

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What's the best thing about dating an Asian?
Laughing together over funny and bizarre incidents encountered by Asians. | 69%
Knowing your date isn't confusing your personality with racial stereotypes. | 14%
Not having to give long historical discourses to explain your background. | 5%
Enjoying the tacit approval of family. | 12%

What's the worst thing about dating an Asian?
Wondering whether your date likes you or your background. | 27%
Raising family expectations of marriage. | 11%
Being thought to harbor conservative ideas about love and marriage. | 10%
Coping with Asian conservatism toward premarital sex. | 2%
Being dragged into yet another Asian gossip circle. | 23%
Possibility of the family disapproving of the relationship. | 27%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

I also referred to a situation in which you're forced to date the person whom you MUST learn to love.These datings are relatively acceptable to me.

On the contrary there are situations in which you're together with people whom you have already learnt to love.These are not topic of this forum,I think, although such meetings can be nice.

Third,there are Western style datings -I guess you prefer these- which I would not dare.You referred to these.
rare stuff    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 15:13:54 (PDT)

I think I rather lick stamps for a mail order company than collect all the emperical data you are suggesting.

But in any event I have only discovered that asian vaginal slits are vertical, white vaginal slits are horizontal, and black vaginal slits are diagonal. Either that or women are squirming in bed too much as I begin my analysis.

I've have also discovered that women are self conscious when nude in bed. I turn on the light to conduct research. They immediately turn off the lights. I turn on the lights. They turn off the lights, etc. It has an interesting disco effect I must admit.

I have yet to find any female subject willing to come into a brightly lit room with mirrors all around to conduct the proper observations.

So till then it will be like a bad karate kid movie. Lights on, lights off, lights on, lights off, ......
AC Dropout    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 14:50:27 (PDT)

Next time you're in such a compromising position, turn on the light and take a look! It should prove to be highly interesting.

As the only living Yin Vampire, you have to live up to your name and go do some field research! Let me know what your observations are and I will tell you if you're even close to the mark. Remember, good scientists have to gather data from many many specimens, not just one or two, or you'll skew the entire process and the result would be eroneous. :)

Are you calling yourself a dog? Only my dogs have the privilege of considering themselves of the canine variety. You, my dear, must be satisfied to be a man, in all aspects of the word.
MLK    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 19:48:11 (PDT)
Rare Stuff

"...I would dislike it if I had to meet the person whom I had to love and there were no older people on my side to guard me from ridiculousness."

Being in love means being in a mutually consenting ridiculous situation. You and your loved one simply laugh through all of life's perils and trials. Being ridiculous with each other is a great way to sail through life, n'est ce pas?

"...A meeting without any other family members would mean that someone lacks the security of family."

Does this mean that you would never consider a woman who is an orphan? What if she had a strong sense of self-identity and felt very secure about herself? Why would you require her family to be present for her to be acceptable? Family is only valuable in how far they can prepare you for the ultimate challenge of being your own individual self and being a productive and independent individual coexisting with humanity as a whole. You don't need to see her family to know what kind of upbringing she's had. Just observe her actions and try to understand her mind. That is the strongest indication of how well she's been raised, I dare say with all due respect and with every ounce of my confidence. MLK    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 19:21:23 (PDT)
rare stuff,

"After all the "best" choose the "best",the perverted the perverted..."

i don't know about that. opposites attract. good girls have even a greater tendency to be attracted to bad guys or perverts i think. people live to be balanced, you need the best to balance out the perverted. that's why women goes with men. the best and the perverted. lol
common stuff    Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 12:14:17 (PDT)

-Aren't you the one with all that extensive experience with women in general?
Not in that aspect. I'm not a ob/gyn

-Don't you even know what they look like down there?

Usually the lights are dimmed/off when I have the chance to be in that position. If my face is around that vicinity, a woman's hand is usually pushing my head down and urging me to completed my assigned task.

-Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't we all look the same?

If that's the case Super Models should not demand such high salaries.

-I mean, you see one pair of lips, you've seen 'em all, right?

Oh in that aspect. Let me reiterate....

Usually the lights are dimmed/off when I have the chance to be in that position. If my face is around that vicinity, a woman's hand is usually pushing my head down and urging me to completed my assigned task.

Ummmm....I think you can train a dog to do most of the stuff you listed. ^_^

So is the wives tale true or false? Or is this Yin Vampire going to have to go out weekend and seduce a few unsuspecting victims to satisfy his curiosity?
AC dropout    Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 19:17:33 (PDT)

How is training the PC muscle good for harmonious sexual relations. I'm confused by that. Shooting Ping Pong balls is not really my idea of good sex.

So you confimed my suspicions. Girls need Guys; and Guys need Girls. I'm ready for a Nobel Prize now in Biology.

Actually there have been studies to show that the body can distinguish between masturbation and sex with another. Intensity of orgasm and sperm count decrease during masturbation.
AC dropout    Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 19:05:04 (PDT)

yeah, it was somewhere else, I don't care that much because it's minor,now.

Arranged meetings are common in the Near and Middle East. Caring parents will always have an influence on whom their children meet. Finally their children will be forced,may it be here in the West or there in the East.

A meeting without any other family members would mean that someone lacks the security of family.I would dislike it if I had to meet the person whom I had to love and there were no older people on my side to guard me from ridiculousness.
rare stuff    Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 14:24:08 (PDT)