

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

When will science devise a way to ensure eternal youth?
2001-2010 | 2%
2011-2020 | 22%
After 2020 | 37%
Never | 39%

Which best approximates your strategy for eternal life?
Work to stay in shape to optimize my chances of being able to benefit from a youth serum. | 42%
Make lots of money so I will be able to afford a youth serum as soon as one becomes available. | 9%
Faithfully observe my religious beliefs. | 15%
I don't believe in eternal life. | 33%
I don't want eternal life for myself. | 1%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Well, since AC is not willing to give out his first name, at least we know AC bday has passed. (happy belated bday!) So his bday is some where between may and july. (probably july) Would you (AC) like to say what date? And MLK, you really want to find more info on him, it should not be too hard.

And what's up with this eternal business? No one really lives or dies because nothing ever dies (completely). We are made up of atoms, and atoms are composed of energy. Energy cannot not be created or destroy. It's constant (I could be wrong since its been a long time since i have taken physics--no clue on quantum mechanics). There you have it, eternal life.

Do you really want to increase your life expectancy? I was told celibacy can double a worm's age (discovery TV). And low calorie diets can double a rat's age. So, there you have it, be skinny (low calorie diet), and absence will do wonders for your age. You can live up to 200 years assuming it works on humans. Now, why the hell would anyway want to live so long is beyond me. 65 is okay with me (after that everything goes down hill). Sorry, AC, you don’t qualify as you like (dog) meat, and are not celibate.
1/2LostSoul    Monday, July 29, 2002 at 14:55:34 (PDT)

not in the strict sense. People who reach eternal life don't boast with. If I were a sorcerer I wouldn't need to participate in a forum to get information.
rare stuff    Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 23:32:12 (PDT)
Rare Stuff

Are you a sorcerer?
MLK    Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 23:11:06 (PDT)
common stuff,

so philosophy is your key to the "eternal youth" forum?-Mine is religion, though some people would rather call it "superstition".

"we might be of different cultures but I really trust my ability to relate to all kinds of people"
--then we should continue our conversation in the "BI-CULTURAL" FORUM.-- I'm curious to know about Christianity practiced by Asians, also about bi-culturalism within families consisting of Northern and Southern Chinese (that's what I meant with "Northern/Southern?").
rare stuff    Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 16:22:59 (PDT)

My first name? That is going to cost you. 2 doggies on a platter, please, medium rare.

I'm looking out for your well being with your future beau. If you start murmuring AC in your sleep it will be your downfall. Anyways nothing is shorter than AC, if you think about it. My English name is a few time longer than 2 letters.

My right hand has a letter openner as it stabs 2 little beanie baby doggies when I type a post to you.

What did you think I was doing? You pervert.... :)

"And where are your hands going, when your done posting about my castatration or what not?" said the kettle to the pot.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 16:19:59 (PDT)

[Your trans-forums banter has been fun but maybe you can consolidate it onto one page (possibly Best & Worst of Dating Asians?) so we can we get back on topic. --Ed]
rare stuff

my favorite topic that i would be comfortable enough to write books about, i think if i ever write any books, it would either be a reflection of my life experiences, or it would a love story(the sophisticated kind not the corny ones)or maybe a book about the philosphy of life that i came up with myself

my perspective; AF, Midwest, Protestant minded

we might be of different cultures but i really trust my ability to relate to all kinds of people.
common stuff    Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 10:42:25 (PDT)

What you deserve, I dare not do, for fear the secret service will come after me. Taking all your Yang will result in a wrinkled deflated corpse which will baffle all who congregate to see what you've become. Hey! Great idea for the next X-File!

Me? Do I deserve it? I think I told you this already on another board. We all get what we deserve.

Come now, I don't ask for much. Just tell me what your first name is. You can even use a shortened version, such as using 'Bob' for 'Robert' or 'Leo' for 'Leonardo'. I promise I won't abuse the name too badly. After all, you know my name. hmmmmm??? Besides, I don't think the handle 'AC Dropout' is that particularly romantic that I would remember it so clearly as to murmur it in my sleep. I've actually even been shortening it to AC simply because I got tired of typing out the whole thing (I think I talk to you waaaaay too much if I'm starting to shorten your name due to overuse).

I think I WILL bring up that one little mistake and haunt you with it till the end of time. It's really a great thing to hold over you, because being the kind of person you are, it actually irks you. hahaha!

So what are you doing with your right hand when only your left hand is responding to my post, hmmmm? More unprintable activities, I'm sure, you being a man and all. Don't deny it now.
MLK    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 21:50:53 (PDT)