

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the personal style of your ideal AA man?
Reserved & Cultured | 8%
Warm & Understanding | 85%
Aggressive & Take-Charge | 7%
Party Animal | 0%

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the body type of your ideal AA man?
Thin | 1%
Trim | 54%
Sculpted (V-shape) | 45%
Stocky/Heavyset | 0%

Assuming you are an AA female, what would be the height of your ideal AA man?
Short (5-6 or Under) | 0%
Average (5-7 to 5-9) | 51%
Tall (5-10 to 6-1) | 48%
Supertall (6-2 or Above) | 1%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
wait a minute, if you are not working, wouldn't you have more time to post? Also, don't you want to keep your fans happy? Not MLK of course, she's an independent (young) lady.
And what you are trying to say, reality is a dream? Dreams are good for sleeping. Daylight is good for working. So, it is with me, at night, i fantasize, in the day, i work. The light will always vanquish my dreams and I will forever toll on earth.
1/2LostSoul    Monday, August 19, 2002 at 12:33:31 (PDT)
wow, it sounds like you have a hard life. I'm surprise you have not become a basket case. I know i would be under such intense pressure to make money. I don't see why would any parents to do that to their children. Also, it might be against the law--child negligence or endangerment. So you might be able to black your parents for some money. Of course, it too late now since you past the 18.
And best of luck to you. Work and school is tough. Just remember you are going to school because you enjoy schooling. And work is work, life is life.
As for my life, it’s okay, a little emotionally trouble but nothing big.
1/2LostSoul    Monday, August 19, 2002 at 12:06:39 (PDT)
What is there not to understand about masculinity? Many men do not like to show weakness because weakness is not one of qualities of masculine. Maybe your SO does not come to your first with his problems because he does not like to show weakness in front of you? Or he is too stubborn to ask for help?
And there is a between True Love and waiting for Mr Right. You have a loving relationship does not mean that he is (only?) Mr.Right for you. A good relationship are build, not born. The woman, "waiting for Mr.Right", was expecting Mr.Right to show up, that rarely happens. It more likely, the person ringing the doorbell is a psycho.
1/2LostSoul    Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 21:34:06 (PDT)

I don't quite understand your "masculinity" context; perhaps, some guys like you do choose to think that way. My boyfriend of 3 years is pretty down right true to himself. Whenever I have problems, he helps me, whenever he has problems, he tries not to show it because he wants to deal with it on his own. However, after so many fights, tears, happy moments, arguments, everything that surmounted to the understanding that we have for each other now, he's able to open up completely.

He only started showing his weakness after the first year of dating, but slowly, that's only after all of the drama that came between us.

However, we both worked hard at understanding, and that my dear, only takes time.

We are still the best of friends and can open up completely; however, we are still too young to marry. Being true friends is good enough, I do not ask for more (because my butt needs a job b4 I even think about settling down!

Anyway,True love takes time. It might be too smothering & suffocating at times, but it takes a lot of embracing, acceptance & complete understanding. This is called commitment; which is unattainable with the male shovenistic "I gotta be macho" type of attitude.

Waiting For the Right Man:

True love is out there. It first starts out with compatiblity, then in time, conflict, every relationship has some type of conflict. Both partners must understand this & accept it w/o bailing out. In the end, it's a mutual understanding of/for each other.
Mahlina    Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 21:18:05 (PDT)

Nope, I got kicked out, quite cleanly. I'll tell you why later (hilarious reason, now that I think about it).

How shall I put this delicately...I went to school from 8-2:30, then I walked to my job flipping burgers at 3pm & worked till past midnight. Then I went home and crashed until 7am and then the cycle would start all over again. Home was a little room I rented from a friend's mom for about $100/month. Little more than a glorified closet really, but it was mine and I appreciated it. It was really hard, but this period of time only lasted about four months until I got my HS diploma. Then, things improved once I made it into one of the local Universities because I could now apply for and get financial aid. It was just awful that I could get financial aid at the college level, but not at the HS level, when I really needed it.

Anyway, enough about my sob story, least you have a home. And be happy that your parents are still with you. It's a luxury in life that most people don't have. Enjoy while you still can.

Decorated homes? That needs a woman's touch (and I'm not talking about your mother's). Get a wife and eventually, the place will be pretty. Women are good at that kind of thing.

And you're 28. That's not incredibly old to where your dreams are no longer reachable because you've run out of time. In fact, I'd say a man's peak years are his mid 30s to mid 40s. And then, once he's in his mid 50s, he's home free to enjoy the fruits of his labour.

And what's this "...hint, hint.. it starts with M...." thing? In another few weeks, I'll be too busy to come in here because after work, I have to go to school. (Oh man, reminiscent of the old days once again. I'm going to die of exhaustion by the end of the year.)
MLK    Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 20:53:25 (PDT)

I've only walked the earth for 28 years, okay by Chinese standards 30 years (but 1 year in the womb doesn't count, and what in the world is bonus year for making past the first Chinese new years). There plenty more out there I've haven't seen yet.

In 1.5 weeks the next phase of my business begins. I've been coming to the office now for the past 4 months, transferring my responsibilities to a day-to-day executive. He's coming along nicely.

I'll try to pop in every now and then. But I have been noticing someone trying to take up the AC Dropout mantle, every now and then. Accept no immitation. ^_^

Reality is but a figment of one's will. If your will is strong enough, reality can be changed.

One last secret on Wealth. Every person on the street has at least $1 in their pocket. It is your goal to convince them to give you $0.10, when they see you. That's all that there is to it. ^_^
AC Dropout    Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 14:00:20 (PDT)