

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What's the best thing about dating an Asian?
Laughing together over funny and bizarre incidents encountered by Asians. | 69%
Knowing your date isn't confusing your personality with racial stereotypes. | 14%
Not having to give long historical discourses to explain your background. | 5%
Enjoying the tacit approval of family. | 12%

What's the worst thing about dating an Asian?
Wondering whether your date likes you or your background. | 27%
Raising family expectations of marriage. | 11%
Being thought to harbor conservative ideas about love and marriage. | 10%
Coping with Asian conservatism toward premarital sex. | 2%
Being dragged into yet another Asian gossip circle. | 23%
Possibility of the family disapproving of the relationship. | 27%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
rare stuff

WRONG!!!! You don't ignore your woman just so you guys can hang out together. Before the female, the guy can do what he wants. After the advent of the female, the guy must modify his activities to include his female. Otherwise, the female gets lonely and bored and eventually leaves him for another guy who will be more than happy to spend time and lavish his attention on her.

Social activities among males are very important, but not MORE SO than social activities with your girl friend or wife. I'd say it's actually less important in the early stages of courtship and doesn't regain its level of importance until well after the mid-life years, when the couple has been together for long enough to be comfortable with being left to their own devices.

Man, you have a lot to learn about relationships and interactions between the sexes.
MLK    Monday, August 12, 2002 at 23:49:58 (PDT)

...or the Greatest American Hero (have you ever seen that show from a long time ago? It's about a goofball nerd who suddenly finds himself with superhuman powers and has to deal with it. Only he's so self-conscious about everything, and is so completely lacking in airs or macho-ness. :)

...well, that doesn't quite fit you. You're a tad bit too opinionated and too sure of yourself. Me thinks it's all that Yin you've ingested.
MLK    Monday, August 12, 2002 at 23:32:11 (PDT)

by the term "brother" a friend is meant with whom I would share everything. Such a friend would not be absent during my dating because I would like to make sure that I stay the same social guy as before. It would be anti-social if I provoked a good friend with a woman who insulted him.

On the contrary I had once some "friends" who were not available and even became unfriendly during their dating times. I've learnt from those negative examples of behaviour towards one's mates. So I don't want to reitinerate other people's faults.

The lesson I learnt from other people's datings is that social activities among males are more important than datings with women for merely sexual purposes.
rare stuff    Monday, August 12, 2002 at 09:25:44 (PDT)

More like the spoof comic called "Peter Porker." I spend half the time using my superhuman powers, getting my superhuman foot out of my superhuman mouth.
AC Dropout    Monday, August 12, 2002 at 08:36:26 (PDT)

You are definitely not wishy washy. But neither are you a blanket-sucking fool nor a freak on crack. I guess the stylized version of you would be more like...hmmm...a cartoon spider man. Funny, mysterious, aloof, superhuman powers, and the ability to hangglide with ease.
MLK    Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 13:11:26 (PDT)
Rare Stuff

"...Date the boring guy and have "fun" with his cool brother thereafter. This is a way by which you get to know both "sides" of life, the positive and the negative as well."

This sounds like the start of a bloody family feud. Eventually, in a situation like this, the two males will fight for dominance and one will suffer loss of life and limb. I think any sane female would pass on this exhilarating chance for first-hand mortal combat experience.

"...For me (the boring one) it would be just formal, my brother would have the superficial satisfaction."

And how do you know that you would be considered the boring one? For the right woman, you may be all she wants and needs, forget about the 'cool brother' with whom she feels no bond.
MLK    Sunday, August 11, 2002 at 13:03:49 (PDT)

I realize that I have a relatively un-American attitude towards datings. Nonetheless, not everything in America needs to be modern. (Think of how the Amish would date.) Btw, we're not in the modern age, we're all POST-MODERN, now!

Your Buddha was definitely neither a stoneager nor a post-modern guy, the Shakya prince had a modern, formal dating with his wife.

Date the boring guy and have "fun" with his cool brother thereafter. This is a way by which you get to know both "sides" of life, the positive and the negative as well. For me (the boring one) it would be just formal, my brother would have the superficial satisfaction.

The dates which lead to conventional love are formal, "falling in love" is still the exception from the avarage. Yes, according to you the non-American world might seem like a "military camp".
rare stuff    Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 15:20:41 (PDT)