

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Assuming you are an Asian American, what's your definition of an F.O.B. ("Fresh-off-the-boat" immigrant)?
Anyone not born in the U.S. | 31%
Anyone who speaks with a noticeable accent | 30%
Anyone who acts or dresses old-country | 39%

Assuming you are an Asian American, what's your attitude toward F.O.B.s?
I am fully open to friendships/relationships with them. | 44%
I am friendly but would not want to get too close. | 41%
I generally avoid them on a social level. | 15%

Assuming you are an Asian American, what do you find most annoying about F.O.B.s?
They play into offensive stereotypes. | 15%
They are obsessed with flashy materialism. | 39%
They maintain Asian customs and values. | 0%
They are no more annoying than other AA. | 46%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To VA Girl,

Well said, I agree 110%.

Mongol Horde    Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 07:42:17 (PST)
American born chinese canadian teen ,

Keep talking.. express your ideas... i might be able to find out who you are!

VA Girl,

Excellent! Nice to know ppl think like that.
Kwan Wing Ho    Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 05:46:11 (PST)
Banana Pride,

banana banana... aiyerrr
Are you that yellow and dark? I have heard asians from america are more tanned... but most chinese I see are whiter than caucasian people. Japanese, Korean also whiter too. The men are usually supposed to be tanned because that is favourable though.

And you stated that Hk ppl dont know what Kung Fu is, well KungFu I find is really a Asian American thing, you people exploit it way too much, and it is not the main aspect of chinese culture. Chinese culture is more on confucianism and legalism, not some daoist dilemma of universal harmony.
mai hai loh!    Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 05:21:28 (PST)
I like Kung-fu if thats not ASIAN enough I don't know what is.

Of course not. Knowing our philosophers, history, luminaries, literature, & writers will make you more Asian.
FOP (A HK Born Chinese)    Friday, March 08, 2002 at 17:57:30 (PST)
Being a fellow ABC I most definitely understand where ya coming from. I still say that just b/c you're born in the US doesn't mean that you can't speak your native langauge. It seems to me that those asians who think highly of themselves also can communicate with their parents on a meaningful basis. Keep the AZN pride going strong..

Ghost Writer NYC
"This Yellow Belly got a big mouth and the white man can't shut it!"
Ghost Writer NYC - This message brought to you from the Yellow Underground"    Friday, March 08, 2002 at 17:36:37 (PST)
Bannana Pride

Chinese = Mandarin.....not Cantonese
Greg    Friday, March 08, 2002 at 17:34:51 (PST)
VA Girl,

Unless you husband's English is perfectly unaccented, who would mistaken him as a USBC?

Most USBC may not be as friendly because we are precieved as the minority group and treated as such in a competitive environment. Hence, we may see no reason to be overtly friendly to non-asians.

While your husband was the majority in the environment he was brought up in. It becomes his perogative to be friendly. Now that your husband has gone throught the same cr*p as the other asains in American, he may also adopt a wary attitude towards non-asians.
AC Dropout    Friday, March 08, 2002 at 17:13:46 (PST)

I was born here ABC born and proud and I certainly have the American attitude. I like to listen to punk and alternative music, I also do art, music and my saving grace-martial arts.

My asian side involves computers and playing chess but who cares?

I also speak Cantonese so I can insult back my relatives in HK who say I can't speak or not with the culture there. I like Kung-fu if thats not ASIAN enough I don't know what is. But even when I was over there most HKer's don't know what Kung-fu is.

I have relatives who are born in US but moved to Asia when young but their parents not wanting them to forget their American heritage, sent them to those American schools overseas so when we took them to see a Lion Dance at a wedding they kept saying stuff like:"What is a Lion Dance and why are their two lions?" and stuff like that.

So culture is in part of the effort of everyone wheither you live in the US or Asia.

If you live the western ideal and not explore your culture you will of course be ignorant of your culture.

Nothing is more insulting than some American going up to you and saying "Hey say something in Chinese" what are you going to do then.

"Oh, I only speak english because I am a American." you say

Or say "Sick See Lay Sayin Gwei Lo"

If you know the language you will know what I just said!

Banana Pride
   Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 11:35:37 (PST)