmission? Everyone should practice safe sex regardless, why should it matter what your race is?
Your point is that certain races practice riskier sex, and that riskier sex leads to higher HIV transmission rates, sure, so what? hat doesn't mean race is somehow related to HIV, it means that risky behaviour is related to HIV. That's something we all know, it's unoriginal and not worth posting.
You are conflating causation with correlation, and I simply asked you to separate those two issues, and you didn't want to. In my opinion, you didn't want to because you are racist. You prefer to choose the explanation that somehow race is connected to HIV transmission, rather than risky behavior is connected to HIV. That just makes no sense to me. Go back and reread your posts, I think you just forgot what you wrote.
This is a cirumcision forum. Go feed your ego someplace else unless you have something worthwhile to contribute on THIS topic.
Taiwanese Guy   
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 13:56:27 (PDT)
Taiwanese Guy :
"......there is a sharp downward trend in routine infant circumcision in the United States ......"
Maybe it is true, but there is an upward trend in children/adult circumcision in the US and the rest of world.
Which one the healtiest penis, cut or uncut ??
The answer is circumcised penis.
Who experiences the best sex ??
The answer is : Circumcised as an adult using an optimal technique.
Who experiences the worst sex ??
The answer is : Uncircumcised - but keeps foreskin open all of the time.
I know it because I do it myself.
Monday, September 23, 2002 at 03:09:03 (PDT)
In reality HIV has nothing to do whether a MAN is circumsized or not. I think female circumcision can prevent infection if they stitch it correctly. Then the predator cannot rape or seduce her.
Furthermore, circumcision for both sexes might once have been a symbolic act to overcome MALE sexuality. Just similar to head-shaving which has the meaning to overcome the (hairy) beast in oneself. If you are circumcised and randy -you are a wolf in a sheep's fold.
Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 17:53:42 (PDT)