

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Do you believe circumcision is beneficial for Asian American male infants?
Yes | 34%
No | 64%
I'm not sure | 2%

Assuming you are an Asian American man, are you circumcised?
Yes | 47%
No | 53%

Assuming you are an Asian American woman, would you prefer the males of your family and/or sexual partners to be circumcised?
Yes | 33%
No | 59%
I don't care either way | 8%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Taiwanese Guy:

I can't believe what I just read. You finally wrote a letter to me without being sarcastic, demeaning and/or mean/nasty.

First off, I don't necessarily suggest Asians getting their sons circumcised at birth. My brother had it done when he was a teenager. Considering religious and other social beliefs, you may want to leave the decision up to your kids until they reach, let's say, 14-16. After all, they're not supposed to have sex that young anyway :) OK, don't laugh too hard at me :)

I just think it's too bad to have your kid circumcised as a teenager realizing he will spend some time out of school and walk funny for a while. You know guys at school are going to rib him. That's pretty damn cruel for a young boy to go through.

"(1) If circumcision is really so great, why DON'T most of the modernized, industrialized, wealthy, Western countries circumcise their babies?"

Honestly, I think it has roots in religious upbringing. Also, blatant discussion about sex is still taboo. Keep in mind, in these religious countries, to improve one's self in order to have greater sex is considered sinful. Do you agree?

"(2) Even if circumcision may allow for better sex or oral sex, which of course if heavily disputed, is that alone worth cutting off a baby's foreskin without his consent?"

It definitely improves oral sex for both parties. Think about it, the woman doesn't have to work the guy's member so much. Less trouble for both partners.

As far as it being worth cutting off a baby's foreskin without his consent, I say yes, if the father can attest to the hightened pleasure of circumcised sex.

"...where is your compelling argument for neonatal circumcision"

My compelling argument is purely a matter of personal opinion and various sexual experimentations.

Geoff DB    Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 21:40:37 (PDT)    []

"My advice to Asian men is to get circumcised and have your sons circumcised when they're young. It's less embarassing to get done at an early age and more satisfying during your adult years."

Geoff, look, I think you are trying to make a pretty tough case. The reality is that those who advocate circumcision have the burden of proof, because we are all born with foreskins, and whether you believe in God or evolution, there is typically a reason for having most of our body parts. So those those advocate neonatal circumcision need to show that on the whole, the benefits really outweigh the costs. I can't really see how one can do that with regards to circumcision.

I have given you these facts: most of the industrialized world, including Europe, Canada and Japan, do not circumcise their males. Every now and then, you see people who say that men in those countries are getting circumcised lately, but I have no problem with men deciding what to do with their bodies any more than women. You could castrate yourself for all I care. But when it comes to cutting babies, that's an altogether different issue. That's a health policy issue, and to advocate something like that, you need a pretty good reason for cutting off the foreskins of thousands of babies every year.

So I have a two-part question that I hope you will answer for me:

(1) If circumcision is really so great, why DON'T most of the modernized, industrialized, wealthy, Western countries circumcise their babies?

(2) Even if circumcision may allow for better sex or oral sex, which of course if heavily disputed, is that alone worth cutting off a baby's foreskin without his consent?

My point is this. You say circumcise for better sex, I say, lots of uncircumcised men have pretty awesome sex. You say, circumcise for health benefits, I say, in coutries where they don't circumcise, men and women do not have higher incidences of STDs, AIDs, etc.

So to sum it up: where is your compelling argument for neonatal circumcision?
Taiwanese Guy    Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 16:10:47 (PDT)    []

I've never had a woman tell me that penetration was better with a circumcised guy. Circumcision definitely provides better penetration for the man. Keep in mind though the sooner the man climax during vaginal sex, the less discomfort the woman will experience.

Now concerning oral sex, circumcision, in my opinion, is generally preferred by the woman and the guy. It's less complicated for the woman to access the most sensitive, sensual part of the penis and provides greater satisfaction for the guy.

The foreskin covers the most sensual part of the penis during oral sex. A woman can service a circumcised man much more than an uncut man. At least that has been my experience.

My advice to Asian men is to get circumcised and have your sons circumcised when they're young. It's less embarassing to get done at an early age and more satisfying during your adult years.

Geoff DB    Monday, October 14, 2002 at 21:34:46 (PDT)    []
Ashley james hardcastle [Barnsley]

I think that if a kid knew he was going to get his foreskin chopped of he would not do it because it would put that child under a lot of pain. But i also think that it is good to do it at that age [8 days old] beacause they can feel pain but not so much to remember. i mean do you know any body who remembers anything at that age?

Ahley hardcastle    Monday, October 14, 2002 at 09:45:13 (PDT)    []
I'm uncut and I love it. My GF loves it and the only reason people don't like it is cause they have been brought up to think that they are weird, when actually they're not.
uncutdude    Monday, October 14, 2002 at 07:36:01 (PDT)    []
As AA female, I prefer a circumcised penis. I do not know if one gives greater pleasure to guys, but in my experience, it doesn't seem to affect their enjoyment. In terms of penetration, there is not much different for me, but for oral, it makes the world of differece. I am much more likely to give oral to a cut guy. But, this is just my opinion!
Ely    Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 03:19:03 (PDT)    []
rare stuff:

"It's also more comfortable for the wife that she fulfills her duty within the shortest possible time. "

That she fulfils her duty? So that is her "duty"??? Wow, you sure have archaic thinking.
eastern-european girl    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 19:23:43 (PDT)    []
From reading previous posts, obviously there are many smart people here ;-) We argue about it and make our circumcision decision over someone else's, our children's, body. Yet, most of us have never seen a circumcision performed. Here's a link to an actual neonatal circumcision:

. . . what do you think???
Last note: you don't have to be circumcised to be an "American," folks!
Nick    Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 22:35:55 (PDT)    []
i'd take a natural man over a cut one
jenny    Monday, October 07, 2002 at 22:37:03 (PDT)    []
circumcision is gay.
god    Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 08:58:10 (PDT)    []
Geoff DB,

"Asian American men such as Taiwanese Guy would benefit greatly from circumcision. He would experience more satisfying, fulfilling sex, thereby allowing his frustration to be relieved in bed":

circumcision is good for men within your culture. OK, I accept it. But I'm not sure if other people are too Asian for circumcision. See, I have Asian relatives and acquaintances who have converted to Islam but are not circumcised. I don't know about the others, but I consider it as "Asian" that I'm not interested in penetrating a woman for a too long time. It's also more comfortable for the wife that she fulfills her duty within the shortest possible time. So she can dedicate her precious time to her own interests. In short words: I would be glad the faster it's over.
rare stuff    Friday, October 04, 2002 at 01:41:40 (PDT)    []

"I think during sex that it feels much better to be with a circumsized man... Looks better too..."

Obviously you've never been with me babe. I am certain I could enlighten you.
Taiwanese Guy    Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 12:22:33 (PDT)    []

"I think during sex that it feels much better to be with a circumsized man... Looks better too"

I'm so glad you agree with me. That's exactly the advice I have for Taiwanese Guy. He would be well served by having the procedure. Asian American men such as Taiwanese Guy would benefit greatly from circumcision. He would experience more satisfying, fulfilling sex, thereby allowing his frustration to be relieved in bed rather than pissing me off on an internet website.

The precedure can be uncomfortable at his age, but it sounds like he has the internal fortitude to stand the temporary pain considering the long term good.

Thank you, Donna. Your vote is greatly appreciated.

Geoff DB    Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 19:32:34 (PDT)    []
"I think during sex that it feels much better to be with a circumsized man... Looks better too...

-Do you claim to be a female or a "tranny"?

I think, as far as females don't refer to female circumcision (real) females should not talk about that aspect. (Just my conservative opinion.) I remind you that males are those who get sexually aroused. If it lasts longer because the male is circumcised it's rather the females who will suffer from the pain of penetration. The shorter the time which is needed, the better for the wife.
rare stuff    Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 15:34:28 (PDT)    []
I think during sex that it feels much better to be with a circumsized man... Looks better too...
Donna    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 22:14:22 (PDT)    []

"I'm not what sure what is the word in China about circumcision, but HIV/AIDS is turning into an even greater tragedy. Prostitution's role in HIV infection rate is reeking havoc in that country. Even the communist government admits it's a horrible problem. "

I'm not from China, and I've never been there before in my life bro. I was born and raised in the US of A.

"Don't trust me. I'm not racist. You should read more about it."

See what I mean??? You are conflating Chinese people in China, with Asian Americans, which is what this forum is about. I'm not accusing you of "insiduous" racism, I'm sure you're a pretty nice guy, and maybe you even have some AA friends, but to say that your previous posts concerning "people of color" were not racist, well, I can't see how you can justify that.

"Yes, I am circumcised. Best gift my mom and dad gave me when I was a kid. Wouldn't trade it for a brand new car. My brother had it done when he was a teenager. Damn, he hated it, because he had to explain it to his buddies :)"

Well I'm glad that you can admit your biases, this is healthy. You should try it more often.

I don't want to get in a fight with you, it's just that you say stupid things, that's all. I should read up about prositution in China? What the hell are you talking about! Why should I give a damn? We were talking about people of color in the United States having riskier sex practices and you're lecturing me about prostitution in China and the communist party? Did you even go to the link that I showed you about ASIAN AMERICANS??? Dude, if ever we need to award A DWG award, I'll nominate you ok.
Taiwanese Guy    Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 15:57:17 (PDT)    []

[Let's get back on topic. --Ed]
Taiwanese Guy:

Ever wonder how some fights start.

Anyway..."The answer to controlling the spread of HIV infection for anyone is to practice safe sex, not circumcision."

Agreed. Circumcision, in my humble opinion, actually increase unsafe sex practices. The penetration tends to be better, thus arousal peaks sooner than if a guy is uncircumcised.

"Geoff, you must be circumcised"

Yes, I am circumcised. Best gift my mom and dad gave me when I was a kid. Wouldn't trade it for a brand new car. My brother had it done when he was a teenager. Damn, he hated it, because he had to explain it to his buddies :)

"...the reality is that the third world needs education and modernization, and all that takes money, lots and lots of money."

Taiwanese Guy, you make a very sound point. In Africa, HIV/AIDS is a nightmare.

"By using your blanket statmenet "people of color" you are overgeneralizing race, and to me, that's extremely racist and offensive."

I'm not what sure what is the word in China about circumcision, but HIV/AIDS is turning into an even greater tragedy. Prostitution's role in HIV infection rate is reeking havoc in that country. Even the communist government admits it's a horrible problem.

Don't trust me. I'm not racist. You should read more about it.
Geoff DB    Wednesday, September 25, 2002 at 21:56:52 (PDT)    []