Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Assuming you are an AA male, what would be the personal style of your ideal AA woman?
Cool & Sophisticated |
Warm & Caring |
Sultry & Sensuous |
Bubbly & Sociable |
Assuming you are an AA male, what would be the body type of your ideal AA woman?
Waiflike (size 1/2) |
Slim (size 3-6) |
Shapely (size 7-10) |
Voluptuous (size 11 & up) |
Assuming you are an AA male, what would be the height of your ideal AA woman?
Short (5-3 & Under) |
Average (5-4 to 5-6) |
Tall (5-7 to 5-9) |
Supertall (5-10 & Above) |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
We think alike. I told you that before. We're like two peas in a pod, or birds of a feather. We'd drive each other NUTS if we hung around each other long enough! I almost feel like you're my fraternal twin brother in another life. Who else could respond to poetry with poetry of such obvious quality? :)
You got kicked out of the house? For what? I'll tell you my rebel years story if you tell me yours.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 23:21:56 (PDT)
I certainly hear you bro. There is a danger involved in being a true playa tho and that is being unable to keep your spots changed for long.
Consider this: if as a true playa you're used to gettin it on with a number of different women albeit on a less than totally deep level, in order to keep the interest you need a different face every now and then.
Granted you may be in very deep with your significant other for a certain period of time but sooner or later the call of the wild will beckon again as it always does. You may start off with just staring or letting your gaze linger a bit longer on completely strange females. Then you progress to the flirting stage and before you know it....
Like a drug you can never really quit it. It's always there and as long as you still got game and are half decent looking enough to be a magnet then you will succumb.
Just like in AA meetings you first must admit there's a problem, but who ever does this? So you are doomed to keep trying to get lucky in one night stands or affairs.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 21:04:58 (PDT)
Viet guy in Houston,
Usually there are cotton panties underneath the mini-skirt. Mystery solved.
AC Dropout
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 15:11:52 (PDT)
"Girls love having their toes sucked, and also... well, I won't get into too much detail, but you know where I'm going with this. Instead of using the hand... (use your imagination)."
Here is the logic I don't understand. Fine some woman enjoy having their toes sucked, I understand. Now your telling me these same women want oral sex right after they've gotten their toe sucked, that I don't understand.
AC Dropout
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 11:34:39 (PDT)
rare stuff,
Do you work at a fortune cookie factory. In three sentences, I can barely decifer what you are trying to communicate.
Misogynist...I assume you talking about Nietzschie. Look he a pretty obscure philosopher. I don't see what impact he has on AF culture.
Fetish...he hated sex. Isn't that a positive impact on AF culture. White guys that hate sex. hahaha
Women are a slave to fashion, because what else are they going to spend the guys hard earned money on. Their boyfriends? hahahaha.
Actually were are all slaves to fashion. You know after Genesis God made us ashamed of our bodies. Figs leaves don't cut it in the 20th century.
AC Dropout
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 09:51:52 (PDT)
Not really, if you expose the legs with short or a shirt. That's what most guys will notice first.
AC Dropout
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 09:46:50 (PDT)
I don't that TSJ's statement that girls getting their toes sucked is weird... it's quite true. Then again, I like getting my salad tossed while my girl strokes my golden orb... so everyone has their preferences. Let em be.
Korean Fella
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 03:15:35 (PDT)
I'm a big fan of anything below the waist. I esp love pretty, elegant, well-pedicured feet and long legs and slender calves. Ass is optional, but tight handfuls are preferred.
I'm a Below-the-waist man
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 03:13:45 (PDT)
rare stuff
RE: "...I guess your response to this would be something referring to female sexual appetite again."
Oh boy, after weeks and weeks of posting to AC, we have gotten to know his posting habits pretty well, don't we?
"...everyone prefers those who look simlar to himself. Men tend to have longer legs than women. So men like women with legs as long as their own legs."
...except that face it, men's legs are hairy and rough and somewhat uglier than women's legs are. Men's legs are not used for sex symbols because...well, they're not much to look at. Show me a man who's got pretty sexy smooth shapely legs and I'll show you a fairy.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 01:09:25 (PDT)
You don't have to understand. You just have to accept and then perform. ;)
Viet guy in Houston
You're a pervert! A nice pervert, but still a pervert. (sigh) but I guess all men are perverts to some extent. Otherwise, they wouldn't be considered normal men. :)
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 00:28:46 (PDT)
"A man sucking on every toe on a woman's feet and lick each inch of a foot. I don't understand. Then claiming a woman can reach climax from that technique, I don't understand."
I take it you have never tried it. Girls love having their feet rubbed. A foot massage isn't just a massage. And when you rub it with you know what, it's even better. =)
TSJ Eric@KristinKreuk.net
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 22:45:55 (PDT)