

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the personal style of your ideal AA man?
Reserved & Cultured | 8%
Warm & Understanding | 85%
Aggressive & Take-Charge | 7%
Party Animal | 0%

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the body type of your ideal AA man?
Thin | 1%
Trim | 54%
Sculpted (V-shape) | 45%
Stocky/Heavyset | 0%

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the height of your ideal AA man?
Short (5-6 or Under) | 0%
Average (5-7 to 5-9) | 51%
Tall (5-10 to 6-1) | 48%
Supertall (6-2 or Above) | 1%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

"Really? What about those AMs in the Bay Area? Please don't say they are more trendy in looks. They remind me of the Asian gangs in NY during the 80s with their highwater jeans and spiky hair."

Dude, you DID NOT just say that! Highwater jeans? WTF is that? Besides, it has nothing to do with what's "behind" or whatnot. It's just that different regions wear different things. I look out my window right now, and I see hot chicks with tight shirts and short skirts, with flip flops enjoying the beautiful 70 degree weather. Oh yeah, that reminds me. I'm going to have to plan for our annual Christmas day picnic. Yeah, let's try that on the East Coast in December.

East Coaster:

"But you know even southern cal Asians are blah compared to Hawaii. I hear though Asians that from the Bay Area/San Francisco are more blah than even East Coast Asians - that is there are lots of confused and whitewashed Asians in and around San Francisco."

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's with all the Bay Area bashing? LA is more genuine than the Bay? Now, that's a laugh. Most Chinese people I know down there have already bought into the stereotypical SoCal conformities. They are all fake, with venomous attitudes. Then again, SoCal is mostly Taiwanese, while the Bay is more HK, so that explains a lot.

Hawaii is real? Everyone there tries to think they are "local." Have you seen their Chinatown? There isn't even any authentic Chinese food there. No, rice with poi and Spam does not qualify as Chinese food.
TSJ    Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 13:19:52 (PST)    []

U strike me as the typical Asian dude from the East Coast who has a gripe about NY. Much of it stems from the lack of friendship and female companionship commonly found among East Coast Asian males who see the West Coast with greener grass. I guess since u ar so critical of the East Coast, go make the West Coast ur home and meet all of those wonderful Asians who would never meet us.

The pathetic situation in NY seems to be like this...the brightest and smartest Asian dudes seem to leave the area for Kali. Therefore, much of the Asian community is stuck with its immigrant population which will not make any significant inroads in politics, business or law due to language and education barriers. Take a good look at the Jews and their people, they control NY because they stayed here and made it their home. Of course u need brains and talent to do this, and Asians certainly have both.
LSD    Monday, December 02, 2002 at 09:31:04 (PST)    []
man this forum has degenerated into a discussion on east coast vs west coast. it would be nice if some women just posted their honest opinions here instead of some ppl jacking the thread of the forum. maybe Ed, you should start a new forum topic for these guys. ..
abc guy    Friday, November 29, 2002 at 01:15:31 (PST)    []

[A comparison of East vs West Coast AM is relevant, but the discussion is starting to careen off into a tagent. --Ed]
Buon giorno kam,

I just wanted to say one more thing. I concede that I misspelled "capiche", but that was only the second time around. It's only a minor oversight on my part, but that's hardly grounds for your contention that I'm ignorant in modern slang etymology. The first few times I spelled that I spelled it correctly: "capiche". I KNEW that I couldn't have misspelled it, b/c I know how it's supposed to be spelled. And my backtracking through the thread has verified that fact.

So... there goes your theory about my linguistic incompetance, though granted that "capiche" isn't even a real Italian word. I'd call it some type of pidgin Italian that immigrants created oh so many years ago.


Your assertion that I write like a FOB is certainly laughable. I am the genuine article, born and bred in America, and I have lived in various overseas locales for a cumulative total of 9 years. I am not a FOB by anyone's standards. Now go and drop some more acid, champ. And come down easy, ok?

Felicita a te.
E.C.A.R.B.    Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 05:23:59 (PST)    []

Si, io anche parlo Italiano perche ho studiato a Roma l'anno scorso -- okay? Cosi, non bisogno una lezione in Italiano, grazie.

Tantissimi Americani-italiani sono dell'eredità Siciliana -- cosi, 'Capiche' e, con tutta probabilità, una mutazione d'Italiano Siciliano. Capischi, mio amico? Bene.

(And before you go off on your tiresome tirades about argumentative prose or grammatical correctness, I'll answer what you'll probably argue about: YES, Italians do use the term 'okay' in their everyday speech.)

Piacere, e arriverderci. =)
E.C.A.R.B.    Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 01:07:41 (PST)    []
East Coast Asians r blegh:

You are definitely right. East Coast Asians are Blah. How do I know? I am one of them! I grew up in the East Coast. Southern California is definitely much better overall. Look, really I can't say all East Coast Asians are blah, but just the fact that in the suburbs where most of us grow up, we are not as predominant as in Southern California. Therefore it's harder for us to get together and hang because we are all spread out. I know some grow up in city areas where there are a lot of Asians, but most of us are somewhere lost and spreadout in the boonies of suburbia. But you know even southern cal Asians are blah compared to Hawaii. I hear though Asians that from the Bay Area/San Francisco are more blah than even East Coast Asians - that is there are lots of confused and whitewashed Asians in and around San Francisco
East Coaster    Wednesday, November 27, 2002 at 22:10:25 (PST)    []
East Coast Asians r blegh,
okay, now to get back on topic.

"Dude, the whole reason I said what I said was because I DID meet a whole variety of AAs on the West, while out here, all I have met were preppy dudes, nerds, and bananas."

Hello this is exactly my point. If you persit in thinking of EVERY Asian you meet on the West Coast as one of your predetermined stereotypes based on your past experiences (dubious as they are), you won't meet a "whole variety" no matter how many Asians you meet. LSD, you are my hero with regards to this. Having an open mind is key to learning, and right now it seems like you (that is, ECArb) are determined to close off your mind from thinking of East Coast Asians in another light.
Also, debasing all East Coast Asians based on your limited experiences compared to mine (deny this if this is not true) as a life-long East Coast resident is foolish. If you noticed, the only generalization I made about West Coast Asians was that you can't make generalizations about them; or at least, not truly meaningful ones, and surely not hurtful ones like the type you are espousing without reasonable merit about East Coast Asians.
I count myself lucky that I have met other Asians from the West Coast besides you; if not, I fear then that I too would make sweeping generalizations and thus be prone to thinking of all West Coast Asians as nasty and too quick to judge.
kam    Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 12:48:16 (PST)    []
'Oh ya. And I go to NYC and Boston. All the time. I see the same Asians in black pea coats or black leather jackets, walking around with spiky gelled hair and baggy pants. They looked like how Asians looked in Cali 5 years ago. They are behind.'

Really? What about those AMs in the Bay Area? Please don't say they are more trendy in looks. They remind me of the Asian gangs in NY during the 80s with their highwater jeans and spiky hair.

Maybe Boston is behind, but definately not NY!

'Oh ya. And I go to NYC and Boston. All the time. I see the same Asians in black pea coats or black leather jackets, walking around with spiky gelled hair and baggy pants.'

Maybe u were with a group of FOBs in Chinatown????? U write like one!
LSD    Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 12:38:08 (PST)    []
East Coast Asians r blegh,
look a couple of things before I respond to the main points of your response (assuming there are any) in a subsequent post. This is gonna be a separate post because of length restrictions.
first it's rather immature to focus so much on ONE word at the END of my response to your original post. and if you're going to do that, back it up, please. "kapish," "capiche," "capeesh," whatever. it's all derived from the italian "capisci," conjugated form of the infinitive "capire," which means quite literally, "you understand." "capiche" (or, as you so kindly "mispelled," C-A-P-I-S-C-H-E) is not a formal word in any language (English, Italian, etc.). It is slang. As such, to say that there is a standardized spelling for it in English is very uninformed, to say the least. Like other slang terms assimilated into English from auditory usage, people spell it in writing based on how they heard it spoken to them, not because it was standard language that would be found in a dictionary like the OED, for instance.
Also, please don't contradict yourself. When you write "Let me show you one more time" and then blatantly spell out "kapish" again twice more, and when you write "That is ALL I have to say" and then proceed to add an entire paragraph, it weakens your credibility and detracts from your points (again, assuming you had any in the first place).
kam    Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 12:30:56 (PST)    []

First of all, learn how to spell "capiche". Let me show you one more time -- it's "C-A-P-I-C-H-E".



You also said:
"People like you won't meet a variety of AA's if you keep on perpetuating stereotypes like "west coast is best" and viewing all East Coast AA's in that way."

Dude, the whole reason I said what I said was because I DID meet a whole variety of AAs on the West, while out here, all I have met were preppy dudes, nerds, and bananas.

That is ALL I have to say.


Oh ya. And I go to NYC and Boston. All the time. I see the same Asians in black pea coats or black leather jackets, walking around with spiky gelled hair and baggy pants. They looked like how Asians looked in Cali 5 years ago. They are behind.
East Coast Asians r blegh    Monday, November 25, 2002 at 23:38:25 (PST)    []
East Coast Asians, specifically the ones from NY are the most individualistic. That's just the attitude of the city.

In NY, I have seen an AM babysitter for African American children. What do u guys think about that?

In NY, AMs are hairstylists for WFs. Now tell me, is this common in the West Coast?

NY is a special place, u definately find the Kali Asian types (conformist, prefers to be in the Asian crowd) in the Big Apple, but on the other hand, u also find Asians who are very unique and "New Yorkish".

From my observations, West Coast AM's are very shy and too collective!

In New York, ambitions can run wild because there is a sense of freedom u don't find elsewhere!
LSD    Monday, November 25, 2002 at 12:40:41 (PST)    []
East Coast = teh ghey for Asians. NYC is better tho.

I am sad that a girl from my hometown is exiled in Cornell .. it has altered her perception of Asians I think and leeched over into her sister.
Bataar    Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 01:20:26 (PST)    []
East Coast Asians r blegh,
one more thing. you're basing your judgement largely on cornell and ithaca. wtf?? travel around more, man. the ivies and especially ithaca (up-state ny) are NOT the only thing going for AA's on the East Coast.
kam    Friday, November 22, 2002 at 11:46:01 (PST)    []
East Coast Asians r blegh,
you are full of it...haha i'd dare you to say what you've just said to anyone in NYC (especially "they are pretty pathetic in comparison to Cali AAs"). as someone who grew up in Flushing and Bayside, i can say you definitely don't know what you are talking about. pigeonholing every asian you see into one of your five categories will NOT work in NYC, Boston (colleges), or other East Coast cities with lots of Asians.
Get real...California is NOT the center of the world for AA's. People like you won't meet a variety of AA's if you keep on perpetuating stereotypes like "west coast is best" and viewing all East Coast AA's in that way. Hello I go to a college where a decent amount of the AA's are from the West Coast, and they are NOT any different/cooler/more-loserish than East Coast AA's. kapish?
kam    Friday, November 22, 2002 at 11:44:13 (PST)    []
I absolutely agree with East Coast Asians r blegh. I grew up on the East Coast, and for as long as I live I know that West Coast Azns are cooler as a group. Why? Cuz there is a stronger Azn community in the West, not like the East, and also the south, where the Azn community isn't as close or have as much numbers.
Thomas    Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 17:18:52 (PST)    []