

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

When will science devise a way to ensure eternal youth?
2001-2010 | 2%
2011-2020 | 22%
After 2020 | 37%
Never | 39%

Which best approximates your strategy for eternal life?
Work to stay in shape to optimize my chances of being able to benefit from a youth serum. | 42%
Make lots of money so I will be able to afford a youth serum as soon as one becomes available. | 9%
Faithfully observe my religious beliefs. | 15%
I don't believe in eternal life. | 33%
I don't want eternal life for myself. | 1%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

1. You would need to condition your body through extensive workouts of soft and hard physical training (i.e. Kung Fu or yoga or gym). Then you must prepare your mind through mediations and complex logic training (i.e. Ba-gua or philosophy or theoretical math). Once you've done that you can begin delving into the standard text of Yin / Yang theory (You also need to be literate in classical chinese).

2. Because a women is a Ying well and Yang sink. It would help tremendously in balancing the forces.

3. Men are natural Yang wells. You could try to suck Yang out of an ginseng root, but it taste bad to begin with.

4. If you are not attuned to the Yin Yang forces. You would not notice the missing forces immediately.

5. Because I don't ask women how attuned they are to their Yin forces. I have developed a method of transferring their Yin forces, right after I have given women a multiple orgasm (about 3 within 90 minutes), and not orgasmed myself. In this state even if they are aware of what is about to happen, they are defenseless to set up a Yin sheild. In the short run a women would not miss the Yin transfer. But if it is a chronic transfer, it could lead to great imbalance in the individual which would manifest itself as a disease in their body.

6. The transfer itself is clean. I personally use physical sex as a way to reduce the defense of the individual, by causing physical and mental exhaustion on the intended victim. It is no long cool to challenge women in a kung fu match, where the victor gets the force transfer.

7. They are the Yin sense, Yang sense, and Meridian (location of yin/yang forces in the body) sense.

8. We all have the senses like hearing and sight. We just need to attune ourselve to using it.

9. You need to train your body and mind in a rigorous manner to attune these sense.

No blonde jokes this time. Just send me a check for $39.95 for this easy tutorial.
AC dropout    Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 18:29:19 (PDT)
AC Dropout!!!

I hope you don't mind. I have a few questions for you. Humor me, will ya!

1. How can I steal a man's Yang forces without giving away any of my precious Yin, just have lots of sex with men who have *no martial arts abilities, to get their semen? (*no martial arts so that they can't steal my Yin because they wouldn't know how).

2. Would it do me any good, especially since I wouldn't know what to do with all that Yang even if I got it?

3. And why do I have to get it from a man? Couldn't I just cultivate it on my own, since we all have a balance of both these forces in our bodies naturally anyway?

4. And if it's my Yin that's been stolen, would I even know what the heck happened?

5. When you steal a woman's Yin, does she look and feel older or just really really tired? Or would she not even miss it at all?

6. And is it really "clean", meaning aerial transfer(???) no bodily contact or is it "dirty" meaning you gotta have sex to get it (not that I consider sex dirty, I'm just using rare stuff's definition of the word)?

7. What's the 6th, 7th, and 8th sense?

8. Do I have that too?

9. And how do I get it if I don't have it?

...I hope I don't get hit with an onslaught of blonde jokes. I'm really curious!
MLK    Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 19:21:10 (PDT)
rare stuff,

The Yang and Ying forces are energy that exist on the electro-magnetic spectrum. Like light and radio waves. Our consciousness, electro-magnetic impulse also exist on this spectrum. Since none of our nerves senses in the Ying/Yang spectrum, we must attune ourselves with our other senses. Mastery of the 6th, 7th, and 8th sense must be achieved.

For witch's curse find a warlock to dispell the incantation.

AC Dropout    Monday, July 01, 2002 at 15:26:51 (PDT)
T.H. Lien,

you're not indicating that an ugly, worse than disgusting cup of semen every morning would increase anybody's health?!

Celibacy makes you emotionally independent. Emotional independence prevents depressions and lets people live longer.

rare stuff    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 15:38:08 (PDT)
AC Dropout,

do you know how exactly the astral technique of sucking energy works?-I guess it's clean enough for me (without body contact). I suffer from loss of life force since there could have been a dirty witch that had cursed me.
rare stuff    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 15:29:31 (PDT)

Yes no nunnery for you. You'd be like Rosemary's Baby if you were in a nunnery...heheh
AC Dropout    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 12:35:10 (PDT)
T.H. Lien,

Spill the Yang forces sparingly. Yes it is good for the women to get a lot of Yang force. But for men we need to suck out the women's Ying forces.
AC Dropout    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 12:34:06 (PDT)