Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
What's the best thing about dating an Asian?
Laughing together over funny and bizarre incidents encountered by Asians. |
Knowing your date isn't confusing your personality with racial stereotypes. |
Not having to give long historical discourses to explain your background. |
Enjoying the tacit approval of family. |
What's the worst thing about dating an Asian?
Wondering whether your date likes you or your background. |
Raising family expectations of marriage. |
Being thought to harbor conservative ideas about love and marriage. |
Coping with Asian conservatism toward premarital sex. |
Being dragged into yet another Asian gossip circle. |
Possibility of the family disapproving of the relationship. |
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Ummm. . . Amy, my your formula doesn't work on mine. Size 8 shoe*2/3 5 1/3", but I'm an easy 7". Besides, you *do* realize that the average length is actually less than 6", right?
The problem with those "big hands" or "big feet" rules is that they quickly become futile. Q. "You know what they say about guys with big feet?" A. "They wear big shoes."
If you *really* want to know, just go more direct -- go out with someone with a big willy, or you end up dating a lot of Bozos. . .
Friday, June 07, 2002 at 16:35:17 (PDT)
Trinity & DD
"...most people these days do have very demanding schedules and we make time for what's important to us. "
This is so true! If a man doesn't make time for you, even with a busy schedule, then find one who will take the time from his busy schedule to be with you. He may not have a phd, but so what? That's never been a requirement in my extremely short list of requirements in a man.
Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 21:01:44 (PDT)
Trinity, Trinity by the way I like your name its really pretty...and you sound like a really smart lady just a little caught up that's OK. it happens to the best of us even when we think its impossible. Some really hella fine guy will come along. and we do a nose dive in his big pile of rosey smelling crap. Now! this guy that we thought was sooo great has to go in our little file box of scum. O well his loss.
I'm sure what your going through hurts that's normal but here's some the basic known facts that when in love ^_^ ! sometimes we need a microscope to see.
So you say he's getting his Ph.D.. Wow that's great! looking forward to that aren't you? a man with that type of degree nice catch, but who says he's doing it for you. If he truly planned for you to be a part of it you would feel it without a doubt. and you would' ve never came here looking for answers.
( "But if you just hold on and be patient he' ll return your love 100%...Ha! Wow what a lovely dream to bad this isn't HOLLYWOOD.)
*sigh* ~_~. *sigh*
Not all men are as romantic as we want them to be. so don't get to upset with that some are more than others. But have you talk to him about your feelings. Does he listen? or do you find yourself repeating it again?<---don't do that men truly hate that and he'll get worse not better_ Tell him_ Then u deal with it if he doesn't.
Should you break it off. Your ASKING, but to me sounded like you ANSWERED yourself just fine girl. The painful truth may be that the reason he makes no special time to see you for anything other than sex is because he doesn't miss you or think of you until he gets a hard on.
1. Are you easy for him?
2. Does he know he can come to you without any hassle?
Men look for the easiest Koochie like women look for the best sales in a department store.
You feel emotionally dissatisfied and probably sexually dissatisfied as well, if he only comes to you when he needs that then he can't possibly care about pleasing you. Think about it what is the man trying to tell you.
I believe the greatest thing a women can learn is to be content within herself, you should never jump from one relation to the next.
Reason: your going to be caring baggage the new guy knows this..your heading for another nose dive. Do you think he can give what the other guy didn't? You can't make anyone love you. No matter how you cry! No matter how you beg! No matter how sweet his lips might taste. If they are not willing...You Are Fighting A Losing Battle..Love is worth a fight to the death, but LOVE must be present. This is my advice to you women to women.
Yourz Truly BlkAznLady XticklemesweetX@aol.com   
Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at 03:45:40 (PDT)
DD --
thanks for your advice. you make so much sense! i feel like i've finally woken up to what was going on the whole time. it's a disheartening feeling.. :(. at least i won't be disillusioned anymore. thanks again!
Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 18:16:25 (PDT)
trinity, there is a good chance this guy is just using you. It doesn't mean he doesn't like you, but if he really cared for you he could find a little time throughout his day to spend with you. Even if it's only a few minutes. The truth is that most people these days do have very demanding schedules and we make time for what's important to us. If you feel he doesn't respect you, then the odds are he doesn't. Go with your gut, because it rarely lies. Another thing, have you asked him what he wants out of this relationship? If you haven't, then you need to do so. Just remember to go with your gut because the truth usually lies there. Good luck.
Monday, May 20, 2002 at 10:56:21 (PDT)
Hey Experienced Fella:
Take your US shoe size, multiply by two and then divide by three. That's the length of your erect penis in inches. It's true! We did it for my husband and some of his buddies. Hee hee hee!
So, girls if you want a guy who's at least average, don't go with any guy with a shoe size smaller than a 9!!!
Amy Yueh   
Monday, May 20, 2002 at 07:51:03 (PDT)
hi .. i have a bf who is getting a phd. his schedule is pretty demanding. so we don't really spend much time with each other. when we do meet, we usually rip each other's clothes off and have an amazing time. the thing is, we meet whenever his schedule permits. he doesn't do anything romantic for me. it seems to only satify carnal desire more than anything else. i just don't know whether to continue this relationship or not. i feel disconnected from him when we're not together. i don't know if i'm incorrectly associating our physical intimacy with a real working relationship. should i break things off? we have chemistry but .. don't know if i'm just being taken advantage of for giving myself to him whenever it's convenient for him. i care about him, but it doesn't feel like he even respects me and my needs sometimes. please advise .. my friends tell me to be more understanding since he's in school .. but i feel emotionally dissatisfied. someone from my past has come back into my life.. and the feelings from long ago are surfacing again. (problem was a long-distance thing) i'm feeling conflicted. please help.
Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 09:00:57 (PDT)