Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are a man, which most closely matches your idea of a great first date?
Coffee and Conversation |
Picnic in the Country |
Brunch and Tennis |
Dinner and Movie |
Assuming you are a man, which gesture by your date would you most welcome?
Wears something extra nice |
Arrives precisely on time |
Compliments your appearance |
Invites you up for coffee |
Assuming you are a man, what's the worst mistake a girl can make on a first date?
Showing up late |
Showing up badly dressed/groomed |
Hogging the conversation |
Brushing off your sexual advance |
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AC Dropout,
Thanks for your opinions. =) I am a girl in my mid-teens, and quite frankly, you can now understand why I am so confused.
The guy who gave me his jacket did fit me. He is very skinny and about my height. If it had been any other guy, my immediate conclusion is that he does like me, or at least interested. However, this particular guy, act in peculiar behaviors. He is pretty out-going, nice-looking, musically talented, and a lot of girls like him. (He may or may not know this) We had only briefly talked 3 times, one of which he was very impressed with my musical skills.
We had never expressed greetings. Our eye contacts are very strange, almost tense? In fact, when I said "thank you" to him in the hallway, he was quickly & almost as if weakly, smiled for 0.2 seconds, looking at an invisible shorter person on my right. It's strange because he is not shy. Everyone knows he likes this older girl, who already has a boyfriend.
Just 2 days ago, when I approached a teacher who was talking to him because I had a question, he left almost immediately. My thoughts were like this: do I somehow disgust him? Am I annoying, stupid? Am I so hideously ugly? Does he just feel sorry for me? I KNOW that none of those things are true to me. But his behaviors all point in that way.
Sorry this is so long. I am always so helpful and sharp when it comes to other people. I can ALWAYS tell people's behaviors or their interests, eye contacts. But when it comes to myself, someone all my "knowledge" just vanishes into thin air.
Also, what does "AC Dropout" really mean? Just out of curiosity.
Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 14:13:32 (PST)
chicky poo,
You talking to me?
AC Dropout   
Friday, March 08, 2002 at 10:51:18 (PST)
I thought you were in your forties for some reason. And I thought you said you were married too! I dunno, must have mixed up a few people's profiles somehow ... so, you single then?
chicky poo   
Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 17:38:40 (PST)
I'm in my late twenties and I help run a small international company.
Question 1: Depends if the thicker of the 2 jackets fits the young lady in question.
Question 2: Here is an example on how a guys mind works. This weekend while shopping I noticed a young lady having problems lifting a shopping cart over a curb and quickly rushed over to help her. I smiled made a funny comment on the situation, she laughed, and I went on my way shopping. Now, no where in that encounter did I think about dating her consciously.
However, I have stored enough information about the encounter in short term memory to know that in that in the brief encounter with that woman, she did not exhibit any signs of interest.
So a guy is always to some degree is always aware of potential encounters. And with experience become more efficent at interpreting the signs of interest or how to evoke signs of interest.
Now, since this guy has already got you all confused with the offering of a jacket. It is basically your turn to reciprocate signs of interest to the male or you can just snub him. Since the "ball is in your court" so to say.
AC Dropout   
Monday, March 04, 2002 at 07:54:49 (PST)