

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are a man, which most closely matches your idea of a great first date?
Coffee and Conversation | 45%
Picnic in the Country | 7%
Brunch and Tennis | 2%
Dinner and Movie | 46%

Assuming you are a man, which gesture by your date would you most welcome?
Wears something extra nice | 39%
Arrives precisely on time | 9%
Compliments your appearance | 1%
Invites you up for coffee | 51%

Assuming you are a man, what's the worst mistake a girl can make on a first date?
Showing up late | 10%
Showing up badly dressed/groomed | 81%
Hogging the conversation | 4%
Brushing off your sexual advance | 5%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
AC Dropout,

Hmmm...that was quite helpful, thank you.

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you and what do you do for living? You sound very sophisticated and wise, lol.
I have a question: Would you give the thicker of the 2 jackets you have to a girl you barely know, so she won't be cold outside? If so, is your act out of "just trying to be nice" or if you like her? What are the possiblities here?
Arwen    Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 15:56:06 (PST)

Don't be so paranoid:)hehe...sorry.
You are really organized though.... how you numbered your uncertainties and questions. (:

He likes you.

Angelique    Friday, March 01, 2002 at 22:23:07 (PST)

Hehe...I'm in High School too:) I don't feel like your questions are stupid at all. I had almost the exact same situation as you. The only difference was that I now know for sure that the guy liked me. It's all like you said...
I knew he liked me because I now know that he talked about me to a whole bunch of his friends...and mine. If I didn't know about that, my situation would've been just like yours !!! He never openly approached me either, I think that's because in our situation ,there's not really any opportunities where he could've. We knew each other partially because he was on the School Basketball team and I was on the Varsity Pom Squad. He would always stare at me..and ocasionally smile and say hi..but never attempt to make conversation. I can understand that because it wouldn't really look natural if he just came up and started talking out of nowhere. I really think that it might be like what you are going through now.

Congratulations if you like the guy...

Best of luck....

Angelique    Friday, March 01, 2002 at 22:16:11 (PST)

That is correct. I mean "approach," "accost," or "draw attention to himself."

In general males at that age are not trying to seduce a female. Or in other words delibrately targeting the female to become emotionally dependent on them. They are just trying to in general trying to get the attention of the female and trying to leave a good impression, if they are skillful enough.

So you can take any sign of a boy approaching a girl, short of physical violence or vehement hate, as a sign of interest.

As for HS romances. They are short, sweet and usually end once people go off to college.

AC dropout    Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 11:27:44 (PST)
job woes,

You know it's true, that's why you're still chuckling.
AC dropout    Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 10:56:17 (PST)
(oh btw, when I said that ac dropout cracks me up, it was about the thing about girls wanting to talk about themselves, not the next comment)
still chuckling -job woes    Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 05:27:54 (PST)
Thanks for all your responses! It was somewhat of a help. But for some reason, the guy who is always looking at me (far away) would not give me a glance when I'm looking at him! I sit right in front of him and yet he has attempted to talk to me only once! And I'm pretty sure he's not shy.

*To AC Dropout,

Excuse my stupidity, but what do you exactly mean by "initiate contact?" Do you mean his ways of getting the girl's attention?

*To Danny Boy Toy, sound like a player. How could a girl "spot" a player? Especially you've just met him?


I'm glad to know that you smile when you like a girl. Do all guys grin when they like you? Is it possible for someone who disrespects you and grin everytime they see you?

Do you guys have any questions for me? I'd really like to help, since all of you seem so nice to help me. I'm curious, how were your high school romances like?

Arwen    Friday, February 22, 2002 at 18:26:13 (PST)