

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

When will science devise a way to ensure eternal youth?
2001-2010 | 2%
2011-2020 | 22%
After 2020 | 37%
Never | 39%

Which best approximates your strategy for eternal life?
Work to stay in shape to optimize my chances of being able to benefit from a youth serum. | 42%
Make lots of money so I will be able to afford a youth serum as soon as one becomes available. | 9%
Faithfully observe my religious beliefs. | 15%
I don't believe in eternal life. | 33%
I don't want eternal life for myself. | 1%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

"So you think I deserve it huh?"

I never said you in particular deserved it. Do you deserve it?

"Just don't cry when you get what I think you deserve"

Why? What do I deserve?
AC Dropout    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 14:54:30 (PDT)

I best not share my name with you. Who knows in the heat of passion you might accidently scream my name out. Wouldn't go over well with the new beau, and cause more problems in your real life. :)

If you do happen to scream out "AC Dropout" or murmur it in your sleep. It is generic enough to make a plausible excuse for it. Unless your new beau also surfs Goldsea. :)

Are you going to bring up that one little mistake I did to the end of days? Typical silly girl.

Me not fair? I type with only my left hand when responding to your post. :)
AC Dropout    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 10:17:47 (PDT)
common stuff,

if you don't understand me this topic "eternal life" could be too boring for you. So what would be your favourite topic about which you feel comfortable enough to write books about?

Tell me your perspective and I'll tell you mine. Are you AF, WF, Northern, Southern, atheist,religious...?

I mean,we can use the same language and don't understand each other by the same time because we may belong to different cultures.
rare stuff    Friday, July 19, 2002 at 13:16:43 (PDT)

So you think I deserve it huh? :) OK...just don't cry when you get what I think you deserve. :)

I am a Yang Vamp, not a Psychopath (like Jason?). I am much scarier than he is.

I do have my two puppies to keep me company. And plenty of human (male) companionship too if I really wanted to expend the energy. I've just been so depressed lately that I'm not good company for anyone but myself. Maybe I'll get back to normal once my job situation stabilizes. Then I will be busy in the evenings and won't have the time to come here much anymore and you will get your wish--that I go out and have fun with my new social life and not in here, making big waves on Goldsea. I will try to go out more often. Make myself get back into the normal swing of things instead of coming in here and having sooo much fun talking to you all, and disregarding the real life that's still waiting out there for me, with real people, and not cyber-people like you (I will miss all of you). Especially you, AC, and the sad thing is, after months and months of sharing my thoughts with you, I still don't even know your name.

I will really miss your funny chats and your compassionate intelligence which shines through even all your banal posts. You've actually overtaken three out of the four points that I have for a man (integrity, intelligence, compassion). You're only slightly lacking in fairness. :) I mean, you can't even remember my name from one post to the next. And how fair is it for you to try to fight with a woman, huh? And I don't even know any fancy Tai Quan Do either. You could kick my tail and I couldn't do a thing about it...except set my dogs on you. ;)
MLK    Friday, July 19, 2002 at 01:06:31 (PDT)
rare stuff

i am very intrigued by unique people, or in your case, i am very fascinated by rare stuff.

but as much as i find you to be interesting, i cannot understand what you are talking about most of the time. but i would like to know.

hardliner? are you a hardliner regarding politics/religion/morals or values?
common stuff    Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 20:34:03 (PDT)

in which way do you agree with me?
I didn't want to offend you with the m...topic. It was just the only possible conclusion from the hardcore assumption that female would get "orgasms".

It seems that you understood I would have advised you to abstain from black magic.Though that was not the case, I can do this now: because you're female and your skills in black magic wouldn't be that great,e ither. Sooner or later you would be abused by a sorcerer. The most famous and powerful black magicians are males, sorcerers. Only they can reach eternal life.

My original message to you was "abstain from 'orgasms'". It's good that you abstain from m... btw, in contrary to "alexa" in the "premarital" forum.
rare stuff    Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 16:09:49 (PDT)
AC Dropout,

nonetheless, there's no doubt that actions like endless male/female quarrels about senseless topics will shorten the participiants' lives.

The same for the "alternative" practices which you have mentioned during the last time.They reflect the force-against-force mentality of white people and are totally contrary to your yin/yang theories, as far as I understand.
rare stuff    Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 14:56:49 (PDT)

I don't delibrately frustrate all women. Only those that deserve it. Such as those whose eyes wander and incestantly speak of damaging the male member needlessly.

Attacking people in the shower. Isn't that a scene from ..... Psycho. ^_^

jeu avec le chat?

I thought you had 2 mutts to keep you company. ^_^
AC Dropout    Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 08:27:13 (PDT)