Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
When will science devise a way to ensure eternal youth?
2001-2010 |
2011-2020 |
After 2020 |
Never |
Which best approximates your strategy for eternal life?
Work to stay in shape to optimize my chances of being able to benefit from a youth serum. | 42%
Make lots of money so I will be able to afford a youth serum as soon as one becomes available. |
Faithfully observe my religious beliefs. |
I don't believe in eternal life. |
I don't want eternal life for myself. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Let me correct my half joking post. You silly bean....No, I don't need to satisfy any legal document, I only need to satisfy me and my husband. And sex is definitely a way of doing that for both of us....SMILEEEEE.. I just meant that I cannot imagine being with this person that I am totally attracted to and in love with and being celibate, with the belief that I would pro long my life somehow by that very action.. or lack of action ..hehehehe. I definitely don't think that is my way to longer life.
No nunnery for me AC......
Friday, June 28, 2002 at 04:11:44 (PDT)
Well, celibacy might not be that good an idea for your psychological health. We all know that depression and stress age you fast, right?
Guess what, "Semen is an antidepressant" and "Semen makes women feel good." I am not joking:
"The scientists suspect semen will have the same effect on women regardless of how they are exposed to it." I'm sure you can guess what kinds of "exposure" they are referring to.
There you have it, the secret of eternal youth. wow, my email address sounds kinda obscene in the context of this posting.
T.H. Lien onceadayforfourweeks@yahoo.com   
Friday, June 28, 2002 at 00:36:13 (PDT)
"And celibacy is out , I am a married woman. I can imagine telling my husband I decided to become celibate to live longer."
Wait if I interprete this correctly. You're not celibate because your legally married and need to satisfy the condition of a consumated marriage. That must be the 2nd strangest reason I've ever heard of to participate in sex. hehehe.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 13:50:09 (PDT)
rare stuff,
I have trained my body to stand the rigor of the Ying energy transfer. Only neophyte and those too old need to use their astral form to do this procedure.
Depends how selfish I am that day. Sometimes I do an equal amount of Ying to Yang transfer. But sometimes I just take the Ying and give nothing in return. Most people are not attuned to the Ying Yang forces, so they are not even aware of what's going on.
But remember to find people half your age. This way they will have an overabundant amount of energy. Trying to suck energy out of a vacuum is dangerous.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 10:15:01 (PDT)
Sounds like a way to be constipated, alone, exhausted, emotionally isolated and have pneumonia.
No veggies, cold air, hard labor and avoiding masses of people.
I would rather be a happy Capitalist , just kidding, calm down, with lots of good friends and eat my veggies everyday and enjoy the stale air of our air conditioned townhouse, especially in DC's 93 degree weather today.
And celibacy is out , I am a married woman. I can imagine telling my husband I decided to become celibate to live longer.
But everyone does seem to have their own codes for health. Since every body has different genetics and inherited things, how could we find one right formula for long life to fit everyone?
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 09:21:24 (PDT)
AC Dropout,
do you use energy "vampire" techniques with your astral or your physical body? And does it harm the women's life force if you suck their Ying forces or is it just an exchange of Ying and Yang?
rare stuff   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 08:44:10 (PDT)
Asians overall are young in appearance. Many Asians in their mid 30s look like they were in their 20's. Unlike other groups, they tend to age nicely and on a smooth pace. Even an Asian who is hagged out looks younger than a White person of the same age and situation. It's really in the genes and nothing else.
For Chinese people especially those from the South, drinking soup is the recipe for health and youth. Eating large quantities of fruits with vitamin C and vegetables will also keep you healthy and youthful.
If you smoke or if you don't excercise, then everything else is a waste of time and effort. Smoking actually speeds up the aging process, and a lack of excercise allows contaminants to build up in the body.
Too many Asians look young   
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 14:02:14 (PDT)
The Mongolian recept for a long life:
No vegetables, eat meat only! Breath fresh, cold air, work hard, avoid masses of people.
rare stuff   
Monday, June 24, 2002 at 14:47:11 (PDT)
rare stuff,
Tantric...I don't really believe in that focus on the feeling of love when it come to remaining young. Tantric is good only as foreplay in my opinion.
It's all about reducing stress and getting lots of sleep/rest, if you want to look young forever.
If being celibate will reduce your stress level then that is one's personal decision.
As for me, sucking the Ying forces out of woman to counter balance my ever increasing Yang force, is my stress reducing activity. :)
AC Dropout   
Monday, June 24, 2002 at 14:06:01 (PDT)