Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
What's the best thing about dating an Asian?
Laughing together over funny and bizarre incidents encountered by Asians. |
Knowing your date isn't confusing your personality with racial stereotypes. |
Not having to give long historical discourses to explain your background. |
Enjoying the tacit approval of family. |
What's the worst thing about dating an Asian?
Wondering whether your date likes you or your background. |
Raising family expectations of marriage. |
Being thought to harbor conservative ideas about love and marriage. |
Coping with Asian conservatism toward premarital sex. |
Being dragged into yet another Asian gossip circle. |
Possibility of the family disapproving of the relationship. |
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Unfortunately there is no forum on here about religion, so I"ll ask here- what would you say are the major differences between Buddhism and Christianity? I have read a little about Buddhism (Buddha's life, 4 noble truths), but I wouldn't consider myself very knowledgeable. My b/f considers himself a non-practicing Buddhist, meaning that he believes in it but doesn't go to temple, though his Mom does, and she also prays (chants?) daily.
curious girl   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 08:05:19 (PDT)
AC Dropout: Hmm...about cross legged masturbation, I don't see how that can be totally impossible. actually come to think of it, one of my female friends once told me that she masturbates when she is sitting down, sometimes doing it while sitting in the train, or even in class, but not sure if it was cross legged or not. I don't think that crossing your legs or whatever will affect the masturbation. Well not all females can do this remmeber, you have to have very trained PC muscles down there. Ever heard of squeeze boxes in thailand? they have very strong vagina muscles that can shoot ping pong balls, and if ur pc muscles are that strong, u can masturbate anywhere anytime you like.
a lot of girls in my class can't sit still in their seats, i can't either. could it be cuz the teacher is so damn boring, the hot icky weather or might it be something else? heeheeeeeee. i dont think 100% of them are masturbating though. it's kinna rare.
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 16:10:41 (PDT)
if more dating had a religious background I would be surrounded by people all the time. In this sense I could tell a lot of things...No, I don't belong to a distinct sect or school. Among the Buddhists I'd prefer the Vajrayana path.Have you ever heard of it?-It has lots of secret ingrediants from pre-Buddhist times.
But for datings a fierce, hairy, apelike and morbid Vajrayana ascetic appears to be rather a horror vision for most females. (In Ladakh one of them was currently arrested for having stolen corpses for his secret practices.)
still really rare stuff   
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 15:50:52 (PDT)
Hmmm...Talking about Gun, Lips down there, Horny, Masturbation, What's next? Ummmmph...Orgasm... (~_^) =D
I heard some of full times breast feeding women might experienced feel like Orgasm while breast feeding the baby.
How amazing that little tiny baby could make his Mom feel like orgasm.
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 09:38:46 (PDT)
Rare Stuff,
My family follows Theravada Buddhism (as well as Confucianism to a great extent). When I was twelve, I got tired of being preached at and having to read the Buddhist books, so I became a rebel and turned away from his teachings for awhile. I decided I'd had enough, so I tried Mahayana Buddhism (Japanese style). I chanted Namyo ho renge kio so many times that I'd fall asleep dreaming that I was chanting it. I actually remember the entire liturgy (it's just a skinny book, so no major brain drain here).
It's really funny now that I think about it, because to be a true rebel, I should have become a Christian. Instead, what did I do? Learn more Buddhist ideology to try to disprove Buddhist ideology. Hahahaha, I was stupid, wasn't I? But you know what, Buddha just smiled at me and said, "Kelly, it's great that you have a doubtful mind! I'm actually glad that you're going to challenge me and try to figure it out on your own. When you find the answer, let me know so I can learn from you."
I'm still learning, and I've got to find something soon, because he's waiting for me to tell him something smart and earth-shattering. But I ain't got nothin' to tell him yet!
What about you? What is your 'sect'?
Monday, July 08, 2002 at 23:24:17 (PDT)
AC Dropout
Que, moi? Je ne sais. I've never even heard of cross-legged masturbation in my life. I was refering to women's lips. And I'm not surprised that you don't have the stomach to conduct that kind of field research. You keep being your greedy ole self and sucking it in and eventually, your belly will be so full of Yin that you're gonna have such a bad tummy ache! And I'm not going to feel sorry for you. I'm going to laugh at you! (I'll get you some Tums, but I'm still going to laugh at you).
Monday, July 08, 2002 at 23:10:13 (PDT)