Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an AA male, what would be the personal style of your ideal AA woman?
Cool & Sophisticated |
Warm & Caring |
Sultry & Sensuous |
Bubbly & Sociable |
Assuming you are an AA male, what would be the body type of your ideal AA woman?
Waiflike (size 1/2) |
Slim (size 3-6) |
Shapely (size 7-10) |
Voluptuous (size 11 & up) |
Assuming you are an AA male, what would be the height of your ideal AA woman?
Short (5-3 & Under) |
Average (5-4 to 5-6) |
Tall (5-7 to 5-9) |
Supertall (5-10 & Above) |
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rare stuff,
Jet Li and dream AM...probably not for a western AM. But to AM in asia or particularly Chinese males. He has played a few roles which are the epitome of the question "What it means to be Chinese" or how to be a "Good Chinese"
If you look at any of his films set in classic times. He usually a upstanding Chinese guy and his protagonist are usually the embodiment of what is wrong with Chinese mentality.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 10:03:04 (PDT)
I wrote
"don't give up your day job to become a fortune teller"
you wrote
"You would make a really bad fortune teller."
Hmmm, I'm beginning to think we think a lot alike.
We even got kicked out of the house around the same age for similar reasons.
To think there is a female version of me roaming around the western seaboard....too scary. hahaha.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 09:58:41 (PDT)
Waiting for Mr. Right,
Perhaps you should work on getting a life while you're waiting. Or more wisdom, perhaps. This isn't a fairytale, it's LIFE. Look, most young women like the bling-bling, hairgel and big dick while their inexpericed in life, but they soon figure out that their pussy isn't the only one that their chippendale man is ploughing on a given weekend. Hey -- you probably felt like a dumb ho', but we all learn. We all have raging hormones at that age, and someones you gotta stratch that itch. I've been with women just like that. Mind you, that guy is just as much a ho' too.
Then, that same said chickadee goes for the exact opposite type, in hopes that she can just gather her thoughts around a 'stable' (read: boring) guy while gathering her thoughts and wits after being being played like an Atari game. Mind you, a secure woman would have spent time on her OWN to improve herself, but most women are too insecure to face the world by themselves, so they need SOMEONE (Anyone!!) to face it with. Sorry if some femin-nazis think that sounds sexist, but it's TRUE. Get over it. So anyway, here she is with Mr. Doctor/Investment Banker, etc. She either gets bored out of her mind and starts looking for dikk on the side from some street-hustler type with greasy hair, or samples out her poon to the rich-man in return for his platinum card. She eventually dumps the guy for a well rounded guy (not too bad looking, funny, smart, ambitious, has some money saved up) or resigns to her fate as a 'high-class escort' of sorts.
Such is the evolution of the 'young pretty girl' I have seen during my decade and half in the dating game. Now I'm married to a pretty cool woman (She's probably done her fair share of dumb s*** and whoring around, but she's fully recovered now. I accept that, I did my fair share of playing too.) Thank GOD!
Former Playa... not surprised.   
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 02:20:10 (PDT)
It seems to me that what females want is a reflection of their own insecurities, regardless of race or culture. I have my own pet names for these types.
"Pygmies", or the ones shorter than 5'3", tend to want giant boyfriends. Some daddy complex, I suppose...
"Bowling Balls", or the chubby ones, are the ones that want their men to be tall AND hugely buff. I know one half white half black chick that's 5'5" and probably 175. She likes NFL types that are at least 6'2". Now THIS chick made me laugh (we're good friends). I was like, "Aight baby, good luck finding one of those."
"Giraffes" are the tall-ass ones that have always felt awkward about being the tallest one in their class since 8th grade, and thus desperately cling to tall ass mofos. I know a 5'10" Asian girl that was damaged for life dating a 5'9" Asian guy. Now she dates a 6'2" white guy, who btw happens to be one of the dorkiest, goofiest, un-coordinated and socially inept foos I have EVER met. I feel sorry for her, since her and her man are the biggest subject of ridicule by everyone around me. Hehe. Women are hilarious sometimes.
Women are shaped by their own insecurities.   
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 02:05:14 (PDT)
Rare Stuff,
Regarding the male suicide rate in Scandanavia -- maybe it's the weather. Or it could be the water.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 01:55:32 (PDT)
RE: "...In order for him to open up, he has to show weakness. A man will lose his masculinity if he shows weakness. Therefore he has to maintain the tough exterior shell if he wants to be a man."
Come now! Don't tell me you prescribe to this thought process. May I analyze and extrapolate this so I can reveal to you the logic flaw here?
First of all, being a man requires, not the maintenance of a tough exterior shell to hide a soft character, but rather a steadfast INNER resolve to uphold convictions born of strength of character.
Secondly, weakness must be defined before we use it in any context. In the case of male weaknesses, I consider these to be characteristics such as not being able to hold and defend your ideas and convictions against peers, being unable to take responsibilities for one's own actions and placing blame elsewhere to feel better about oneself, and taking out one's aggressions and frustrations on those in a weaker position. Need I go on? You get the picture, right?
So. Lose the tough acrylic shell and be a sensitive caring human being. Don't worry about appearing weak, the powerful strength of character that is inside of you will keep you strong, without making you unreachable and untouchable. :)
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 23:33:50 (PDT)
rare stuff
"...let's wait for the next big eco-catastrophe, then perhaps strong males will awaited for."
NO! NO! NO! Let's not wait for the big eco-catastrophe! Strong males are wanted NOW!
...the only problem is, strong males usually prefer strong females, and strong females ain't me! My job requires the frequent lifting of pens and paper, and the occasional toting of cell phones and laptops. I'm as strong as a butterfly. hehehe. I'm quite useless should that eco-catastrophe occur. Shoot, I can't even open my own peanut butter jars.
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 23:16:39 (PDT)
AC Dropout,
your god is a misogynist as well making fetishism the rule. As if that wouldn't any negative consequences regarding AF culture.
Honestly, the background of that stuff is that AF could equally say: "I'm happy to be a slave of fashion."
I guess your response to this would be something referring to female sexual appetite again.
rare stuff   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 17:43:11 (PDT)
everyone prefers those who look simlar to himself. Men tend to have longer legs than women. So men like women with legs as long as their own legs.
I guess those men who are fixed on legs are sick and submissive. Dogs watch at the legs of their masters.
rare stuff   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 16:27:30 (PDT)
If you ever need a guy. Yes short skirts and high heels will do the trick pretty quickly.
It's God's gift to women in a male dominant society.
AC Dropout   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 14:33:09 (PDT)
The leg fetish, I can understand. The monroe subway scene, I understand.
A man sucking on every toe on a woman's feet and lick each inch of a foot. I don't understand. Then claiming a woman can reach climax from that technique, I don't understand.
AC Dropout   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 14:31:22 (PDT)
For me, it's not really about the legs (although I do like a nicely toned set of legs over some skinny twiggs) but whats underneath that miniskirt! heheheeh!
Viet guy in Houston   
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 10:15:01 (PDT)
Au contraire! If I had to tell you which feature I felt most comfortable with, it would be my legs. My legs get stared at far more often than my face or my breasts. Funny, isn't it? :)
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 23:26:35 (PDT)
"I don't know how flip-flops can be sexy on an AF. You think its sexy when a girl shuffles around in flip-flops in public?"
There is nothing sexier than a girl in a nice restaurant dangling her shoes on the tips of her toes. Her legs are crossed, and on the foot not on the ground, right between her big toe and second toe, the shoe hangs precariously, at the brink of falling off. That is proven to be sign of flirtation, much like the licking of the lips.
"Okay and what sanitary things are there in public? As this expose foot is shuffling around in flip flops."
It's not that it is more sanitary, but since the feet have fresh air, not all choked up in sweaty socks and shoes, there is less smell and fungus build up. Bare feet don't smell. Foot odor only comes from wearing shoes and socks that trap the sweat.
Asian girls have a much different foot make up than other nationalities, just like they have different bodies. I have down to a science. Most of the time, I can make a fairly educated guess as to what race the girl is just by scoping the toesies, before even looking at the face.
Girls love having their toes sucked, and also... well, I won't get into too much detail, but you know where I'm going with this. Instead of using the hand... (use your imagination). =)
TSJ Eric@KristinKreuk.net   
Monday, August 12, 2002 at 22:45:42 (PDT)