

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the personal style of your ideal AA man?
Reserved & Cultured | 8%
Warm & Understanding | 85%
Aggressive & Take-Charge | 7%
Party Animal | 0%

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the body type of your ideal AA man?
Thin | 1%
Trim | 54%
Sculpted (V-shape) | 45%
Stocky/Heavyset | 0%

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the height of your ideal AA man?
Short (5-6 or Under) | 0%
Average (5-7 to 5-9) | 51%
Tall (5-10 to 6-1) | 48%
Supertall (6-2 or Above) | 1%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
why does everyone sound like they are writing excerpts from a book or something.
lets get to the point of this forum:

what is your dream guy like? ladies only!

my dream guy is cute, funny, organized, sexy, independent, rich, successful, SMART, and treats me like a princess. and for some reason i think all of yall out there are going to have a problem with this.
Moonshineprincess    Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 11:35:35 (PDT)
I love this forum!
chicky poo    Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 08:20:39 (PDT)
to rare stuff :"Boo!"

Awwwwwwwww relax, rare stuff! Try not to take things so seriously, why don'tcha! I'm trying to lighten you up and crack a smile out of you. If you think I live in a sterile skyscraper, you should take a trip out to see my home. The tallest point in the entire house is about as tall as three of me, standing on my own shoulders, and the sterile quality in it would make my puppies shudder. They hang out with me when I'm at home and shed all over the place.

What do I want to consume next? You know, we've been in a small heatwave lately, and I haven't been cooking because it's just too hot in the evenings. I just ordered a pepperoni with everything on it pizza (wanna join me?). That's what me and the pups are going to consume soon as it gets here.

Steping backwards, I dare say you're right!!! I see the connection, now that you've pointed it out to me!!!!! I shave my legs and wear high heels...I guess I do have prestige after all. Does dying my hair blonde count too? All these take money and time and a willingness to not look like a corner bag lady. I think it's got to do with civilization, and women wanting to look good. If you have a problem with this, then I suggest you find a woman who doesn't shave her legs, wear flip-flops, and leaves her eyebrows to grow into a straight line across her face (not that mine does, by the way, hehehe).

Who/what is my creator? My creator is the entity who created me and you and the entire cosmos. Which sect do I belong to? The Kelly Sect. I don't let anyone tell me what to believe. I read as much as I can on all the religions of the world, and then I follow my own path as to what I think makes the most sense. I'm one of those sheep that don't follow the herder, but forge my own path. As you know, it's easier to follow than to blaze your own trail, and my trail is smokin' right now!.

Am I trying to make fun of you? Mais non! I'm merely trying to show you a new path that you can take, just a single step back to experience the connection between sexuality and "joie de vivre", and be able to finally laugh at your own seriousness.
MLK    Monday, July 01, 2002 at 19:06:55 (PDT)
to AC Dropout

I'm a blonde, I'll admit it. But that doesn't make me any less female. I'm more blonde (and female) than you could ever handle, Mr.! ;)
MLK    Monday, July 01, 2002 at 18:47:13 (PDT)
to 1/2LostSoul
It's not desperation, it's submerging oneself in the environment that makes the most sense to achieve a goal! If you need to make the business connections, you learn to play golf and you go out there and hack the lawn. If you need to make the love connections, you gotta go where the women congregate.

And I thought that meeting girls was one of the "stuff" that you liked. And your comment about getting a life and converting to a monk...isn't that just the most anti-thesis of ideas you've ever heard? I mean, whoever heard of a monk having a life?'re so funny to me. :)
MLK    Monday, July 01, 2002 at 18:45:06 (PDT)

It's bar logic, get a bottle or two of beer in you and it make perfect sense.

The second statement is by Nietzche. He had the whole premise of "Will to power." Basically transcendence occurred when one tested one's individual will against another. So one's quest in life is to impose one's will on another, until one became the uberman (superman).

It is one of the great influences of western culture that lends it self to Rosseau's "True to inner self" and Locke's "Self determination" concepts.
AC Dropout    Monday, July 01, 2002 at 07:00:25 (PDT)
"I have personal wants of a man, and when I want them, I want them~!!!!!!"
Choonita Lee    Sunday, June 30, 2002 at 15:45:09 (PDT)
where do you get the crazy idea that killing brain cells will make you smarter (evolution theory)? it's like a saying what does not kill you will make you stronger...(not true)

LOL, i don't think i'm that desperate to take classes just to meet girls. I think i should give up girls and do stuff i like. And the most important thing, i need to get a life and think about converting to a monk.
Also, the compliments to you are fairly deserved. (like your opinions of AC.. LOL)

1/2LostSoul    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 12:24:17 (PDT)

it seems that you live in a sterile skyscraper thinking about what you want to consume next (if not at work or so). -By the way: who/what is your "creator"? Or should I better ask to which sect do you belong to??(I have recognized that you're trying to make fun of me.)

I guess you should dare the step "backwards" to experience the connection between prestige and sexuality. Think of harems, ancient and even modern fashions (like leg shaving,high heels)-they're all invented by people with prestige.
rare stuff :"Boo!"    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 10:38:09 (PDT)

I'm sorry to hear about your distressful situation in the MTA. Next time cause a commotion in the subway in a crowd. Yell, scream, pull the emergency brakes and get them arrested.
AC Dropout    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 10:37:16 (PDT)

Sounds more like a blonde than a girl. hehe.

You must be a blonde, or at least in a past life. hehe.
AC Dropout    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 10:31:16 (PDT)