Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
When will science devise a way to ensure eternal youth?
2001-2010 |
2011-2020 |
After 2020 |
Never |
Which best approximates your strategy for eternal life?
Work to stay in shape to optimize my chances of being able to benefit from a youth serum. | 42%
Make lots of money so I will be able to afford a youth serum as soon as one becomes available. |
Faithfully observe my religious beliefs. |
I don't believe in eternal life. |
I don't want eternal life for myself. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
common stuff,
yours are the common associations. Some of my "friends" still believe I'd be Christian or Gothic...Factually I'm so difficult to categorize that I should be called "joker" or so.
Christian teachings and beliefs?
-only a superficial team-work together with moderate Christians is possible.
-I'm a "hardliner" myself. They believe that their god donates eternal life to them, while I believe that the only one whom people couldconstantly trust in would be Death.-I guess that was somewhere in one of the "dating" forums where you found my message,but you missed the punch line.
Black magic is for clannish interests only,I wouldn't abuse it for too personal purposes.(-But I won't explain too deeply such affairs.)
Immortality is only great if you reached it by extraordinarily hard work, gifts have no worth.
rare stuff   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 14:58:50 (PDT)
rare stuff,
The warning is more general than that of a specific person. Just take anyone who promotes immortality and instant riches with a grain of salt.
Women and Men will peck at each other no matter what. Just look on a college campus. Couples form all the time. Unless the individuals consciously removes themselve from this type of relationship. It just occurs naturally.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 10:34:40 (PDT)
Hot candle wax, huh? Just be careful you don't burn the place down, thrashing about the way you do.
I'm surprised you haven't been made a eunoch by now, frustrating all those poor women. If it was me, I'd just casually saunter over and flick the handle over to the scalding hot water. Boil that little wiener till it shrivels and drops off. :)
Your repertoire involves cold showers and hot wax. Some interesting combination!
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 00:59:59 (PDT)
rare stuff
Moi? want to shock toi? the unshockable rare stuff? Come now! I am hardly the gothic person. I've never dabbled in black magic in my whole sordid little life!
And I do agree with you. Abstaining from black magic would definitely prolong life, or at least be much better for your health than breathing in all those fumes from the boiling black cauldron or breaking your neck falling from a broomstick twenty feet above the ground.
...but I digress...what's all this about masturbation? I never even mentioned the word. It never even crossed my mind. I swear!
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 00:49:43 (PDT)
you want to shock me, but since I'm aiming to survive my arch-enemies from my schoolyears I've not yet suffered from a heart-attack. So now you're the gothic, I'm the harmless person.
Originally misogynist husbands forced their wives to masturbate and have "orgasms" because of male boredom. It was first a custom of the barbaric Eastern Mediterranean. Then it spread over the silk route to East Asia. Then the Jewish god Jahve destroyed Sodom and Gomorrha where this custom was mostly spread by a catastrophy. But masturbation is still required from Egyptian women to practice it.
Please abstain from that. It would be better for your health.
rare stuff   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 16:56:43 (PDT)
I know they claim it wouldn't be urine. But that's mere misogynist propaganda. They want to make people more the same than people are in reality ,like in the Soviet Union where they had one size of shoes for all people only.
rare stuff   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 16:41:21 (PDT)
AC Dropout,
I stay away from Castaneda, if you meant me. (Castaneda has recently died, by the way, and has not become immortal.)
PS-If one has had no sexual contacts in his life, will females feel that and therefore peck on him, without that he knows the reason for that mobbing? So my innocence would be stigma?! (This would be pretty unfair from them.)
rare stuff   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 16:38:06 (PDT)
I have yet to have the pleasure of a women who had female ejaculate when they orgasmism. Could be the hot candle wax causing the screaming in my bedroom. Or when I'm really vindictive I bring a woman to the edge of climax, stop, then go take a cold shower. You should see the look on some women faces and the stuff they say when I do that. :)
My repertoire? What do you know of it? You're only looking to satisfy Yang thirst on the internet.
AC Dropout   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 08:16:31 (PDT)
Rare stuff is correct to a degree. Some women pee when their G-spot is aroused causing their bladder to relax. Female orgasms are very real especially when you master the art of cunnilingus.
Melbourne fella   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 00:14:46 (PDT)
rare stuff
so, pretty much you are Gothic.
black magic-immortality? those things scare me.
sex does not
i have read from another poll that you want to promote christian teachings and beliefs
common stuff   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 18:31:18 (PDT)