

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are a man, which most closely matches your idea of a great first date?
Coffee and Conversation | 45%
Picnic in the Country | 7%
Brunch and Tennis | 2%
Dinner and Movie | 46%

Assuming you are a man, which gesture by your date would you most welcome?
Wears something extra nice | 39%
Arrives precisely on time | 9%
Compliments your appearance | 1%
Invites you up for coffee | 51%

Assuming you are a man, what's the worst mistake a girl can make on a first date?
Showing up late | 10%
Showing up badly dressed/groomed | 81%
Hogging the conversation | 4%
Brushing off your sexual advance | 5%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

I didn't mean to insult you. It is just that I see life in phases. Pre-College is just one of the phases I see life as. I don't think you are immature, because you are writing on this board on the matter takes some maturity.

Inexperience is a better word. But as you go through life you will gain experience naturally.

You're just feeling awkward around guys you like. Just hang around guys you like more, relax and you will start treating them like your other guy friends.

That just the teenage years. Soon you will find "self" and provide the proper adjective about yourself without doubts. Yes, during teenage years attention is very important for some reason. But as you gain more experience, your confidence will not be so dependent on the attention you gain.

Highschool was full of over blown dramas looking back. Fashionable clothes, personal reputation, school work, all got blown out of proportion at one point or another. It's part of the fun of highschool.

You remind me of a JHS friend, which I met agian at college. Since we went to different HS, he said something to that effect also. How we start snow white pure, and as we get older and more experience, we are touched by darkness.

But always looking on the brighter side. Real life is never Black or White. It is shades of Gray. Isn't it better the sooner we are able to distinquish the shades of gray, than to keep our innocence and live in a delusion of everything being pure white or corrupted black.

I use to keep a journal when I was younger. I was filled with unrequited love when I was young (grade school, JHS), then in highschool I start to keep a record of my dreams, they were much more interesting. Because they were filled with messages from my sub-conscious trying to come to terms of realities in my teenage years. Not all dreams were insightful, some were plain stupid.

I even experiment with lucid dreaming in college, trying to consciously control a dream. Suceed twice, and found it to be boring. Because what the point of controlling a dream. Half the fun of dream is not knowing what to expect.

So enjoy the "spice" of life in highschool and don't forget about keeping your grades up also when having fun.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 12:19:56 (PST)
AC Dropout,

Your last paragraph made me laugh. "Only pre-college days?" Hmm...I feel somewhat immature and, well, dumb. LoL.
So you're in business (Andersen Consulting)? Have you considered psychology? Maybe you don't want to listen to problems like mine over and over and over...

Thanks for your advises. =o) I am so shy around guys I feel attracted to. It's impossible for me to act or talk as if I'm talking to a guy friend. In fact, sometimes I think when I try to conceal obvious attractions that I appear to be "mean" to him. Oh, well. I'll just let it go, again. I had concluded that he was just trying to be nice. Unless it happens for the third time, I'll just leave him alone.

A lot of things happen everyday, small or big, can either increase or decrease your self-esteem. Sometimes my friends and I are so unsure of ourselves, and other times, so confident. It's impossible to really "know" who we are at this point, because we've heard so many opinions of ourselves. I've been called nice, smart, cute, pretty, loyal, kind...and then, the negatives are stuck-up, arrogant, stupid, annoying, and although never ugly, but individual criticisms of my looks.

There are times when we feel so happy, then others depressed. I know this isn't right, but when cute guys talk to us, my friends or I feel good about ourselves. Not necessarily because we like that guy or guys, but it's the attention & importance that we wanted. On the other hand, when we are alone and no one seems to care about us, we feel like losers. It's all in the something called "insecurity"

Had you feel like this when you were in high school? I mean, that wasn't that long time ago. It's interesting how we look back and just laugh ourselves for the ridiculous things that we did or said. I keep a journal, and when I read back my 7th grade year...I seemed such a young and innocent child. I guess sooner or later we all have to kiss our innocense good-bye. I just hoped mine was later.

Arwen    Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 15:23:16 (PST)