Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
What's the best thing about Corea?
Friendly energetic people |
Big exciting cities |
Picturesque traditional culture |
Safety and social stability |
What's the worst thing about Corea?
Crowding and pollution |
Strict social rules |
Bribery and corruption |
Fixation on status and materialism |
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COREA it is!! I'm a Corean American for sure. Thanks for educating me on this fascinating linguistic origins!
Debby Ju-hyun "K"im   
Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 16:09:08 (PDT)
Cing Cong Cung foo campuchia me cong viet kong tom yum cum
who give a damn about korea or corea as long as ur country is rich and yall could all live peacefully then it's all good...why trippin'
cung foo fighter   
Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 15:36:37 (PDT)
I disagree, Korea have gone through so much but have always kept its own unique culture and identity. Chinese and recently Japanese oppressed us and tried to destory our culture but look where we are now.
North korea is in very bad situation but even if China controls North korea it'll never become part of China.
Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 05:50:47 (PDT)
Yea, I also heard Fu Manchu will be coming with his hordes.
Monday, September 30, 2002 at 18:00:22 (PDT)
Siuiju and the adjoining northwestern part of North Korea is now being run by a Chinese tycoon.
This is a grave mistake as North Korea will soon fall into Chinese hands.
Take our history for example: Wiman, the Chinese general was also invited to rule or guard over a northwestern part of Chosun.
The result was that Korea was later ruled by the Han Dynasty for 400 years.
Korea will remain forever divided by inviting Chinese influence and interference.
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 13:16:59 (PDT)
I guess you do enough to come on here and make a comment huh? Just another southern Chinese.
Southern Chinese annoying   
Friday, September 13, 2002 at 19:07:34 (PDT)
hmmm you sure about that??
i just hope you are right!!
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 21:01:51 (PDT)
Trust me, Chinese do not give a damn about Koreans, let alone who you date.
Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 13:15:09 (PDT)
Hey wasjustchillin,
Agree with what you wrote..it was informative. Where'd did you learn about all that history?
ml m5623@hotmail.com   
Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 14:29:38 (PDT)
is it really that hard to believe that koreans tend to prefer dating koreans? alot of people (especially chinese it seems) just cannot get over the fact that koreans tend to prefer dating koreans...just because other asians like to hook up out of the race doesn't mean many koreans do...
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 23:56:44 (PDT)
Overseas Korean (abroad for 12 years)
Telling someone to go master the Korean language....just so that he would have a "chance" at getting a Korean girl...
Come on...
The motive of your advice is appreciated...but I honestly doubt that a chance with Korean girls is worth that effort...
It's sad that it works like that just so that intercultural relationships can happen with Koreans...
I have always been intrigued by Korean guys...and I really respect the Korean culture as a whole...
Except the fact that Koreans seem somewhat too...narrow minded...to me...
However that is exactly why I find certain individual Korean guys...to be so cool...because it's flattering to feel that...for an unresistable reason...they can somehow overcome that aspect of their culture when it is so deeply rooted...
Being a Northern Chinese...I feel really close to Koreans in a sense of mutual understanding...mentality...even though there are differences...
Communication with Koreans...for me...is usually more at ease than communication with certain Southern Chinese individuals...
I have not yet dated a Korean individual...or any Asian entities at this point...
But...if I do...then...
I will go master the Korean language...
P.S~~The most awesome Korean guy in the whole WORLD(and Korea...) is ***** **a**. You're so cool....!!!!!:)
K. Fukada look a-like (Original Chinese Version....)   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 21:54:04 (PDT)
Regarding Overseas Korean's reply,
Thanks for the info and I am trying my best to learn some basics in the korean language. I really really want to know their culture and make friends with some new people because i've always been hanging around westerners, chinese and japanese. Yeah you're right it's gonna be difficult because i can already tell my pronounciation of the korean language will not be very impressive :( Hopefully I can communicate with them though cuz most of the koreans there are in ESL and know mere basics of english. BTW thanks again for the info. If you have anything else to share with me please send me an email.
Al human_projectile@hotmail.com   
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 18:40:16 (PDT)
I think that Koreans who have been in the US for more than say, 5 years are more open to dating other Asians, and usually the ones that are open to dating non-Asians are either the ones that were born here/been in the US for a long time, or ones that can't find Korean mates (for watever reason...).
Korean FOBz tend to be extremely insular. They may keep you as a friend b/c in Korea it's considered 'hip' and 'modern' to have international friends, but shacking up with a non-Korean is probably frowned upon even today, although it's slowly changing. Many girls and guys aren't willing to deal with that, and that's probably why they had that peculiar look on their faces when you said you weren't Korean. Those girls probably thought you were cute and looked vaguely Korean, and were hoping that you were Korean.
Some suggestions:
Go find yourself a nice-Chinese girl. But I think you won't like that advice. =P
So to better your chances of landing a Korean girl, master the language. Don't shoot corny pickup lines in Korean -- master the language at a conversational level. You don't have to be able to discuss Korean politics or converse in honorifics with her traditional Korean grandparents; just learn to talk about feelings, everyday life, weather, etc. That is the best chance for you to score, in my opinion. Good luck, it will be difficult. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Overseas Korean (abroad for 12 years)   
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 22:56:26 (PDT)
Korea is a very nice country. What I found most interesting was that blizzard games are idolized lol.
Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 14:04:39 (PDT)
Hey guys,
I was wondering if someone could help me with my little dilema.
A few months ago I was applying to a private school in canada. Oh and btw this school has students from all over the world whom are wealthy. After my interview I had to do an english test. While I was doing my english test, I noticed some cute Korean girl staring at me. After a little while she stops looking at me and talks to one of her male Korean friend. The next thing you know, that guy comes over and starts talking in Korean to me, so I was like "sorry I don't speak Korean" and then he said "you chinese?" and I replied yes. The second he heard this, he was looked surprised and dissapointed, then walked away without saying a word. I felt kinda awkward after that moment, but i decided to ignore it since I had my test to do.
After the test I had a tour around the school. Right after the tour I browsed around and noticed another Korean girl who was looking at me. Soon enough she approached me and asked if I was Korean!!?? I told her I wasnt and she had that same dissapointed look but instead of walking away without saying a word, she said "oh, sorry!" then left me.
To cut straight down to the point: I really want to get along with people in this school, and at my other school I usually hang around the asian group of people but since I've seen allot of Koreans in that school and so far it seems to me they are not interested in me because im not Korean? Please if someone can give me advice, please do so(preferably if ur a Korean)
PS. I forgot to mention that these Koreans were born in Korea, not north americans. Thx
Al human_projectile@hotmail.com   
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 05:09:23 (PDT)