

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What's the best thing about dating an Asian?
Laughing together over funny and bizarre incidents encountered by Asians. | 69%
Knowing your date isn't confusing your personality with racial stereotypes. | 14%
Not having to give long historical discourses to explain your background. | 5%
Enjoying the tacit approval of family. | 12%

What's the worst thing about dating an Asian?
Wondering whether your date likes you or your background. | 27%
Raising family expectations of marriage. | 11%
Being thought to harbor conservative ideas about love and marriage. | 10%
Coping with Asian conservatism toward premarital sex. | 2%
Being dragged into yet another Asian gossip circle. | 23%
Possibility of the family disapproving of the relationship. | 27%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

are you really Buddhist (Theravada or Vajrayana) or Kuan Yin worshipper (Mahayana)?

In the case of the first two you would have to be chaster in terms of gossip. Imagine that someone with a self-esteem could commit suicide because anyone had indicated he would practice a sexuality like Clinton. (I find that not so unrealistic.-In South America they once tortured men [rebels against a dictator or so] by forcing them to masturbate in front of other people. You cannot deny how those tortured men feared the gossip thereafter.)
rare stuff    Friday, July 05, 2002 at 15:18:34 (PDT)

Okay, the AC Dropout Female Cross Legged Masturbation Poll is now officially openned.

Et tu MLK? :)

Or were you referring to the wive's tale about the lips? Oh my, I don't think I would have the stomach to conduct that field research.
AC Dropout    Friday, July 05, 2002 at 12:10:26 (PDT)
to Moonshineprincess

hahaaha! You're just as bad as the rest of us. Welcome to the group.

to Rumor Mill

That's a new one. I will never look at a woman who has a large mouth in the same light again!

to AC Dropout

Hahaahaha! Wouldn't you like to know! How about you go out into the field and do a little research, and once you find the answer, get back to me and I'll tell you if you've got the right one. Of course, I only have one personal reference to refer to, but I think that's really all that's needed, yes? ;)

to Rare heathen stuff (not really shy but chaste)

--(Correct me if I'm wrong, people), but I don't think any of us are Catholics. I'm a heathen too (if you consider a non-Christian a heathen). And trashy gossip, if it doesn't hurt anyone and creates a sense of friendly camaraderie is fun (the key is the intent of the action. At least, that's what Buddha always told me...he'd shake his head sadly at me and say, "Kelly, before you get all upset and throw a hissy fit at your fellow humans, look at their intent!"). This is much less damaging than wholesale slaughtering of fellow posters, don't you agree?
MLK    Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 12:45:28 (PDT)

I heard of some women who can masturbate while sitting cross legged.

Well since you're a girl, wouldn't you know the answer to that. Do you do stuff like that?
AC Dropout    Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 12:10:11 (PDT)
How shocking.
Where are those Catholic people who prefer less intimate datings?
Such trashy gossip is abhorrent to me.
rare heathen stuff (not really shy but chaste)    Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 18:18:56 (PDT)
i dont believe it is fair to look at a person's mouth, feet or whatever, to assume the size of their sex organs.

but talking about rumors, i hear this one rumor that a girl who can't sit still in her seat (like constantly jiggles her leg/feet) is horny and is probably masturbating, did anyone hear that one? heehheheeeeeeeeheee
Moonshineprincess    Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 12:44:59 (PDT)

Any truth to that wives tale?
AC Dropout    Monday, July 01, 2002 at 15:30:10 (PDT)
I'd always heard it was the size of her mouth in general that gave that impression--small mouth = tight vagina.
Rumor Mill    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 12:19:48 (PDT)
All this talk of obscure measurements kinda reminds me of how a guy measures a girl. It's been said that the shape and shade of a woman's lips (on her face) are indicative of what her lips (down there) look like.
MLK    Monday, June 24, 2002 at 22:49:09 (PDT)

Of course!... testicles doesn,t count in measurement. Just the length of his "gun" shaft that count.
Even a grand ma know that.
Nikita    Friday, June 21, 2002 at 10:00:56 (PDT)

It depends upon how you are measuring the "gun"--from the top or the bottom. Sorry, measuring testicles doesn't count. If that were the case, most men would say they're 9½ inches long!!!
Amy Yueh    Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 11:42:52 (PDT)

Where you get that formula? You must have alot of experience, huh?
Well, your formula also doesn't work on my husband. Shoes size 9 1/2* x2:3=
6 1/3, but his gun almsot 8" (^_~)Hahaha...

I'm supporting "length?". Hi length? howdy?

So, "Big feet" is not the right formula to see. Even from genetic, No one perfect. That "Gun" can be long x short, thick x slim, curve up x curve down, or curve left x curve right. Or even straight (^_^)hahahaha...hahahaha....(^_^) Well. yeah! Hahaha...hahaha....

Nikita    Saturday, June 15, 2002 at 09:40:51 (PDT)